Busted #4: Leadership in Action! Mia Takes Charge!

As the holidays are now upon us and so much going on, please remember WE ARE BLESSED!  We begin the planning, preparing, & cooking of great food for holiday memories to be made, shopping madness in search of the “perfect” gift, and yes, finding the balance of all the kuleana that comes with the season!  In our case, the balance between school, extra-curricular activities, and enjoying the numerous celebration that make this time of year magical!

In the midst of this Thanksgiving holiday, I recʻd an email from Mia.  I opened it from my phone, in between leaving a store and going to the next…it caused me to stop, reflect, & it made my day! I excitedly shared my email with my ohana, who cheered w/responses like “Atta Girl Mia!, Yep, Mom…the team is Swimming now!, and Nice-5th graders can make a difference!”   Mia took on the leadership role and used her ipad for good!!

At first glance, it was to wish her FISH!mates a great Thanksgiving.  At second glance, it was so much more!  Hence the BUSTED #4 post here that celebrates the leadership in our FISH!bowl!  Mia goes on to share her manaʻo on how we are truly blessed with all that we have and takes it a step further by reminding us all that we can find balance for our kuleana.  She encourages everyone to think of “out of this world” ideas on how we can make a difference and share our blessings by paying it forward!  Putting our kuleana into ACTION!  Thought youʻd like to see the email that Mia sent to all her FISH!mates…including me, the oldest FISH! In the bowl!

So proud of Mia…as leadership is shared in our team!  This is putting our FISH! Philosophy into ACTION!  Go team Go!  Canʻt wait for the creative, out of the box ideas that you come up with that will truly Change our World, One Heart at a Time!

As for me, smiling ear to ear, as my weekend is filled with gratitude for having a wonderful team to swim with, enjoy the rest of the holiday…Go out an leave your mark!  Go Make Someoneʻs Day! #OTOD

….Back to shopping! :).

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 27-Dec. 1

Here comes the holiday season!  Let the hustle and bustle of the holidays begin…as the 5B FISH! continue to swim strong to balance our kuleana of WORK and PLAY! A gentle reminder: Homework is assigned M-TH, students are given class time  to write assignments in planners daily,  ohana signature daily please, & 9 genres are required for this trimester as we work together to reach our million word goal by the end of the year. 🙂  Students are asked to check the class blog daily using school issued ipads…for Ohana, it would be so appreciated if you check in at least once a week.  Ohana Alert updates usually posted on Sundays :). As always, please feel free to contact me by writing a note in planners, email, or calling if I can offer assistance or answer a question or address a concern.

Mon., Nov. 27-Day 6-Rotation 1:  Kick off for “Pennies for Pauahi” campaign!  Please bring in those coins to kōkua others!  Students, we will be discussing our new schedule in class.  Please go to class flipgrid to post a video of your genius hour inquiry project topic in the Ideas section.  (Look for the lightning bolt icon).  Please share your topic and why you chose it 🙂   Ohana, students will be coming home with a new schedule: in a nutshell: Students will be in our class for morning block and going to Specials mid-day.  🙂  

We will be again discussing our 5B Project Kahiau in class today! Students were asked & should have already  talked w/you to brainstorm ideas on this project as we humbly ask for your kōkua to make a difference in our world! (See previous post for more info) Ideas need to be finalized by Wed., Nov. 29th.  Mahalo in advance for your help to create servant leaders!

Tues., Nov. 28-Day 1-Rotation 2:  New Schedule begins….Whoohoo!

Thurs., Nov. 30-Day 2:  Birthday Celebration for our Nov. Babies!  Continue to work on individual Project Kahiau projects to put it into action!

Fri., Dec. 1-Day 3:  Last day for “Pennies for Pauahi” campaign!  Every penny counts!

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Hau’oli Lå Ho’omaika’i ia Kåkou!

Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!  Click on the video to hear Papa ‘Elima give praise and thanksgiving to Ke Akua during ekalesia today. Mahalo for joining us today for the trimester awards assembly also.  Enjoy the long weekend together!  Here comes Black Friday!

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 1 Comment

“A Taste of Thanksgiving” With the 5B FISH!

