Category Archives: Pilina

Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 19-23

Mon., Sept. 19-Day 1:  Swimming today, don’t forget your clothes!  Ekalesia today…dress whites mandatory. Tues., Sept. 20-Day 2: It’s picture-taking day today :). Wed., Sept. 21-Day 3: Pinwheels for Peace Thurs., Sept. 22-Day 4: Special Guest Speakers in Class -Project … Continue reading

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Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Hi Students, Hereʻs the image from Sylvia Duckworth that we analyzed in class today.  It shares the difference between Fixed mindset and growth mindset…Review it again below.  Have you ever had a fixed mindset? Briefly describe it and now how … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Alert for Students, Go TEAM!, Pilina, Uncategorized | Tagged | 21 Comments

Math Inquiry with Charmander

The5B FISH! welcomed Charmander into our classroom!  This time the students worked on making Charmander bookmarks, heʻll be used to mark our math textbook pages while we do math!  He also allowed the students to begin initial inquiry into…fractions, percentages, … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Pilina | Tagged | 5 Comments

Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 12-16

Here’s the upcoming week at a glance…It’s IMUA WEEK!  Please refer to the flyer that went home for guildelines of the fun-filled week! Mon., Sept. 12-Day 2: Pajama Day Tues.,  Sept. 13-Day 3:  Beach Day..,.we are also going on huaka’i … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 3 Comments

A Day of Remembrance…A Call for Reflection

Aloha e nå ka’u i’a! Today is Sept. 11, a day for remembrance in our nation, our world…words eluded me as I tried to write this, until I came across this post “The 9/11 Children: What Can They Teach … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Pilina, Social Studies, Techie Things, Uncategorized, Writing | Tagged , | 23 Comments

Pokemon Go! Morphs into Kamehameha Go!

The Pokemon Go! craze has hit the 5B FISH!  Hard!  The students and I decided to “dive in” the latest worldwide craze of Pokemon Go!  and invite it into our classroom, but with a twist, of course!  Students shared their … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Math, Pilina, Reading, Techie Things | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The Cross-Culture Collaboration Begins…

Aloha e nā Haumāna (Hi Students) Let the cross-culture, real-world, global collaboration begin!  As some of you may know, over the summer, na kumu o ka Papa ʻElima (Gr. 5 teachers) traveled over the ocean to the continent of Asia, (Jinhua,China … Continue reading

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The 5B FISH! Building A Team…

Our class begins everyday together…we hold daily morning meetings where we learn to communicate effectively, collaborate with each other, listen intently, value each other…all our efforts for a great reason…for building a great TEAM!  Morning meeting consists of a message, … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Pilina | Tagged | 21 Comments

Håweo Awardees! Mahalo to 5B Ohana!

Mahalo to all our 5B Ohana for always supporting our Papa and Kula!

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End of the Year Mini Carnival


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