Week of April 1 – 5

Huaka’i to Kumuola: We will be visiting Kumuola this Thursday. Please have your keiki ready like past huaka’i. For this trip, please make sure your keiki wears their ‘ōiwi edge t-shirts. Trustees will be making a brief visit to see the amazing learning our keiki are doing.

Chaperones: This month is a busy one! Much mahalo to all ‘ohana for your time to come and chaperone along with us. Here are upcoming trips: April 4, April 8 (swimming), April 24, and April 26. Busy, busy, oh so exciting!!!

Mark Your Calendars: Our end of the year learning showcase will be held at Kumuola on Tuesday, May 14. We would love to have all ‘ohana attend. It will be a pot luck. We are also looking for any ‘ohana who would be able to cook/steam the ‘ama’ama fish that our keiki will be catching for this celebration. Please let us know if you are able to kōkua.

1/2 gallon milk/juice carton: Mrs. Varize is wanting to share an easter art activity with our papa 1. She is in need of empty 1/2 gallon milk/juice cartons. If you are able to bring 1 or 2, it would be appreciated. Make sure carton is empty and clean.

Math: We will be doing a short unit on time this week. Introducing time on the hour and 1/2 hour.

No School: No school for students on Friday, April 12. This is a Faculty In-Service day.

Specials: Mon.; Hawaiian/PE, Tues.; Hawaiian/Art, Wed.; PE, Thurs.; Science, Fri.; Music/Library.

Spelling: (Long i sound) 1.cry, 2. try 3. fry 4. cried, 5. tried, 6. fried, 7. night, 8. right, 9. light, 10. high

Week of March 25-29

Welcome Back!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break! It will be exciting to see the keiki Monday morning. I am so excited for them to see the new student desks we just received. I will give the keiki an opportunity to design our table set ups tomorrow, wish us luck.

Kuhio Day: No school on Tuesday in observance of Kuhio Day.

SeeSaw: Please remember to sign up for SeeSaw. I gave all ‘ohana that attended conferences the directions to log on. So far, we have 7 out of 17 signed up. Please sign up and get connected:)

Chapel on Wednesday: Chapel is Wednesday, please have your keiki in special attire white.

Specials this Week: Monday; Music/Library, Thursday; Pe/ Hawaiian, Friday; Hawaiian/Music

Spelling List: (short e) 1. come, 2. made, 3. may, 4. part, 5. web, 6. legs, 7. less, 8. shell, 9. neck, 10. rest

Aloha Wear this Friday

Week of March 11 – 15

Kumu Wilson off Island: I will be off island attending a math workshop. I will be gone from Monday 3/11- Thursday 3/14. I will be back in school on Friday, 3/15.

Student-Led Conferences: Mahalo to everyone that attended conferences last week. It’s always wonderful to talk about your keiki and share their progress. Mahalo nui for the continued support. I do have a few ‘ohana to meet, I will coordinate your meetings once I return.

Sidewalk Chalk Art: This Wednesday is our annual Sidewalk Chalk Art event. Please be ready with the following: Attire: Long jeans and ‘Ōiwi Edge T-shirt, or regular uniform shirt.  Make sure all keiki have art shirts. Students school wide will be working on their piece from 12:30-1:30 pm. Our theme for this year is; Aloha ‘Āina, love for the land and it’s people!

High School Hō’ike: On Friday, we will get the opportunity to go to the high school to watch their hō’ike, The Battle of Kuamo’o. It’ll be AWESOME!

Specials this Week: Mon.: Hawaiian/Music, Tues.: Hawaiian/PE, Wed.: PE, Thurs.: Hawaiian/Art, Fri.:Science.

Week of March 4 – 8

Trimester 2 Conferences: Student-Led Conferences will be held this Thursday and Friday. Mahalo to all ‘ohana for signing up via sign up genius.

Progress Reports: Progress reports will be going home tomorrow (Tues.). Please make sure to check your keiki’s folder. Progress report and MAP Test scores will be sealed in an envelope.

Jump Rope for Heart: Jump Rope for Heart will be held this Thursday, March 7. Please make sure your keiki comes prepared for this fun event (uniform shorts).

Kumuola: We are going to Kumuola this Wed. Please have your keiki prepare as we’ve done for the past recent trips to Kumuola. **Please mark your calendars, our end of the year hō’ike and learning showcase will be on Tuesday, May 14, at Kumuola. All ‘ohana are invited to come and see our papa 1’s amazing presentations that will exhibit their learning for the year.

March 11-14: Please be advise that both Kumu Young and I will be off island attending a workshop from March 11-14. We will be back to class on Friday, March 15.

Spring Break: Spring Break is March 18 – March 22. Students will be back at school on Monday, March 25. Then, there will be no school on Tuesday, March 26 in observance of Kūhio Day.