Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 31-Nov. 4

img_6232Aloha e nā 5B Ohana,

Hereʻs the scoops for the upcoming week!

Mon., Oct. 31st-Day 6:  Students to bring your Halloween costumes to school to participate in annual Halloween parade!  See flyer that Kumu Marcie sent home for rules 🙂  **Students need to bring in their own trick or treat bag this year, a package would work great 🙂  Please bring TWO canned goods to donate to families who are less fortunate! Great time to put kahiau into actions!  “Aloha aku, aloha man!”

Students:  Donʻt forget to bring in games and goodies that you agreed on to for the Halloween party 🙂  

Wed., Nov. 2-Day 2:  Early release day @ 1:30pm!  It is also picture re-take day.

Thurs., Nov. 3-Day 3:  Students go to a performance by the Chamber Choir called “Pakaʻa Lankila.”  A sub will be in class on Thurs. & Fri. as I will be off island supporting Aidan & the rest of our KSH bowling team at States!  See ya next week!

**HEADS UP:  5B FISH! begin our Project Kahiau ~ For the Holidays by participating in Operation Christmas Child which shares a Christmas gift with a child who usually would not get one.  Please send in donations to fill a shoe box, one for a girl and one for a boy.  This project will have a quick turnaround…Starts on 11/7/16 and ends on 11/9/16.  Bring all donations to class 🙂  Even gently used items ok to donate 🙂

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Håweo Honorees

5B welcomed the Mizuno-Fukui, Makaike, & Calicdan ohana to honor them for all their support and partnership!  Everyone had a fabulous time having lunch at Ha’aeamahi Dining hall.  Smiles are proof!


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Happenings of the Week…Ohana Alert for Week of Oct. 24-28

Wow!  Can you believe?  October and the 1st trimester is soon coming to an end!  Time is sure flying by…the old saying “Time sure flies when youʻre having fun!” Sure applies! Just wanted to take this time to send a MAHALO NUI to ohana for allowing me to partner with you and to share in the wonderful learning journey that “our” keiki are on this year!  I so appreciate all of your support & my hope is that our class blog will allow you to “dive in” to the learning, laughter, information, and much fun we have during our days together!!  This week our class blog received over 1,000+ hits from all over the world!  See our blog counter to see from where!  The red dots indicate where people are viewing our class blog from!  5B FISH! are global-contributors!  Helping to make the world a better place, one heart at a time!

Mon., Oct.24~Day 2:  Genre Book presentations due today! Students received bonus weekend due to a meeting that I attended 🙂  Students will finalize discussion on Halloween celebration!

Tues., Oct. 25~ Day 3:  8:00am Founderʻs Day Tryouts for those who are interested.

Thurs., Oct. 27~ Day 5:  Trimester #1 Officially in the memory books!  Ends today!  Birthday celebration for our October babies!

Fri., Oct. 28:  NO SCHOOL, Faculty Work Day 🙂  Enjoy long weekend to build priceless ohana memories!

Heads Up!  Mon., Oct. 31~ Day 6:  Halloween parade @ 12:20pm today!  Bring your costumes to school and TWO CANNED GOODS to donate to Hawaiʻi Island Food Bank.  Flyers were sent home w/keiki last week, please follow guidelines so we can have a “BOO”tiful day together!  Halloween celebration today too!  Keiki will be able to share how they have planned for food and fun with you 🙂 


Our Big brothers and Sister (C/O 2017 Seniors~Aidan included) represented our KSH kula well in BIIF bowling individuals tourney in Kona over the weekend too.  KSH Boys Bowling team took the BIIF championships and will be off to Oʻahu soon!  Hoʻomaikaʻi!  Always with aloha and always pono!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 17-21

Aloha e nå 5B Ohana,

Hope you had a wonderful week of making great memories together!  Just a friendly reminder to students…all book presentations are due Fri., Oct. 21st.  The 9 genre goal for the trimester w/vocab. and presentations should be complete by this date.  All presentations must be done in order to receive credit for the book and genre! :). This was shared w/students throughout the trimester, at open house ohana night, through parent update letters home, written in planners & through our class blog.  So excited to hear all the wonderful presentations on great books! Keep on “swimming strong” to your trimester genre reading goal!  

