Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Got FISH!Mates? Yes, We Do!

Aloha Ohana 5B! Mahalo for “diving in!”  As we continue to work on being One Team, With One Dream in class and have many conversations on making great choices for self as well as for the TEAM…thought youʻd like to … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 5 Comments

Busted #4: Leadership in Action! Mia Takes Charge!

As the holidays are now upon us and so much going on, please remember WE ARE BLESSED!  We begin the planning, preparing, & cooking of great food for holiday memories to be made, shopping madness in search of the “perfect” … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 27-Dec. 1

Here comes the holiday season!  Let the hustle and bustle of the holidays begin…as the 5B FISH! continue to swim strong to balance our kuleana of WORK and PLAY! A gentle reminder: Homework is assigned M-TH, students are given class … Continue reading

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Hau’oli Lå Ho’omaika’i ia Kåkou!

Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!  Click on the video to hear Papa ‘Elima give praise and thanksgiving to Ke Akua during ekalesia today. Mahalo for joining us today for the trimester awards assembly also.  Enjoy the long weekend together! … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 1 Comment

“A Taste of Thanksgiving” With the 5B FISH!

So much to be thankful for…especially our 5B Ohana!  Mahalo for joining us and making our “Taste of Thanksgiving” a great time to hang out together, laugh together, and make great memories…TOGETHER!  What a wonderful event to launa and build … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

E Hana Pūalu Kākou…Together, We Can!

This olelo noeʻau says so much!  Yes, when we partner, we can accomplish so much more!  Whether it is working in class, planning a paʻina, or helping everyone to thrive…together, we can! Mahalo a nui loa to the 5B Ohana … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 20-24

Brr…can you feel it?  The chill in the air?  December is fast approaching as we prepare to finish out the month of November!  Mahalo for all the donations to our shoeboxes for Christmas Child for children who are in need! … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Ohana Alert!, Pilina, Project Kahiau | Tagged | 1 Comment

Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 13-17

http:// Tribute to Our Queen from 5BFish on Vimeo. In Honor of Our Last Queen: Lili’uokalani on the 100th anniversary of her passing!  “Onipa’a Kåkou!” Hereʻs the scoops for the week… **NOTE: Students who did not add video to Math-Mean … Continue reading

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Makahiki 2017…5B Style

Hereʻs some information from KS Kaʻiwakīloumoku website… “The rising of Makaliʻi (the constellation Pleiades) at sunset marks the beginning of the Hawaiian new year, known as Makahiki. Makahiki usally begins mid-November and ends in late January or February, aligning with … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Nov. 6-10

November sure rolled around quickly, one trimester already in the memory books…get those calendars out! Mon., Nov. 6-Rotation 2-Day 5:  Haumāna will be working on eProgressfolios in class…get those iPads fully charged! Wed., Nov. 8:  Gr. 3-5 Makahiki today! Fri., … Continue reading

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