Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 30-Nov. 3…Wowwee!

Wowwee, November is near!  Hereʻs the happenings for the week:

As your haumāna were asked to share w/you last week, we had keiki alakaʻi lead our class on discussion on our Halloween paina.  This is what they decided:  A paina with games, potluck treats, and a movie!  **See previous post for more details on the process of how students are taking leadership roles & planned this event from start to finish**

More students have been practicing sharing their new ʻike in math class…see the smiles as they are haʻaheo with haʻahaʻa!

Mon., Oct. 30-Day 1 Rotations 2: Students will be working on presentations for huakaʻi.  Reminder for students: Should already have 20 facts on each of the locations in writing tablets:  Kaipalaoa, Peʻepeʻe, Rainbow Falls, and Wailuku River.  Time was given in class for this important work & was assigned as homework.  Please have this and Ipads (fully charged) in class today as it will be worked on to create projects.  Birthday Celebration for our Oct. Babies happening today!

Tues., Oct. 31-Day 2: Halloween 🙂  Students: Donʻt forget to bring your huakaʻi research & ipads, costumes and potluck.

Ohana, please join us for our Halloween parade beginning at 2:00pm!  Per flyer and previous post:  Admin. kindly ask that you sign in at the office before the parade if you plan to cheer keiki on 🙂

Wed., Nov. 1:  Wai Hilo Huakaʻi today.  Please BRING a lunch, drink & snack.  Jacket optional, check weather 🙂  Keiki groups will be putting manaʻo and ʻike in action on locations.

Fri., Nov. 3-Day 4: Mr. Kudo will be in class leading Morning Meeting with haumāna today.


Class will be packing/delivering Operation Christmas Child boxes on Tues., Nov. 14.  Kindly ask that items are brought to class by Mon., Nov. 13 to be able to pack boxes for shipment.

Student Led conferences on Nov. 16-17.  As soon as I receive time slots from the office, you will be getting a flyer (coming home w/keiki & also posted here).  You will be offered a choice of day/time.  Conf. Sign ups will ask for 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices as I will try to accomodate your choices.  *Note:  Returned sign up forms will be date/time stamped 🙂

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New Inductees…Into the Genre Gold Club!

The students have been working hard all trimester long and keeping their eye on the target…hitting 9 genres!  Weʻve been discussing in class book selection, genre selection, collecting data on how many pages we can read in 30 mins. and projecting how many books we can complete in our timeline.  Hoʻomaikaʻi to the students who hit GENRE GOLD in trimester #1!  Keep on Swimming!

Genre Gold Inductees!

Many were super close to meeting their targets!  They assure me that they will push harder, strategize harder, and met their goals for this Tri.  Look forward to see more Gold Club member for tri #2!  Here are the requirements for Tri#2:  9 genres required, book presentations should be presented like a commercial to encourage others to read the book, and have a growth mindset!  Presentations should share a brief summary, manaʻo nui with proof/evidence and a connection to a Hawaiian value and/or an olelo noeʻau with an explanation.  The students also collect beautiful language and translate 2 of the 10 words into olelo Hawaiʻi!  :).

Students have been sharing reading manaʻo with me…”I like reading a lot more now,” “I never thought Iʻd like any other genre, but now I do!” “I amaze myself, I never read this much books before!”  How cool is that!  Keep on reading, keep on diving into great books, and always swim strong!  Remember, our year long goal is to read 1,000,000 words! Hiki no!

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A Howlinʻ Haunted Halloween…

How do we practice leadership skills in class?  How do we promote everyone having an opportunity to lead in class?  How do we allow all voices to be heard equally in class? Keiki Alakaʻi Anna and Reese take a turn at leadership by leading the team in discussion about a 5B Halloween celebration…They began discussion with “Do we want a paʻina or not?  LOL, you can guess the answer! A resounding YES!

Students are partnering to create fun Halloween games for all the 5B  ghosts and ghouls to enjoy and discussing potluck meaʻai to share with each other.  Each student was asked by our alakaʻi to go home to discuss this with their families.  Our team sends a huge MAHALO to ohana in advance for your kōkua of prizes (if they choose) and donations of food!

Mark your calendars…we cordially invite all 5B ohana to join us for our annual Kula Haʻahaʻa Halloween parade at 2:00pm!  We are asked by admin. to share that ALL VISITORS MUST SIGN IN AT THE OFFICE PRIOR TO PARADE.

Halloween flyers have been sent home with students, please follow all guidelines.  See ya at our parade!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 23-27

Highlight of last week…The 5B FISH! explore ʻImiloa!


ʻImi ʻIke at ʻImiloa from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Hereʻs the upcoming week at a glance…

The trimester #1 reading requirements are now in the history books!  All student presentations that were turned in were completed!  Be on the lookout for the final update sheet of what your keiki completed!  Sheet will be coming home w/students early in the week and will require your signature and return to class.