See what the haumāna did to end the week….Huakaʻi to Kionakapahu Lokoiʻa

Here’s the week at a glance, get out those calendars!

Mon., Oct. 17~No school for students: Faculty In-service Day…

Tues., Oct. 18~Day 4: Welcome back from Fall Break!  Book recommendation presentations begin again!  Friendly reminder:  Keiki Alaka’i is NALU

Wed., Oct. 19~Day 5:  ‘Imilo’a Huaka’i:  Please bring a home lunch and drink AND have ipads fully charged! :).

Thurs., Oct. 20~Day 6: Håweo Luncheon today :). Library today, please bring in your books to avoid any late fees.  Great time to continue to look for great books from a variety of genres!

Fri., Oct. 21~LAST DAY FOR BOOK PRESENTATIONS! No exceptions!

*NOTE:  9 genre goal is for every trimester :). We are working towards our year end one million word goal (28 books).

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Ho’okipa for our Maori Cousins from Aotearoa

imageKSH K-12 haumåna ho’okipa cousins from across the ocean from Aotearoa on Friday!  The keiki got to share their welcome in oli by each division and watch an awa ceremony.  Everyone enjoyed a perfomance at Lunalilo Hale after the official ceremony.  The come from Nga Taiatea High School where they are “ancestrally driven, future focused!”.

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FISH! Food for Thought #2: Learning: For the Birds or From the Birds?

Watch this video…lessons from a bird? Ka’u I’a,  Share your mana’o 🙂 on Mon., Oct 3rd.

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Kamehameha Go!

Have you been wondering what’s happening with Kamehameha Go! now that we have liftoff?  We’ve been a very observant “school of FISH! watching excitedly & documenting what we witness!  The reactions and responses have been so positive! Some of our Kula Ha’aha’a students have been asking for more! Some have been visiting our class at recess and after school to ask if there are more Pokemon lurking around to learn more.

Using our 'olelo noe'au to guide our thinking and learning in class

Using our ‘olelo noe’au to guide our thinking and learning in class

This is a win+win situation!  The 5B FISH! get to hone their reading, writing, research, and techie skills and keiki who scan our QR codes get to learn all about our campus & all things connected to our Kula.  Some QR even allow students to practice mele and oli that we are all learning at morning piko too!

Our focus: What is OUR kuleana as Papa 'Elima haumåna?

Our focus: What is OUR kuleana as Papa ‘Elima haumåna?

Whoohoo!  Exciting!  The 5B FISH! would like to send a mahalo nui to all the Kumu who are taking their classes out to “hunt down” Pokemon in the wild…well, not really the wild, our campus…but “wild” sounds so cool huh?

Onipa'a Kåkou! Being stedfast...TOGETHER! One team, One Heart!

Onipa’a Kåkou! Being steadfast…TOGETHER! One team, One Heart!

Of course, we couldn’t have done it without Uncle Jason!  He’s been in our class from the onset!  He’s shared his expertise on the game (shh..he’s caught a few of those Pokemon), part of the concept planning (shh…since I’m not a Pokemon master), asked thinking questions during revisions on research, been there to troubleshoot app crashing and app smashing, and even joined us for the launch to get those cute creatures up around campus!  He’s always here to køkua in a flash and one call for help away!  We’ve even joked with him that we’d set a desk up for him in our class to save him the 1/4 mile walk from his office!  Mahalo Uncle Jason for all that you do for the 5B FISH! and for all the keiki of Kula Ha’aha’a!  You Make Our Day and you get your exercise in as a bonus!   Priceless!

Uncle Jason ready to launch Kamehameha Go! with the 5B FISH!

Uncle Jason ready to launch Kamehameha Go! with the 5B FISH!

Stay tuned for more Kamehameha Go! updates…The FISH! are “swimming” around school documenting learning!  We’ll be brainstorming more Imua stops soon!

