1. 1-1 Core Team Meeting 2. Keynote/Pages Training 3. High School Mtg-Content for Classroom Management
1. ETS-I HS Mtg-Classroom Management Content 2. Music Lab Mtg-B.Matsuda, ERD, C.Yamaguchi, M.Wong 3. SASI Replacement Project-Pearson Demo Presentation
1. Student Govt. Elections – Voting and blog 2. ITMD Pilot – Meet with Tina, Lynne – Final Document 3. ITMD Pilot – KES Excel Class
1. 1:1 Laptop Mtg. – service center set up. 2. Podcasting – PE and Science teachers. 3. Intranet Dropbox discussion w/ Sharonda,Deb, and Greg from IT.
1. Mtg w/ KES admin on electronic report cards. 2. Projects for D. Kaapana and L. Ohia. 3. ITMD conference call w/Mimi and Tina
1. ‘Ohe Team meeting for PBL project. 2. Assist w/ Grade 3 Global Celebration. 3. KMS AV meeting w/ Renee.
1. 1-1 Core Team Meeting
2. Keynote/Pages Training
3. High School Mtg-Content for Classroom Management
1. ETS-I HS Mtg-Classroom Management Content
2. Music Lab Mtg-B.Matsuda, ERD, C.Yamaguchi, M.Wong
3. SASI Replacement Project-Pearson Demo Presentation
1. Student Govt. Elections – Voting and blog
2. ITMD Pilot – Meet with Tina, Lynne – Final Document
3. ITMD Pilot – KES Excel Class
1. 1:1 Laptop Mtg. – service center set up.
2. Podcasting – PE and Science teachers.
3. Intranet Dropbox discussion w/ Sharonda,Deb, and Greg from IT.
1. Mtg w/ KES admin on electronic report cards.
2. Projects for D. Kaapana and L. Ohia.
3. ITMD conference call w/Mimi and Tina
1. ‘Ohe Team meeting for PBL project.
2. Assist w/ Grade 3 Global Celebration.
3. KMS AV meeting w/ Renee.
1. Promethean Meeting
2. ETS Managers’ Meeting
3. ICRE PRs for KMS