Stay tuned as I will be sharing the newest inductees into the Genre Gold Club! So many students have worked hard with a growth mindset to meet the target of 9 genres this trimester!  The students will be reflecting on and evaluating their progress in class and setting new reading goals for trimester #2.  Remember, 9 genres are due EVERY trimester.

Some friendly reminders…1) Homework is given M-TH.  Students are given class time to write it down in their planners daily.  Mahalo for your kōkua in signing it daily as this is a great way of being in tune to what is happening in class.  If homework not turned in, you will see a red stamp, which requires your additional signature.  Students are asked to point it out to you…if you write a note, they are asked to do the same with me.  2) iPads are required to be in class DAILY and FULLY CHARGED.  We use it daily…Mahalo for partnering to help students to be responsible for their learning!

Kaʻu Iʻa,

You will be working on documenting your learning from our huakaʻi to ʻImiloa, please make sure that you have your notes and iPads in class!

Mon., Oct. 23-Day 4: The week begins…hereʻs a great conversation starter for you at home-Ask your keiki all about what it takes to be a 5B MathemaFISH!an.  Have them explain and share our class discussion 🙂

Thurs., Oct. 26-Day 6: It Aloha Wear Day!  Great opportunity to wear those beautiful color…Photo op for sure 🙂

Fri., Oct. 27-NO SCHOOL -Its a faculty work day!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 16-20

**FRIENDLY REMINDER:  Last days to prepare for book presentations!  Remember, first come-first serve presentations on T-Th.  Presentations on Fri. only- Every student gets to present one, then we begin all over…Donʻt let time run out on you!!!  Only 1 hr of presentation time on Friday!  We have been discussing this in class for the entire trimester, please ask keiki for detailed explanation of presentation procedures for this week. 🙂  Be on the lookout for the last genre parent update!  Please sign and return.  

Mon., Oct. 16- NO SCHOOL! :).  Teachers at ALL Day training

Tues., Oct. 17-Day 1:  Welcome Back to school!  Hope fall break was great!

Wed., Oct. 18:  Table 1 & 4 boys go to lunch with Dr. Werner today

Thurs., Oct. 19-Day 2: Huakaʻi to Imiloa today…lunch & drink WILL BE PROVIDED.  You are welcome to bring your own snack :). Ipads need to be fully charged & in bags!

Fri., Oct. 20-Day 3:  Last day for Tri.#1 book presentations to count!! Table 2 &3 boys go to lunch with Dr. Werner today

Halloween Party Planning to begin this week! 

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BUSTED #3…And Weʻre On Fall Break!

“Yay! Weʻre hanging out!”

Hmmm…Sitting here on break, trying to decide if I should put my coffee cup down & get up off my couch and start the day.  Should I exercise? Well…I Should exercise!  Ahh, the familiar “bing” of emails coming in…good excuse, to NOT work on my sweat equity just yet, need to check my email!! 🙂

Hereʻs an excerpt of what I see as I “stall”…

Hi Mrs Ah Hee,

I reached my reading goal of ten books!! I am even surpassing it by reading my eleventh book! If I finish that I will try for my twelfth book. The books I’m holding I have finished from Saturday to Tuesday. Thank you for your motivation and support. Oh and by the way, I have been hanging out at home and I even ate 100 sunflower seeds. I got really bored and was hungry so it was a fun challenge. I am also having a sleepover with teammates tonight.  Hope you enjoy hugging Hapa on the couch!

Caylee working her way to GENRE GOLD!

Do you feel it?  Here comes BUSTED #3 and its Fall Break! “BUSTED” posts happen when students make great choices (for self/for others).  You Go Caylee!  Caylee has used some of her vacay to work on reading goals without sacrificing FUN!  Sunflower challenge=FISH! Lips for sure!

At the onset of our year, students were given the challenge to read 9 genres every trimester, on their way to attaining our ultimate year end goal of reading ONE MILLION words!  We discuss setting personal goals, we track genres weʻre working on and have already completed in class, shared data on reading and test scores, we talk about having a growth mindset & being able to hoʻomau to face challenges head on.  As a FISH!, we need to “choose our attitude” and make choices that matter! So proud to see that our class discussions transforming into positive ACTION!  Hoʻomaikaʻi Caylee for having a growth mindset and “going for it!”  You Rock!

Love it when any member of our team of 25 takes on the “lead by example” role…Thanks Caylee, for the inspiration to push to meet goals for us all…Lesson learned, Iʻm off to exercise now! :). Hapa is on his own on the couch for now…Kaʻu Iʻa…Got Genres? 🙂  Friendly reminder:  All genres and book presentation due on Fri., Oct. 20th! 

