Our School Walk

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Friday’s Huaka‘i to Fire Station and Library

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We spent some time with apples this week.  We listened to non-fiction books and took notes on interesting information.  We tasted 3 varieties and graphed our favorite flavor.  Lastly, and yummy, we made applesauce!

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Kalo: Our ‘Ohana Plant

We have made a kalo collage representative of our ‘ohana.  We will be attaching your family photos to this and place them on the front wall of our classroom.  You are the most important part of your keiki’s life and we want you to be in our environment!  Please remember to send in a photo through e-mail or hard copy so we can attach it to the collage!

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Second Pilina Lunch

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Our First Pilina Luncheon!

Our Makua enjoyed eating lunch on stage with their keiki and talking story with Kumu Wai and Dr. Werner!

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Wants and Needs

This week we began our discussion about the terms wants and needs.  This vocabulary fits into many of our social studies units related to Kaiåulu- community.  Look at the list your children came up with and continue the discussion at home!

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Beginning of Year Slide Show

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Keiki learn how to be mahi‘ai (gardeners).

On Wednesday Kumu Noe came to introduce us to our garden.  This will be a learning focus for us this school year along with Kaiåulu (community).  The keiki looked closely at what is happening currently within the Kinder- garden.  We then began the process of weeding to prepare for planting.  We hope to visit different gardens in our kaiåulu throughout the school year and make connections there and at home with the process of growing and harvesting!


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First Days of School!!!

Your keiki settled in quickly this week, happily surprising me of remembered routines and songs:). These pictures show small groups working together to show a way that would fill each other’s “buckets”.  Lots of smiles and måkaukau behaviors!  So glad to be back in school with each other!

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