5B MathemaFISH!ans…Share your “Ahh, I Got It!” Moment

Calling all FISH!  Please post a video to this new grid by answering the question.  Please read the directions CAREFULLY!  :). Your post will show that you are using your ipad at home to check the class blog daily!  Remember, that is a requirement!  It will also show your understanding of our math lesson.  Please plan out your video response, best effort needed! 


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Using iPad to Check the Class Blog DAILY…

UPDATE: Tues., 11/7-DO NOT POST NAME TO COMMENTS!  TOO LATE!  You already missed the deadline! 🙁

Hiya Students,

As we discussed in class…using the ipads for GOOD!  Checking the class blog daily is required since you are allowed to take ipads home daily.  Please click on the comment button for this post and type in your first name only.  :).  

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5B MathemaFISH!ans Voices Count

In our class, every voice counts!  We share our manaʻo with one another to continously seek new ideas, to honor our differences and similarities, and to understand the perspectives of others (Makawalu). Each voice on our 5B team is important!  We practice sharing our new learning in a scholarly way.  We practice taking a stance and supporting it with proof/evidence.  Here, the students address the topic of characteristics of a 5B MathemaFISH!an!  What does a 5BFISH! need to have and work towards during our math time.  We learn on our own and we learn together! One team, One Dream!  No one suffers in silence!  Hear our VOICES!

http://Thomas Edison possess characteristics of a great MathemaFISH!an 😀  Ever wonder why?  Growth mindset?  Use your ipad to figure it out!  Click on this link to see how this great inventor is connected to us in Hawaiʻi and King Kalakaua!  Our Aliʻi were visionaries and ʻimi ʻike!  http://bit.ly/2lSNmXW

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 6-10

November sure rolled around quickly, one trimester already in the memory books…get those calendars out!

Mon., Nov. 6-Rotation 2-Day 5:  Haumāna will be working on eProgressfolios in class…get those iPads fully charged!

Wed., Nov. 8:  Gr. 3-5 Makahiki today!

Fri., Nov. 10:  VETERANʻS DAY! Go out and hug a past or present service man or women who protect our freedom!  NO SCHOOL!   Enjoy the long weekend and go and make wonderful ohana memories!

Heads Up:  Student-Led Conferences are fast approaching!  The final CONFIRMATION of date/time of your conference was sent home with keiki on Fri., Nov. 3! Dig in those backpacks!  Each conference is 30 mins. and students will be leading the conference by sharing w/you in digital form!  I humbly ask that you be on time, as I will do my best to also stay on our very booked schedule.  

Yes, you can let out a cheer!  No more binders to store on the shelf at home!  At the end of the year, students will upload eProgressfolios onto Google Drive, in turn, you can share with all your ohana…near and far!  WhooHoo!

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5B MathemaFISH!ans are Diving Deeper into Fractions!

We team for everything…everything is always better with a friend!  Even in MATH!  The MathemaFISH!ans (we even came up with our new “catchy”name for ourselves while doing math!) are learning about fractions and decimals and percentage too! We worked on comparing and ordering fractions, what is an improper fraction, and a mixed number today.

Our math time begins with a whole class discussion, then the deep learning begins…we work together in teams to come up with strategies to solve!  We use illustrations, manipulatives, and our ipads to help us to accomplish our mission. Of course, each other!  We discuss, we ask clarifying questions, we try out ideas, we test it out, and repeat!

Then….comes the “Catch and Release” Time!  Where haumāna get to share strategies that they used in order to solve!  Catch & Release (LOL, another “catchy” pun) is an exciting time as teams put their learning into action…by sharing it with others!  Our manaʻo nui in math…thereʻs always more ways to solve than one!  We close out our math time by reviewing & documenting the different strategies used, talking about definitions, and tie in new learning to answer questions. Brings us back to a favorite olelo noeʻau…”E hana pūalu kākou!”  Together, We Can! Check out the MathemaFISH!ans swimming strong by clicking on our video!


5B MathemaFISH!ans in Deep with Fractions from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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Student Led Conferences Sign Up Happening Now


Mahalo to All 5B Ohana for getting in those sign ups so quickly!  So happy to be able to send home the FINAL CONFIRMATION dates/times with keiki TODAY 🙂  A great majority received their choice of date/time…a few did not, due to times already taken (it was time stamped in order of turn in).  Although, you were given a close time slot after discussing with keiki! Mahalo nui loa again for being so “on it!”  Have a wonderful weekend! 

Aloha 5B Ohana,

Student led conference sign up sheets are going home today, Nov. 2, 2017 with your keiki.  Please check bags for this as students were instructed to take home as sign ups are a first come, first serve basis…Please understand that ever effort to accommodate your choices will be made, but may not always be possible.  Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.  Look forward to seeing you soon! 

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Did You Wonder?

Did you ever wonder about some of the widgets that you see on the side of our class blog?  One of those widgets have flowered numbers and another is our world.  Each of these share information!  The numbers share how many times a person has visited our class blog and the world shares from where.  Spin the world, it rotates!  The red dots indicates the location of people who have visited our class blog!  People from all over our world have come to see what the 5B FISH! are up to!  How cool is that!  Hoping for a hit from Antarctica!  :). You may also be thinking, “Hey Mrs. Ah Hee, the numbers donʻt match!  Why?  So observant of you!  A few years ago, I added the world counter and could not reset the number to match our original one!  So we began from 1…well worth starting over, as it allowed us to see where people who visit our class blog come from!  What a surprise, from the world!