So much to be thankful for…especially our 5B Ohana!  Mahalo for joining us and making our “Taste of Thanksgiving” a great time to hang out together, laugh together, and make great memories…TOGETHER!  What a wonderful event to launa and build pilina.  The meaʻai was ono, the fun was contagious, the smiles were all around, and the time was filled with much aloha.  So thankful for the time spent as one ohana. Mahalo to Aunty Pua and Aunty Trisha for organizing this event for all to enjoy!  Click on the video to relive it!  One Team, One Dream!

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What is FISH!opolis? Hmmm, I Wonder?

Aloha Kakahiaka kaʻu Iʻa!

Capture your thoughts in 3-5 sentences & post it to comments. Offer proof/evidence for your thoughts.  Prior to hitting the reply button, please revise and edit your work!  Best work is required here.  We will be discussing this at morning meeting then you will complete this assignment.  🙂

**UPDATED Nov. 20:  Ka’u I’a:  Click on the comments tab below and read the great thoughtful comments from your team!  Love the way all of you synthesized this question with your prior knowledge! Great job of making meaning! Create a reply to a teammate’s comment and post it!  We will be discussing this new project upon my return to class on Wed., Nov. 22!  We will also be discussing our FISH!mates project too! 

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E Hana Pūalu Kākou…Together, We Can!

This olelo noeʻau says so much!  Yes, when we partner, we can accomplish so much more!  Whether it is working in class, planning a paʻina, or helping everyone to thrive…together, we can!

Mahalo Kerilyn for sharing this!

Mahalo a nui loa to the 5B Ohana who joined us for our Trimester 1 Student-Led Conferences!  The keiki were so excited to share their progress so far and did it in fine fashion.  They shared, being haʻaheo of their strengths and accomplishments with haʻahaʻa and focused on their areas of need with the growth mindset of “no quit, Iʻll keep working hard” attitude!  All the haumāna selected works that showcased their learning, as they took responsibility for clear reflection while providing evidence.  Trimester #1 Student-Led Conferences are now in our memory books!  See the smiles of our great partnerships!  Teamwork at its finest!  E hana pūalu kākou!  Have a wonderful weekend filled with fabulous ohana memories!  **UPDATED Nov. 20:  Click on the video below! 🙂

Brings me back to our night when we first met @ Open House…Mahalo! Mahalo! Mahalo!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 20-24

Brr…can you feel it?  The chill in the air?  December is fast approaching as we prepare to finish out the month of November!  Mahalo for all the donations to our shoeboxes for Christmas Child for children who are in need!  Kahiau at its finest!  Kaʻu Iʻa:  please send ohana pics from SLC to me 🙂

Mon., Nov. 20-Day 4, Rotation 1:  “A Taste of Thanksgiving Pilina Paʻina” today in our pod!  The festivities begin @ 1:15-2:30pm!  Mahalo to our fab PTO reps Pua and Trisha for organizing this for us as we focused on SLC.  Join us for a time to just launa!  Mahalo!

Tues., Nov. 21-Day 5: Sub Mr. Carvalho in class today as I will be at an all day meeting/math training.  Choir conductor tryouts with Mrs. Debus. Half of our 5B ohana to join us for luncheon with admin today also!

Wed., Nov. 22: Thanksgiving Ekalesia today @ Lunalilo Hale, followed by our Trimester Awards assembly.  Hope you all had an opportunity to share your manaʻo on awards by completing the parent survey at SLC.

Thurs. & Fri.:  LET THE THANKSGIVING CELEBRATIONS BEGIN! No School!  As I reflect on the abundance of blessings I have been given, I count all of you as blessing, our huge ohana! Enjoy the time together, go out and make wonderful ohana memories together!

Heads Up…We will begin collecting those Pennies for Pauahi on Mon., Nov. 27th.  Save your pennies for a good cause to help others who are less fortunate to go to school!

