Category Archives: Uncategorized

Grandpa Lloydʻs Visit

We were so happy to have ‘Alohiʻs grandpa come today and share his recipe for namasu.  Both he and ‘Alohi worked together taking us step by step through the process.  They even shared some tips for added tastiness, like using … Continue reading

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Jump for Heart

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Uncle Thomas Shares his Job

Mahalo to Uncle Thomas, Aaliyahaʻs dad, for coming in and sharing about his kuleana as a police officer.  It was fun for the keiki to see his tools and peer into his police car.  We so appreciate learning about how … Continue reading

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Uncle Ray Shares His Job

Keiranʻs dad, Uncle Ray, came to our class to share his kuleana in our kaiāulu as a wildlife biologist.  The keiki were fascinated by the artifacts he showed us and the information he shared.  I know I wasnʻt aware that … Continue reading

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Third Grade Friends

This week we got together twice with Ms. Everettʻs third grade class to share the experience of a‘o, teaching and learning with each other.  On Monday morning they came to our class to learn from us how to make a … Continue reading

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KA and their Poems for Speech Festival


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Kindergarten Finalists at the K-5 Speech Festival

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100 Days of School!

We had an awesome afternoon doing physical activities to the theme of 100 this afternoon in mixed teams of K, first and second grade students.  Enjoy the pictures!

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Singing on Air!

IMG 3306 from KSH Kula Ha'aha'a on Vimeo.

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I now have a link to kidblog, which is where your keiki have their own blogs!  Simply click onto those words located under our class photo and it will take you to those blogs. There is another link to photos … Continue reading

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