Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ice Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Scream

Lucky us, Aunty Charmie made strawberry ice cream with us today! She measured the heavy cream, sugar, milk, and vanilla, and added it to the ice cream maker. When the ice cream thickened she added in the strawberries. Delicious! Mahalo, … Continue reading

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Sneak Preview of Stone Soup Opera

A few pictures form our dress rehearsal today!

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We Celebrate Miss Antida’s Graduation

Miss Antida graduated from UH Manoa last Saturday! She is now a certified teacher! We are so thankful for the many learning experiences she has shared with our class. Today Grandma Harriett came in to do zumba with us as … Continue reading

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Na Koa Rewards Day

The clouds parted, the sun came out and we all had a great time! Mahalo to Mr. Kudo and all for an awesome afternoon!

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Swim Day for P.E.

Mahalo to the many ‘ohana members who joined us for our swimming lesson this Wednesday! The weather cooperated- in that it wasn’t raining…. and it wasn’t too cold! The keiki practiced bubble blowing and bobbing to the bottom of the … Continue reading

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‘Ohana Pilina with Uncle Jason

Do you know how long the longest surfboard was? Uncle Jason does! He told us it was 24 feet long and used a tape measure to show us. He gave us a brief history lesson on surfing and talked about … Continue reading

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Boy’s Day

To celebrate Boys/Children’s Day the keiki listened to a Boys Day story and made carps. Check out our Boy’s Day parade! -Miss Antida

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May Day

What an outstanding May Day program! We had beautiful weather to accompany our beautiful performances. The keiki looked wonderful in their aloha attire and could not wait to perform for their ‘ohana. Mahalo to everyone, especially Kumu Crabbe, for making … Continue reading

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What is an island?

We are heading into our final social studies unit which is Our Island Home. We will be learning unique features of each Hawaiian island. Today we launched this study through a discussion of what we thought an island is. Michael … Continue reading

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Why Do We Blog?

It has been an incredible year of blogging for us- thanks to our training and support-and thanks to Ms. Antida’s joining in on this means of communication! We interviewed Trinity and Ke’alohi about this question. Enjoy their perspective on the … Continue reading

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