The haumāna and I will also be working together to plan “Project Kahiau,” a service learning leadership project, that will require ohana kōkua.  Students will be planning ways to “share aloha” & putting it into ACTION soon!  This project addresses our yearlong essential question:  “What is Our Kuleana?…As KSH Haumāna, As a Hawaiian, As a Global Citizen?”  They get to create a meaningful service learning project that will impact our community, our lāhui, our world…changing our world, one heart at a time! Stay tuned for more info in the coming days!  

*Great convo starter with keiki, what is your kuleana? How can you/we touch a heart? What can you/we do to make a positive difference in the community we live in, our world?  5th Graders CAN make a difference!  Remember Texas!  Be creative, have discussions, strategize, plan, and share the aloha!  We are blessed! 

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Hey Kaʻu Iʻa!

Thought youʻd enjoy watching this!  Great job of working together to get the job done!  Even in play, working as one team is ALWAYS a plus!  Enjoy!


Posted in Cultural Learning, Go TEAM! | 7 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 13-17


Tribute to Our Queen from 5BFish on Vimeo.

In Honor of Our Last Queen: Lili’uokalani on the 100th anniversary of her passing!  “Onipa’a Kåkou!”

Hereʻs the scoops for the week…

**NOTE: Students who did not add video to Math-Mean flipgrid…please add it, your work is overdue!

Mon., Nov. 13-Rotation 1-Day 2:  Sub in Class today.  Science today.  Please bring Christmas Child donations today as we will be packing it up to send as it is due tomorrow.  Student Led Conferences are coming!  Another reminder going home with students with your date/time.

Tues., Nov. 14-Day 3: REPORT CARDS GOING HOME TODAY!  Be on the lookout in those back packs!  Please sign & return envelopes to class.

Wed., Nov. 15-Aloha Wear Day 🙂

Thurs., & Fri., Nov. 16-17: Student Led Conferences!  Mahalo in advance for joining us in class for our 30 min. meeting!  Students are excited to be sharing their learning for trimester #1 with you!

Heads up:  Mon., Nov 20: “A Taste of Thanksgiving Ohana Pilina Paʻina” at 1:15pm in our pod!  Mahalo to our super PTO reps for spearheading this event!

**Pennies for Pauahi event starting on Nov. 27…save those pennies for a good cause!

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Makahiki 2017…5B Style

Hereʻs some information from KS Kaʻiwakīloumoku website…

“The rising of Makaliʻi (the constellation Pleiades) at sunset marks the beginning of the Hawaiian new year, known as Makahiki. Makahiki usally begins mid-November and ends in late January or February, aligning with the rainy season. It is a time set aside for tribute, harvest, sport, and play.
The word makahiki can refer to a time of celebration, the ceremonies and activities observed during this particular time of year, or a complete calendar year. Traditionally for Hawaiians, our calendar year is divided into two seasons, Kau (the dry season) and Hoʻoilo (the wet season). The month of ʻIkuā, which means “noisy,” usually begins in September or October. This month is characterized by roaring surf, thunderstorms, and rain. This boisterous personality of ʻIkuā signaled the approach of Makahiki.
The roughly four-month period of Makahiki was a time of peace and plenty, relaxation and games, and for harvest. It was also a time to honor the god Lono, one of the four major gods recognized not only here in Hawaiʻi, but throughout the Pacific. His domain includes fertility, agriculture, and peace. During Makahiki, the qualities of Lono were celebrated by feasting, competing in sport and games, hula and storytelling. War between the aliʻi was forbidden. Some of the games that were enjoyed are: heihei kūkini (racing), mokomoko (boxing), hākōkō (a wrestling style similar to sumo), pūhenehene (a skilled-game of deception), and kōnane (a board game most resembling chess).”

Makahiki also signifies a time of rest and rejuvenation for both the land and the people. This period served as an opportunity to both fortify existing bonds and forge new relationships. With the holiday season fast approaching, we can all appreciate the necessity of setting aside time to regroup as a family and strengthen connections.”

The 5B FISH! Participated in Makahiki games today…building pilina with each other and Papa ʻEkolu buddies!  Click on the video to take part in the festivities! Playing with Voice Recorder Pro app…you can listen in as haumāna oli!


Makahiki 2017 w/the 5B FISH! from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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