Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Ohana Alert for the Week of Feb. 11-15

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana! Hereʻs the 4-1-1 on the upcoming week! Kung Hee Fat Choy!  Itʻs the Year of the Snake. Brushbot/Chili Dinner forms due to class ASAP! Mon., Feb. 11-Day 5: Ekalesia @ Lunalilo Hale @8:00am. Please wear … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 32 Comments

Hāweo Awards for January

Congratulations to Mckenna and Malia for a job well done in the month of January!  They are our Hāweo Awardees from 5B!  They are great students and always have a beautiful smile on their faces!  They constantly model the Hawaiian … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 7 Comments

Ohana Alert of the Week of Feb. 4-8

Hi All You Football Fanatics! Happy SUPER BOWL SUNDAY! Will Ray Lewis run off into the sunset with a bright shiny ring or will Kaepernick save the day?  Hereʻs my prediction for winning the Superbowl today…Harbaugh will coach his team to … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 9 Comments

Got Feedback?

Aloha e nå 5B ohana, As mid-school year is upon us, I try to reflect on the first half  as I plan for the next half.  As we have all worked tirelessly together to build pilina with our keiki as … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 19 Comments

Fine! Boring! IDK!

Have you ever asked your keiki, “How was your day?” and got the answer…”Fine, “Boring,” “IDK.” (That’s 21st century text talk for “I don’t know” for those of you over the age of 30 🙂 Well, as parents, me included-with … Continue reading

Posted in ?s, Comments, Issues, or Inspirations :), Ohana Alert! | 18 Comments

ATTENTION Students & Ohana: Schedule Change for Library Time/Update to Speech Festival Post

Library tomorrow is canceled! We will be re-scheduling library time for next week. If you have a book that will be overdue, please recheck book to avoid any late fees! Sorry for the inconvenience, but schedules sometimes change unexpectedly. Please … Continue reading

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More Hit Genre Gold!

More of the 5B students are “cultivating” their reading tastebuds by reading a multitude of genres in class and at home! All haumåna are truly “growing!” As the trimester rapidly closes, the FISH! are swimming stronger than ever to met … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 6 Comments

3 Cheers for Kyra and Tabitha!

Hereʻs an update to our post: We cheered on Kyra and Tabitha on stage as they performed their brilliant speeches! Paige did a wonderful job of too! FISH! & ohana continue to swim strong! 🙂 All of the students … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 7 Comments

Ohana Alert for Jan. 28-Feb. 1

The month of January will soon be only a distant memory…February will soon be upon us!  Hereʻs the week at a glance, get out those calendars! Mon., Jan. 28-Day 1:  Our “High 5” will be representing all of the FISH! … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan. 21-25

Hereʻs the upcoming week…donʻt blink, January is flying by! **REMINDER:  Donʻt forget to keep on memorizing and practicing your Hilo Legend speeches for Speech Festival preliminaries at the end of this week! Mon., Jan. 21:  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert! | 9 Comments