November sure rolled around quickly, one trimester already in the memory books…get those calendars out!
Mon., Nov. 6-Rotation 2-Day 5: Haumāna will be working on eProgressfolios in class…get those iPads fully charged!
Wed., Nov. 8: Gr. 3-5 Makahiki today!
Fri., Nov. 10: VETERANʻS DAY! Go out and hug a past or present service man or women who protect our freedom! NO SCHOOL! Enjoy the long weekend and go and make wonderful ohana memories!
Heads Up: Student-Led Conferences are fast approaching! The final CONFIRMATION of date/time of your conference was sent home with keiki on Fri., Nov. 3! Dig in those backpacks! Each conference is 30 mins. and students will be leading the conference by sharing w/you in digital form! I humbly ask that you be on time, as I will do my best to also stay on our very booked schedule.
Yes, you can let out a cheer! No more binders to store on the shelf at home! At the end of the year, students will upload eProgressfolios onto Google Drive, in turn, you can share with all your ohana…near and far! WhooHoo!
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