Our class blog, which began as a way to share with our 5B Ohana the learning in our FISH!bowl, has been a site that interests others.  It has  almost 100,000 hits!   With haʻahaʻa, we share our learning in an ethical way with the world!  E hana pūalu kākou…Together, We Can!  Letʻs make a positive difference in our world together!  Always use technology and the internet in positive ways!  For good and not evil!  Be careful, be thoughtful, and be PONO!  You never know who will be “diving” in!

**UPDATE – Nov. 3rd:  6 digits!  Yes, the 5B FISH! Class blog officially hit the 100,000 mark!  I received many emails last night and a whole lot of excitement from the students as they tracked the many visitors!  Mahalo to everyone who “dives” in to see what the FISH! Are up to!  We Learn, We Share….Together, We Can…make our world a better place, one heart at a time!  With Haʻahaʻa…MAHALO! 

Posted in FISH! Alert for Students, FISH! Food For Thought, Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Pilina, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

The Journey Continues…ʻImi ʻike: Seeking Knowledge on Huakaʻi

Papa ʻElima went on a journey of learning today on huakaʻi!  The haumāna learned about the wai and followed the source from Peʻepeʻe falls all the way down to the mouth of the Wailuku River.  At Peʻepeʻe, Anakala John from the DLNR shared his ʻike about why the streams are so important, how rain contributes to keep our streams thriving, & what the indigenous stream creatures need to survive.  The students also took part in a practice session for Makahiki with Mrs. Lee.  We ended our time at this wahi pana by keiki alakaʻi sharing their manaʻo on the special place through a talk show format!  They shared ancient legends of how Boiling Pots got its name with Maui calling upon Pele for kōkua.  Some contemporary information on the height of the falls…approximately 12 Yao Mings (NBA basketball player) standing on each other.  What a creative personal connection!

We then travelled down stream to Rainbow Falls where Anakala John shared the unique abilities of the indigenous stream life.  Can you imagine, an oʻopu is designed to climb up Rainbow Falls?  More student alakaʻi presented their learning with a reenactment of the epic battle between Maui and Moʻokuna!  The moʻo, who was constantly trying to harm Hina, lost his battle to Maui…Manaʻo nui: Haumāna, Take care of your mother! :).

Following the source, we “flowed” down to the mouth of Wailuku River…where the wai meets the kai!  Anakala John shared how invasive species impact our streams negatively.  Do you know how mosquito fish (which is invasive) got its name?  Plantations brought in those fish to eat the mosquitoes which were a huge problem back in the day! We also learned what is happening to the stream when we see brown water! Ewww!  Also learned about Kaipalaoa too!

A great day of learning as we prepare for Makawalu 2018!  Mahalo to Anakala John & all the Specials Kumu who joined us to teach and learn in our outdoor classroom!  What a way to spend a great day!

Take a look of our day by clicking on the video…and “dive” into our huakaʻi!  Enjoy!


5B ʻImi ʻIke…The Journey Continues… from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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Ohana Alert: What a Howlinʻ Good Time!

The 5B FISH! had a “Spook”tacular time today as we celebrated Halloween as one team!  As you know, the haumāna planned, prepared, & executed a great day!  They took on the leadership role to create a fun-filled whirlwind day! We MAHALO our 5B ohana for your great donations of meaʻai, prizes, for joining us  & cheering at the parade, AND for supporting all the keiki as they learned to organize, have a voice and choice,  and take responsibility as a team!

Hereʻs what you may not have known…during the planning phase, when the topic of inviting ohana members to paʻina came up, keiki decided to vote on it.  E kala mai, it was a unanimous vote to celebrate on their own. :0 As we always discuss making great choices for ourselves in class…I am confident that you understand that honoring their voice and choice for this occasion was necessary :).  No disrespect intended to Ohana, just a whole lot of respect for your students.  Hereʻs a way for you to join us…Click on the videos to “dive” into the festivities!


5B Howlinʻ Good Time on Halloween from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Hereʻs whatʻs in the works…Kumu Kay and I along with our Fab Papa ʻElima PTO reps are planning a “Taste of Thanksgiving” event for Ohana to celebrate along with all of us!  We are truly thankful to have such a supportive Ohana to partner with us to help haumāna understand that their voice counts!  Mahalo for all you do! We couldnʻt do it without you!

Save Mon., Nov. 20 1:30-2:40 to celebrate all that we have to be Thankful for!  See ya then!


Here Comes the 5B Ghosts and Ghouls from 5BFish on Vimeo.

Have a Happy Howlinʻ Halloween! 

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A President Sends a Letter to Anna and the 5B FISH!

Aloha e nā 5B haumāna a me nā Ohana,

Thought youʻd like to see this!!  A letter from President George W. Bush in response to the 5B FISH! sharing their ALOHA with the people of the great state of Texas during trying times after Hurricane Harvey.  Your message to hoʻomau and stand firm in all seasons through mele was viewed and appreciated  by a President!  His message to continue to work hard (hana kupono), make good choices (be pono), and to help our neighbors (kahiau kōkua) is so true for everyone in our ONE WORLD!  Ma ka hana ka ʻike!  The learning is in the journey…  The 5B FISH! Continue to swim strong to make a difference in our ONE world, ONE heart at a time!

Another lesson on the power of social media & how technology opens the window to the world for the 5B FISH!  Remember to…Always CHOOSE to be pono when sharing with the world!  Mahalo to Aunty Tara for sharing Nā Kau a Kau & the message of ALOHA to President Bush on behalf of the students in 5B!

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