Inquiring Minds Learning About our School Workers

We have been learning about some of the different people who work here at Kula Ha‘aha‘a.      People like our principal , our librarian assistant, our food service coordinator, and several others have come to our class to share their jobs.  The keiki then chose one of the workers to “shadow” and learn more about.  This is an inquiry unit that we are proud to say the kindergarteners are quite capable of learning and asking about their “wonders” as they are presented with information.

The small groups went to the workerʻs area and asked more questions and saw first hand how they do their job.  The haumana took notes in their wonder journals and pictures on the iPad.  They are now headed into collaboratively putting this information into a learning format of their choice.

Here is a peak at one groupʻs shadow visit to the high school dining hall with Aunty Mary.

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