Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Ohana Alert: Reading Goals Reminder

Hi All, Just a friendly reminder that deadline for reading goals are fast approaching.  Please look at the planner over the weekend as each student wrote down genres completed so far for trimester #3 and books completed towards the one … Continue reading

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Parent Survey: Makawalu

Aloha e nå 5B Ohana, Please share your mana’o on our 5th grade capstone project below by taking this short survey.  Don’t forget to hit submit at the end…Mahalo for your continued support! Loading…

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert! | 1 Comment

Congrats to Walter and Saige! Our Håweo Awardees

Ho’omaka’i to our newest Håweo Awardees…Walter and Saige! The Hawaiian value for trimester #3 is ho’oulu, which means to grow, to sprout.  Both of our 5B FISH continue to work extremely hard at all that they do…showing tremendous growth by … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert: Makawalu

Aloha e na haumana a me na 5B Ohana, Just a friendly reminder that all artifacts are overdue!  Artifacts on one hånau were to be brought to class on Monday, April 6th, if non-perishable.  If perishable, students were asked to … Continue reading

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Makawalu: Papa ‘Elima’s Annual Capstone Project

The students have been working extremely hard at getting their presentations ready for our big day!  Our annual capstone project: Makawalu is happening this week.  Ohana is cordially invited to join us on Thurs., April 9th at 1:15-2:15pm to be … Continue reading

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Ho’omaika’i to Kana’i! Our own “Lava Kid!”

Congratulations Kana’i, our very own “Lava Kid” winner!  On Sat., Mar. 28, Kana’i competed in the Lava Kid biathlon where he swam 200 meters around the Hilton lagoon then put on his running shoes and run 1/4 mile.  He competed … Continue reading

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Angela Maiers Inspires W.O.W. Walter!

The 5B FISH! had the privilege to have teacher/international motivational speaker Angela Maiers join us a few weeks ago to share her message of  “You Matter” and “Being Worthy of the World.”  She encouraged everyone to be W.O.W. writers!  To … Continue reading

Posted in Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert!, Techie Things, Writing | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Happy Sunday!

Hi Everyone! Hope spring break was filled with lots of great memories with ohana!  School starts up again tomorrow for the final push to the end of the year!  Hope all of you had time to relax, enjoy the sunny … Continue reading

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Attention 5B Ohana

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana, Trimester #3 is already upon us and we are working hard to finish out this school year.  Would like to keep you in the loop as we continue to partner to help all keiki thrive. … Continue reading

Posted in Hilo Project, Ohana Alert!, Social Studies, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

Student-Led Conference Sign Up Begins…

Aloha e nå Ohana 5B! Just a gentle reminder that Student-Led Conference sign up forms have already gone home with your keiki.  Please return the form to class and indicate  your 1st, 2nd, & 3rd choice.  As the form explains, … Continue reading

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