11/5/12 B

Chapel on Wednesday!!


1)  Narrative Writing about Dr. D.:

  • read
  • complete work on the back of narrative

2) Finish 2nd draft of “Chasing Mavericks” writing.

  • 1B – 2nd draft needs to be done on the computer and we’ll go over details of MLA format on Wed.
  • 2B – 2nd draft needs to be done on the computer using MLA format.

3)  Reading Plus


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11/2/12 A


1)  Narrative Writing Evaluation:  Read the narrative story and answer the evaluation question on the back and highlight interesting words or phrases.

  • Use this to help you to think about how you can incorporate some of these writing strategies into your own writing.
  • There may be some unfamiliar words, so take a moment to look them up so you can better understand the author’s story.
  • Read through the narrative at least 2 times to get a better idea of the writer’s point of view and the ideas she is trying to communicate.

In aspiring to be a better writer, it helps to read other people’s work.

2)  Reading Plus

3) Humane Society Community Service Project!!  Our goal is 100% participation!  Class of 2019…you’ll be together for 7 years!!  You’re already off to a vibrant start!!  It’s an honor to be able to serve…Let’s do it 2019!!!

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10/31/12 A


1)  Reading Plus

2) Finish typing out Election Issue Questions and Answers.  Your group only needs to submit one copy.  Due on Friday.

3)  Study your questions and answers so you’ll be ready to video on Friday.

Be safe Trick-or-Treating tonight!!

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10/30/12 B


1)  Chasing Mavericks – Choose 1 prompt to respond too.  From your brainstorm on the back of your prompt page, choose 1 of ideas from the prompt you want to write about and expand on it in a brainstorm and rough draft.

  • brainstorm
  • rough draft

2)  Finish the questions and answers you started in class that address the Election Issues.  Study the issues and at least 2 perspectives from each candidate on each issue.  Be ready for your video debut!!

3)  Reading Plus:  4 sessions by 11/4

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10/29/12 A

Halloween Dress Up Day on Wednesday!!  Let’s show our school spirit 2019!!


1)  Chasing Mavericks rough draft.

  • Use the writing prompt paper you brainstormed on to help guide the writing of your rough draft.  Be clear and vivid in your word choice and descriptions of your writing.  Use your different sentence types and structures to help vary your writing.

2)  Finish Election Issue questions your group started in class.  Be ready to make your video when you return.

3)  Reading Plus: 4 sessions by 11/4.

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10/26/12 B

Today is a B day and we spent the morning watching “Chasing Mavericks” at Ka’ahumanu Movie Theaters. What an inspiring moving that goes along with the Hawaiian values we’ve been learning: ha’a ha’a, ho’omau, ‘imi na’auao.  Students went late to their 6th period class, had lunch, and then participated in an all school Discovery Block.  This is where all teachers teach a “fun” class and students get to sign up for a class of their interest.  Some examples are: Make and Take, Bake and Take, Day of the Dead, Duct Tape Pencil Cases, Ori-Tahiti, Lei of Aloha, Frisbee Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, Ipu ‘Umeke, Sweet Treats.


Each student will be submitting a writing of 300 words or less to a writing contest that coincides with the movie we watched this morning.  Your child has the writing prompts that they can choose from.


Don’t forget to bring in your family recipes, go on to Edmodo, watch the online video, and answer the questions for “Chasing Mavericks”.

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10/25/12 A

Chasing Mavericks and Discovery Block tomorrow!!

Wear your class t-shirt!


1)  On Edmodo:

  • watch the second video.  It’s about 10 mins long.
  • respond to the “Chasing Mavericks” questions.  Use complete sentences as you incorporate a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion.

2)  On the back of the Chasing Mavericks prompt sheet, the paper with the 3 questions that you have to answer for the writing contest, brainstorm 3 ideas for EACH question: your Mavericks, your wipe out, your Frosty.

3) Family Recipe due next class.



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10/24/12 B


1) DUE by 10/28: On Edmodo, reply to the “Chasing Mavericks” assignment. There are 3 different questions. Instead of clicking on “Turned In” click on “Reply”, so everyone can see your response and reply to it. I’m still trying to figure out how to allow comments to automatically post instead of me having to approve them. Thanks for being patient with me as I learn along with you!!

2) DUE 10/30:  On the Chasing Mavericks information sheet with the writing prompts on, write your brainstorming ideas on the back. You should have already written down each topic and 1,2,3 on the back.

3) DUE 10/30: Copy of a Favorite Family Recipe

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Chasing Mavericks….Check it out!

Watch this video on the real surfers who surf Mavericks!! Hear their personal narratives about real life threatening encounters with ferocious waves!  What do you think?  Would you go?

Chasing Mavericks Official Trailer

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10/23/12 A


1)  Read and highlight important information from the Election Issues Packet.

  • Read and review well enough to be ready for an informed discussion on these major issues that are and will impact our country.

2)  Read entire TFK issue: Who Will Be President

3)  Bring in a favorite family recipe by 10/29. It can be a copy or the actual recipe.  We will use a specific format to type it on the computer in class.

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