Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 18-22

Hereʻs the week at a glance, get out your calendars 🙂

Mon., Sept. 18-Day 1: ʻAha ʻOpio campaign speeches today @ morning piko!  Practice, practice, practice!  Swim strong 5B FISH!  So proud of everyone running for office for challenging yourself to stretch and willingness to serve.

Tues., Sept. 19-Day 2:  I will be at a K-12 meeting, Mrs. Cavenaugh will be subbing in class today.

Thurs., Sept. 21-Day 3: Pinwheels for Peace! Be on the lookout :).

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Our Inquiry Project & Writing

Our inquiry project into Hurricanes and What is Our Kuleana has evolved into great writing now!  The haumāna have been continuing to go deeper into seeking out more information on their journey to learn how natural disasters, like hurricanes impact people.  As we agree in class, knowing is not enough…how do we put our ʻike into action!  The students are now writing feature articles to share with others in our Kula.

Hereʻs a glimpse of the 5B FISH! Hard at work during Writerʻs Workshop!  They use the writing process as a guide,  as they looked at feature articles in primary sources,  drafted, revised, conferenced with teammates, revised again, edited, and finalized their newly created feature articles.  Next up, poetry writing!/

5B FISH!-Inquiry and Writing from 5BFish on Vimeo

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Our Inquiry Continues…

The students have been hard at work on their inquiry into how hurricanes impact people as we watch, read, & research the devastation it brings.  We learn with a heavy heart and send our thoughts and prayers for all who are in harms way.

As we gain ʻike through our inquiry, the students are now addressing the “NOW WHAT” question.  As we shared in previous posts, it is not enough to know…it is now imperative to put knowledge into ACTION as we learn to be servant leaders in our global society.   The students are now recording videos, revising mele, writing feature articles on hurricanes, revising plan on offering kōkua, and will be crunching data in math, creating poetry to capture our emotional journey of our learning as well as preparing for sharing our ʻike with others.

Follow along in our hearfelt journey to change our one world, one heart at a time!  We are all kūkaukaʻi….interdependent!  The students will be sharing this with everyone at Kula Haʻahaʻa soon!  Get your I-nigma apps ready 🙂

Hereʻs our Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 11-15…Info at a glance

Mon., Sept. 11-Day 3: ʻAha “Ōpio campaigning begins…please follow ALL new guidelines set by Mr. Kudo.  A day of remembrance for the victims of 9/11.

Tues., Sept. 12-Day 4: Papa ʻElima will be welcoming a guest speaker in class today

Thurs., Sept. 14-Day 5: We go swimming today, don’t forget your towel and change of clothes.

Helpful Tips for Ohana:  * Scroll through our class blog to get “updates” of what is happening in class. *Check and sign planners daily, feel free to communicate with a note there,  call our class during non-instructional hours, or drop by for a visit after school if I can kōkua in anyway :). Have a great week…join us in sending your prayers for all that are in need….

*Updated 9/12/17:  Click on comments tab to read student manaʻo on our inquiry into Hurricanes and What is Our Kuleana?

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5B FISH! Dive Deeper Into Inquiry…How Hurricanes Impact People?

We are ONE WORLD…the effects of Hurricane Harvey are devastating and has not gone unnoticed by the 5B FISH! The students have been working on a problem-based  inquiry project to learn more about hurricanes and Hurricane Harvey in particular.  During class discussions and researching, in our quest to learn more, we have kept our essential question, “What is our kuleana?” In our minds.  How can we kōkua, what can we do? The students have mobilized, as they put their ʻike into action!  Students are working in teams to research Hurricanes, Hurricane Harvey, How to Haku a mele for Houston, and How do we kōkua?  Click on the video above to see how the FISH! Work to make a difference in our ONE WORLD, One heart at a time!

9/4/17:  Students, the Padlet wall is now working!  Please go to that post and complete the assignment 🙂

*Updated 9/12/17:  Click on Comments tab to see student manaʻo on our Inquiry into Hurricanes and What is Our Kuleana? 

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 5-8

Mahalo Ohana 5B for “Diving In” to our class blog.  Hoping you had a great long weekend together as you created priceless memories!  Hereʻs the latest to keep you in our “bowl” (in the loop):

Ohana Alerts are posted over the weekend to give you the heads up of what will be happening in the week.

Blog posts happen often…Ever asked your keiki “How was your day?”  “What was the most interesting thing you learned today?” “What did you struggle with or stuck with today?” And received the “fine, ok, nothing” answer….the blog can be a great conversation starters on a Day in the Life of a 5B FISH! Itʻs a great place to watch FISH! In action as many posts include videos and photos too!

Colors are a great visual cue…When you see MAGENTA on the blog, it is a call to action for haumāna.  They have something that they need to know or need to work on.  When you see BLUE, kōkua is needed from or information is important for Ohana.

Haumāna are required to check the class blog daily as they complete their daily homework for any updates or assignments :). Mahalo Ke Aliʻi Pauahi for allowing us the tools to work smarter!

