11/13/13 B

1) Mrs. Jones article:
~Read and highlight
~Write 10 content vocabulary
~Make connections with content vocabulary as you read.
~Be a critical reader!!

2) 5pt Comma Quiz on Friday….Study definitions and usage from your worksheets.

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11/5/13 B

Kamu’s Presentation-Student reflection


1) 1A: Finish Kumu Kamuela’s Presentation reflection worksheet.

2) Reading Plus: We will not have English class time this week to do RP. You will have 2 Advisory sessions this week, but not English time. Adjust your time at home.

We’re looking for 100% session completion!! Work hard toward 80% or better on SeeReader…be thinkers and comprehend-ers.

I’ll see you next Wednesday!!

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11/5/13 B


1) 1A: Finish Kumu Kamuela’s Presentation reflection worksheet.
2A: Finish Pauahi article reflection sheet.

2) Reading Plus

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11/1/13 B


1)  Pauahi Article

  • read and highlight important information
  • write at least 10 content vocabulary

2)  Comma Worksheet

3)  Reading Plus by Sunday at 5:59pm.

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10/31/13 A


1) Time For Kids

  • Read the entire issue and highlight important information.
  • complete the double sided worksheet

2) Pauahi Article

  • Read and highlight important information.
  • Write 10 content vocabulary in the margin.

3)  Reading Plus

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10/29/13 A


1) Finish Final Copy of Argument Writing

  • double space lines
  • font size: 12
  • font: Times New Roman

Turn In:

  • Rubric
  • Rough Draft with identified criteria
  • Final Typed Copy

2) Reading Plus

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10/25/13 A


1) Finish Argument Writing:

  • outline
  • rough draft

On Tuesday, we will peer review, revise, edit, and type onto word processing.  If you type it out on the computer at home, make sure you save on a flash drive and bring it to school.

2) Reading Plus sessions for this week and any make ups by Sunday at 5:59pm.

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Student Survey

Click on the link below to take an important school survey.  Read each question carefully.  We will be taking this survey in class on Thursday and Friday.


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10/23/13 A


1) Read and highlight important information from United States bombing Hiroshima articles.

2) In the margin, write at least 10 content vocabulary words from the articles.

Content Vocabulary:  Words that specifically relate to the content or topic being studied or read about.

3) Study for Sentence Type Quiz on Friday

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10-22-13 B


1) Read and highlight important information from United States bombing Hiroshima articles.

2) In the margin, write at least 10 content vocabulary words from the articles.

Content Vocabulary:  Words that specifically relate to the content or topic being studied or read about.

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