Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bedtime Math

I recently read an article in Time magazine that really excited me for all of you parents. It is called Bedtime Math. You can google it at and it has various levels of activities following a simple story to … Continue reading

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Happy Valentineʻs Day!

Mahalo to all the ‘ohana who came to help us in decorating the delicious cupcakes that Uncle Ron made for us! We had fun this afternoon eating, sharing cards and making cards for our families.

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January Haweo Awardees

Congratulations to Serenity and Kahiau for showing pilina and ho‘ihi in the month of January!

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A Preview To The First Grade Play

IMG 1769 from KSH Kula Ha'aha'a on Vimeo.

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100 Days of School

The following was written by the class as a group in a form of writing known as interactive. Please enjoy our story and pictures. How many days have you been in school? Last Wednesday was our 100th day of school.Our … Continue reading

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Speech Festival

The keiki have really been practicing hard for our yearly speech festival. Although the finals are next week, I thought I would post a picture of each group. Most groups did poetry, with one doing wise sayings in Hawaiian and … Continue reading

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Pajama Day!

They sure looked relaxed and cozy on Thursday! Enjoy some pictures!

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This Week At School: Watch a Book Club!

Since we came back to school we have begun a new activity, called Book CLubs. The keiki are in random groups of four. There is a reader, a facilitator and two listeners. The idea is to have them control their … Continue reading

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This Week At School 1/7-1/11/13

One of the activities at school this week was hearing and responding to the story, Too Many Mangos. This is a wonderful story to teach about the gift of sharing. The keiki related to this big idea and connected it … Continue reading

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December Haweo Awardees

Congratulations to Krista and Au‘kele for being focused learners and good friends to others during the month of December!

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