Category Archives: Social Studies

SBKH Video: Water Rights

Aloha e nā haumāna, Please view this video tonight as it is part of your homework.  Take notes on it using the 20th or 21st century tools (paper/pencil or iPad), your choice!  Bring your notes to school tomorrow.  Donʻt forget … Continue reading

Posted in Social Studies, Sustainability, Techie Things, Writing | Leave a comment

Makawalu-8 Eyes-Multiple Perspectives…Sharing an Aura

Students are currently exploring the app Aurasma…creating augmented reality.  This seems to be giving us some problem to get the “aura” to work.  The students tried to problem solve this in multiple ways, shared ideas, tried ways to improve the … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Techie Things, Uncategorized | 6 Comments

Makawalu-Multiple Perspectives and Ohana Alert for the Week of April 7-11

Looking at things from a different perspective…the students shared their thoughts on what Makawalu means.  Here is  a picture that Brock found that depicts Makawalu.  The following are art pieces that hang at Kaʻiwakīloumoku Cultural center on the Kapālama campus. … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert!, Social Studies, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Aloha Friends from Queens Beach Australia

Hi Friends from Queens Beach! It was wonderful skypeing with you today!  So cool that you are 21 hours ahead of Hawaiʻi time!  We had a great time learning all about you and sharing our Hawaiian culture too!  Please click on … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Social Studies, Techie Things | 5 Comments

Morning Message for 4/3/14

Aloha e nā Papa ʻAlakaʻi! Please post your thoughts on our capstone project, “Makawalu Hilo.”  Select a word or words (no more that 3) that you feel best describe this project and explain why by providing specific details…Here are some … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Pilina, Uncategorized | 35 Comments

Ohana Alert: Here Comes April…

Hang on for a busy week… Mon., Mar. 31-Day 5: Last day to prepare all your presentations for Makawalu Hilo!  REMINDERS TO STUDENTS:  1) Bring all/any artifacts (we discussed this in class-remember our morning meeting to kōkua our team-if you … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert! | 2 Comments

Student Exemplar of an Interactive Activity

Hi Students, If youʻre having problems getting those “creative juices” going or fresh out of ideas on what interactive activity you could create to have visitors at our Makawalu Hilo presentation learn more or do…hereʻs an outstanding example for you … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Social Studies, Techie Things | 3 Comments

Where in the World is Hilo, Hawaii?

Create/share something about the wahi pana (special place) of Hilo…

Posted in Hilo Project | 22 Comments

Guest Student Blogger – BRIANNA

Untitled from 5BFish on Vimeo. If you would like to read about the Goddess Pele, you can click on this link. Today I would like to teach you about Pele. Pele is very important to our culture. Pele is important … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Hilo Project, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | 4 Comments

Guest Student Blogger ALLEN

  Maui is a strong and courageous demigod. Maui is fast and tough. Maui is the son of the goddess of the moon Hina. He also had two sisters hina ke ahi and hina kulu ua. They call maui maui … Continue reading

Posted in Guest STUDENT Blogger :), Hilo Project, Social Studies, Techie Things, Writing | 6 Comments