Category Archives: Class News

2015 Virology Conference Program

For a list of featured presenters and information about the conference, view the conference program at the NAAV Homepage now!

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HW for 12/7-8

Complete all Virus Slides. Practice Presentation. View the document for presenter guidelines here.VIRAL DISEASES part 3

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HW for 12/3 – 4

Complete Virus Presentation Slides. Click to view slide requirements. VIRAL DISEASES part 2

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HW for 12/1-2

Complete Virus Research in your notebook. Click here for Virus research directions and note-taking outline.     VIRAL DISEASES part 1

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2015 Na Amakihi Virology Conference – Call for Presenters

Na Amakihi Association of Virology (NAAV) is excited to confirm December 14 – 17, 2015 for our annual Virology Conference at Kamehameha Middle School. NAAV is pleased to issue a call for presenters. If you are an expert on a virus, please be prepared to complete the presenterʻs form during the week of December 7. This years conference will feature 3 tracks – Human Diseases, Plant Virology and Animal Virology. We hope to see you at the


2015 Na Amakihi Virology Conference

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HW for 11/30

Read the article, “Population Decline of Native Hawaiians.” Look at the table on the back of the article. In your Google Drive, use the data in the table to make a bar or line graph showing the Percent Native Hawaiians from 1853 to 1896. To make the graph, in your Google Drive, create a new Google Sheet. Name it Percent Native Hawaiians from 1853 to 1896. At the top of the first column, type Years. At the top of the second column, type % Native Hawaiians. Type in your data for each year under Years and % Native Hawaiians. Highlight all data and click on insert chart. Make a title for your chart. Change colors of line or bars if you want. Print your chart and turn it in.

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HW for 11/24-25

Watch Killer Virus Video. Go to Trimester 2 – Viruses – Click on Killer Virus Video: Hunting the Plague – Read directions for assignment.

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HW for 11/20-23

Go to Trimester 2 in top menu, Viruses, then click the link to read the article: Are Viruses Alive? Complete the worksheet you received in class as you read the article. On the back of the worksheet, write a paragraph to answer the question, Are viruses alive or not?

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Finding Patient Zero Required the Use of 21st Century Skills!



Collaboration and Critical Thinking

IMG_0374 IMG_0337

Creativity and Innovation

Patient Zero Student Sample1 Patient Zero Student Sample

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HW for 11/18-19

Complete Graphic Organizer of Patient Zero. Name of Patient Zero Revealed.


Period 4 – Kylan

Period 6 – Billy

Period 1 – Nahulu

Period 3 – Dioni

Period 5  – Osiana

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