Tues., Sept. 5-Day 6: IMUA week begins…Itʻs PJ Day!  Wear your pajamas to school 🙂  Students begin keiki alakaʻi duties today during our Morning Meeting!  (See previous post 🙂

Wed., Sept. 6: Ekalesia today.  Its Beach Day and OK to wear your beach attire to Ekalesia.  Kahu will be in beach duds too!  Packet are due for students who are interested in running for ʻAha ʻŌpio today.  Mr. Kudo will be sharing campaigning information with keiki as procedures have changed.

Thurs., Sept. 7-Day 1: Itʻs Sports Day!  Share your team spirit and support your favorite!

Fri., Sept. 8-Day 2:  IMUA Day!  Wear your E Ola No tshirts as we will be joining the whole campus to show our school spirit!

Mahalo, Mahalo, Mahalo for your continued support and partnership this year to help “our” keiki to thrive!  Please feel free to leave a comment on our class blog posts at anytime (the keiki love to hear from you) or contact me at anytime by a note in  the planner,  a phone call, or by dropping in if I can be of assistance :).  Always striving to make our class blog better, got an idea?  Would love your feedback! Happy Monday…enjoy your day!


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Holopono…To Move Forward in a Good Way!

Nā  haumāna ʻo 5B will begin a new journey soon…Holopono-to move forward in a good, moral, positive way!  As you may already know, we begin our day with Morning Meeting to continue to build pilina in our team.  Morning meeting is a way to get to know each other at a deeper level, to understand each other, to learn more about each other, & to start the day in a positive way.  In our circle, every voice is important!  The students will be taking on the kuleana of keiki alakaʻi during this time.  Hereʻs what they will be doing:

They will be working with a partner to plan, coordinate, and present a 5-10 minute lesson, activity, sharing, etc that is connected to our classroom & helps us to learn about each other and from each other.  They will end by debriefing with sharing their manaʻo on why this task was chosen for our team, how it connects to our team, and explain why it was important to be a part of it!  Wow!  Leadership skills, oratory skills, teambuilding skills, preparation skills, organization skills, planning skills, communication and collaboration skills…and most of all F-U-N!

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Students…The padlet wall has been fixed!  It is now working!  Please read the directions carefully then tap on the wall to add your manaʻo!  Please notice that you are able to include links, videos, and voice on your post to share more information.   

Made with Padlet


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Ohana Alert for the Week of Aug. 28-Sept.1

Here’s the week at a glance…

Wed., Aug. 30- Picture Taking Day.  Please bring in you envelopes asap! 🙂

Thurs., Aug. 31-Day 5: IXL skills due.  Assigned to class on Wed., Aug. 23.  It’s also a swim day with Mrs. Lee.  Please remember your swim clothes and towel.  Birthday Celebration during lunch for all our August babies!

Fri., Sept. 1:  NO SCHOOL- K-12 teacher inservice day.

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Aug. 21-25

Aloha e nå Ohana 5B!

Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo for making the night of MAHALO (Open House) a huge success!  Looking forward to partnerng with all of you to make this a year filled w/much learning, much stretching and growing, and much aloha!  As I mentioned, here’s an example of “out of the bowl” thinking!  Click on the video to “catch” a glimpse of the FISH! In action!

Here’s our week at a glance as promised:

Mon., Aug. 21-Day 5: 5B will be visiting the PTO Book Fair today, please bring your money if you wish to make a purchase :).  A win=win situation as the PTO helps and gives back to our haumåna!  It is also a swim day with Mrs. Lee for P.E.-Don’t forget your swim clothes and towel 🙂

Tues., Aug. 22-Day 6:  The haumåna have a fabulous opportunity to visit with author Anne Bustard today.

Wed., Aug. 23:  Its Bus Evacuation drill day!  Be on the lookout for flyers on appropriate dress from our administration team

Fri., Aug. 25-Day 2:  It’s Aloha Friday….Aloha Wear Day today!  Looking forward to capturing some great class photos in all your beautiful colors!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Aug. 14-18

Aloha e nā Ohana 5B!

As the new school year gets in the swing, wanted to share with you the Ohana Alert posts!  This post happens every weekend and gives you a quick glimpse of the upcoming week.  By checking the blog every Sunday, youʻll be able to see what is coming up AND what the 5B FISH! Philosophers were doing in class during the past week.  Dive into our FISH!bowl often to get the latest happenings and see the learning that haumāna have been doing! NOTE*:  If a day is “missing,” its not a typo 🙂  it would be a day filled w/learning as usual.  Click on the video above to see what the FISH! Were up to!

Tues., Aug. 15-Day 2: MAP Testing -Reading

Thurs., Aug. 17-Day 3: MAP Testing – Math

Fri., Aug. 18-Day 4: Open House begins at 5:30 @ Haʻaeamahi Dining Hall. 6-6:30 in our classroom, 6:30-7:00 Building pilina with others on campus.  This would be a great time to meet up with our Specials teachers and other on campus as well as meet other ohana from our Kula.

HEADS UP: PTO Book Fair opens on Fri., Aug. 18-Fri., Aug. 25th.  Our class will be visitingon Mon., Aug. 21…please have your keiki bring $ in an envelope if interested in purchasing books.

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