John's Creation

John’s Creation

This photo was created by John. Look closely as I have Pokemon friends!  In the midst of preparing for our launch, he walked up & asked me to smile, snapped a pic on his ipad and walked away…hmm? Proof/evidence that student exploration and honing techie skills happens even when it is not an assignment!  John demontrating how he could  take it to the next level without me saying a word!  All on his own!  Allowing students to show that they are pono w/ipads, they take kuleana seriously, & allowing them to follow their passion brings great learning opportunities…FOR THE TEACHER!

A call to Ka’u I’a:  Heads up!  This will be an assignment on Mon., Oct. 3!  Begin pondering this now 🙂

Please reflect on the learning and all the ‘olelo noe’au in this post.  Post a comment to share your mana’o on the learning process of Kamehameha Go! and share connections you make to our many different discussions in class.  Here are some examples that you could connect to ex.) Growth mindset, Kuleana, reading strategies, techie things, etc…But, feel free to make any connection you make to class.  As a bonus, you might even want to add an outside of class connection :). Please revise and EDIT writing prior to submitting 🙂 Happy posting!  Happy Weekend!

Posted in Cultural Learning, Go TEAM!, Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Tagged | 20 Comments

What a Surprise! Papa ‘Elima on the News

Aloha 5B Ohana,

The 5B FISH! were on KGMB News yesterday at 5pm…funny thing~the whole team, all 25 of us missed it.  Through the magic of the internet (how they found us), we found them! :). Here’s the link http://bit.ly/2cP8ojA of Papa ‘Elima haumåna with our fabulous Anakala of Project Kuleana!!!  If you haven’t viewed their work, check it out on http://oiwi.tv/projectkuleana/. It is awesome!  Pi’i ka manene (chicken skin) moment! Enjoy!


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3-2-1 LAUNCH!

Preparing for launch!

Preparing for launch!

Yes, we have lift off!  It is finally here!  The 5B students launched KAMEHAMEHA GO! today.  Take a look around our Kula Ha’aha’a campus to see their collective efforts.  The haumåna had the opportunity to turn a game that is a world-wide craze and make it their own!

image  image  image

image image image

Here is a helpful key:

Pokemon Go! = Kamehameha Go! ~ Students brainstormed names to come up with the perfect one!

imagePokestops = Imua Stop ~ Where you can learn something about our campus, kula, Ali’i & important people, plants, birds, and so much more.  Each of the Imua stops were student-selected.  Students chose topics that they wanted to research and what they felt was important for other students to learn about 🙂 Look for these around campus!

Poke Gym = Kahua Ho’ike ~ Students consulted Kumu Silva and explained what a poke gyms purpose was.  Kahua-platform Ho’ike to showcase learning.  The students created interactive ways to “train” the brain!  People would need to learn from an Imua Stop to be able to go to a kahua ho’ike to showcase their new learning!

Releasing Pokemon into the wild!

Releasing Pokemon into the wild!

Here are helpful tips to enjoy the full learning experience:

Use a scanning app ~ we use i-Nigma to scan the QR codes

Look for the Imua Stops, pay close attention to the videos, then use the  ‘ike you have gained to challenge yourself to successfully complete the interactive kahua ho’ike!

“Gotta Catch ’em All!”….or in the words of the 5B FISH!…”Gotta Learn ’em All!”  Have FUN!  We sure did!

Catch the Kamehameha Go! Craze

Catch the Kamehameha Go! Craze

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Ohana Alert: 9 Genres for Trimester #1 :)

imageAloha e nå 5B Ohana,

This is a friendly reminder that students are required to read 9 genres for trimester #1.  Students are to collect 10 vocabulary words and definitions with 2 of those words translated into ‘olelo Hawai’i for each book completed.  A book recommendation to the class will be the final kuleana to have each book count towards the 9 genre trimester goal!    This is allowing students to address our College and Career Readiness Anchor Standard in Language:  Literacy.CCRA.L.6:  To demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when encountering an unknown term important to comprehension or expression.  It also address Language standard: Literacy.L.5.4c: Consult reference materials, both print and digital, to find the pronunciation, and determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases.

Please be on the lookout at the end of the week for a student update that will share the individual progress of your keiki!  Please sign and return the form by the date specified.  Mahalo for all your support in helping every student become a wide reader in the exploration of different genres!  Look at this chart below to understand the importance of reading 🙂


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