“Iʻm flying solo..until sheʻs done exercising!”

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BUSTED…Post #2….You GO Justice!

Justice sharing his math, I was too slow to capture him reading at recess!

As you might know, Iʻve been “BUSTING” our keiki in class…doing great things! We are always discussing making great choices for ourselves, to be pono, to do what your naʻau tells you…especially when no one is watching! Choosing well for ourselves & doing what needs to be done when no one is watching is truly putting what we know into ACTION!

Yeaah! Justice for doing just that!! Hereʻs his back story of being ʻBUSTED!” Justice was keeping track of his completed genres and making book selections to be able to hit his end of the trimester reading goal. As a class, we share temperature checks of where we all are and adjust our individual short term goals to meet our reading long term end goal. We discuss better book selectionwhen 86ʻing a book is helpful and when it is not, genre selectionchoosing from different ones and not repeating the same ʻol, & time adjustmentsif we need to read a few mins. longer or if we are on track. Thatʻs where all of the great book presentation come in to play…as we get recommendations from each other, as we choose our next great book!

Justice decided that he was super close to meeting his target.  He chose to stay in with me at recess to work on hitting it… IN ADVANCE! He chose to do more in class, on his own time so when vacay began, he was already on track to hit his target!  Atta way to go Justice! Great way of putting your great choice into action!

Our first BUSTED Post in case you missed it: Go to older post on Sept. 17, e kala mai…tech glitch not allowing me to put in the link today!

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With Haʻahaʻa…Kūhaʻo leads us as Keiki Kahu

Kūhaʻo is putting his servant leadership into ACTION!  He has taken on the calling and kuleana of being our Keiki Kahu this school year.  His kuleana has now grown exponentially as he serves ke Akua and leads the keiki of Kula Haʻahaʻa by example and as a role model!  E kūpaʻa no na kāu a kāu…Stand firm in all seasons!

Mahalo Kūhaʻo for sharing the word and actions of ke Akua!

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Student and Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 9-13…Fall Break!

Whoo Hoo! Vacay is here!

Aloha e nā Haumāna a me nā Ohana 5B!

Hope that the fun has begun!!  It is Fall break and NO SCHOOL until Tues., Oct. 16. Wanted to share a quick reminder that all 9 reading genres are due on Fri., Oct. 20.  As we discussed in class, these are the class agreements for each to count:  1) Read chapter book of 120+pages 2) Collect the beautiful language vocabulary and define it (many of you took extra sheets home for the break:) 3)translate 2 of those words into olelo Hawaiʻi 4) present your great book!  As we talk about knowing is not enough, we must put into action and SHARE!  Heads up…book orders are online, go to scholastic.com and you can place an order at your convenience! 🙂  

The presentations have no requirements this trimester, feel free to share some of these or be as creative as youʻd like:  what you feel is important, compare the book to another, connect is to a Hawaiian value or olelo noeʻau, share what you would have changed in the book, evaluate the authorʻs word choice, the manaʻo nui of the book, etc…and most importantly…SHARE the WHY! :). Make sure you “hook” us into your book as your mission is to make us want to read it too!  You should have a brief summary (NOT a BBB-bed to bed boring, blow by blow one where to tell us the whole story) and share a beautiful vocab meaning in all your presentations…then let your creativity free! Should be at least 1 min. 30 sec. minimum and no longer than 5 mins.  After you have presented your 7th genre chapter book, the 8th and 9th – no presentation or vocab. needed!!

Please turn in book vocabulary early as it is first come first serve to present! :). Donʻt let time run out on you!  Ask keiki about the presentation order on the last day :0. Swim Strong kaʻu iʻa!  Enjoy your break and go out and make priceless memories with ohana! 🙂  Feel free to share your photos of the fun things you are doing with me!  Send me an email!  See ya all soon!

I look forward to your creativity!!

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5B Goes on a Fraction Field Trip

The FISH! Were Swimming Strong today with a growth mindset as they went on a Fraction field trip!  What a huakaʻi it was!  We began our journey to learn more about fractions by “diving” right in!  Dr. Werner was our special guest as students needed to solve a real world problem.

Haumāna had to solve the problem above…Was it fair?  Did everyone get the same amount to eat?  Itʻs all about teamwork as the FISH! Worked in pairs to answer the questions.  They used what they already knew to push themselves to a deeper level…right out of the bowl!   They pondered, they tried, they collaborated, asked clarifying questions to gain a better understanding, and they tried again! Choosing the “go get, no scared um” attitude sure was a plus!  Click on the video to learn with us as we worked to come up with the best strategies to solve!  Weʻll be taking on the leadership roles tomorrow as we share our discoveries as a TEAM!  Having fun while learning…its was a WIN-WIN kind of day!

5B Thinking Outside the Bowl with 5B! from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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