Category Archives: Go TEAM!

Whoop! Whoop! Team Celebrations!

Join Us for Morning Meeting in 5B

Aloha e nā 5B Ohana, Welcome to our Morning Meeting…At Kula Haʻahaʻa, it is important that our Haumāna grow both academically as well as socially! E Komo mai into our 5B FISH!bowl, “catch” a glimpse of what it looks like! … Continue reading

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Morning Meeting- Sharing Component

The FISH! of 5B have been working on the sharing component for our Morning Meetings in class.  We call it our “Mana’o o ka lå” (Thought of the day).  Two students a day have been volunteering to share their thoughts … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Pilina | 10 Comments

Hooray!!! Davin is a MILLIONAIRE!

Would you like to be a millionaire? What would you do with a “cool million?” Would it make you rich? A Million words that is! A resounding YES to all the questions!  You surely will be rich, knowledge rich!  Hoʻomaikaʻi … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert!, Reading | 34 Comments

Founderʻs Day at Kamehameha Schools-Hawaiʻi Campus

On December 19th, the students of the Hawaiʻi Campus at Keaʻau honored our Founder, Ke Aliʻi Pauahi. The students in Papa ʻEha a me ʻElima honored her with the ʻoli of her Moʻokuauhau, all of the haumāna sang mele, and … Continue reading

Posted in Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert! | 3 Comments

The FISH! Swiftly Swim Into December!

Dive into our 5B FISH!bowl and see what the FISH! were up to in December! It was sure a busy month in school, here are some highlights of our few short, but magical weeks together.

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Hāweo Award Winners for the month of November

Pilina…building relationships, making connections. DJ and Tabitha exhibit just that everyday! They are our 5B class Hāweo Awardees for the month of November! They have constantly exhibited the Hawaiian Value of pilina. They contribute to our team with their willingness … Continue reading

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Trimester #1 Awards Assembly

Our 1st Trimester Awards were held at Lunalilo Hale this past Monday, Nov 26th. Awards were numerous for our keiki. The Haumāna received awards for “perfect attendance”…all 105 of them in our Kula (over 1/2 of our class), awards for … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert! | 1 Comment

Mahalo Trustee Ing

Kula Haʻahaʻa was honored today with a visit from Trustee Ing, who will be ending his decade long term as a Kamehameha Schools Trustee on Dec. 31 @ 11:59pm. The Haumāna, Kumu, Poʻo Kumu, & Poʻo Kula all had an … Continue reading

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Makahiki 2012

The haumānā in Papa ʻEkolu to Papa ʻElima held our own Makahiki at Kula Haʻahaʻa yesterday! The students shared their ʻike of proper protocol and presented an ʻoli as makana that they learned in Hawaiian class with Kumu Crabbe and … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Ohana Alert!, Sustainability | 4 Comments

Keep Your Reading/Genre Goals in Sight for Trimester #2

Hi Kaʻu Iʻa, Just a friendly reminder as we begin our swim into the 2nd Trimester…Keep your self-selected reading goals of book completion in sight. Remember that 9 genres are required again for this trimester. We start fresh now…Swim Strong!

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