Category Archives: Uncategorized

Informational Writing in Kindergarten

Miss Antida has been busy reading non-fiction animal books to the keiki in preparation for our huaka’i to the zoo on Friday. As she reads the students take notes on four aspects of the selected animal: physical characteristics, habitat, food … Continue reading

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Making Granola

We just began our inquiry-based project on food in our kaia‘ulu. We kicked things off by making granola. The children mixed the ingredients, waited patiently while it baked, and tasted their concoction. They also shared about the types of food … Continue reading

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Marshmallow Math

The students were highly engaged in creating 3-dimentional geometric figures! It must have been something about the marshmallows…. Take a look at the cubes, pyramids, rectangular and triangular prisms that they made.

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A Terrible Fright

Check out Kai, Tyler, Michael, Ciana, and Kaiyana presenting a puppet show, “A Terrible Fright,” to the class.

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Spirit Week

What a fun week it’s been! To kick off the week on Monday the keiki came to school dressed in their pajamas. It was the perfect outfit to wear on such a cold and rainy day. On International Day we … Continue reading

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Girl’s Day

Sharing dolls and creating paper ones were how we celebrated girl’s day in KA! Create your own video slideshow at

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Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!

The kindergarteners enjoyed Dr. Suess’ birthday through choral reading Green Eggs and Ham, hearing various stories and making their own oobleck- yes, that’s what that green stuff was! Miss Antida even treated us to a her cookie version of green … Continue reading

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‘Ohana Pilina With Our Fire Fighting Uncles

Mahalo to both Uncles Daniel who came to our class on February 25th to share their kuleana in our kaiaulu. The keiki shared with us that they learned to make a plan for fire safety at home and were in … Continue reading

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Do You Know the Muffin Man?

The keiki in KA do! After listening to “Too Many Eggs” the children practiced their measuring skills in the sand table. Then they got to the real thing–baking Muffin Surprise. Some of the children cracked the eggs while the rest … Continue reading

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Pilina with our 7th grade friends

Today the kindergartners and Mr. Masuko’s 7th grade girls built pilina through book sharing. The 7th graders introduced themselves and read one of their favorite childhood stories to the keiki. Some of the books the children in KA listened to … Continue reading

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