Category Archives: Uncategorized

By Taylor

On Christmas day my family goes to church to celebrate Jesu’s birthday. My favorite thing about Christmas is opening presents.

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By Adriana

Evry Chrimes my famaly like’s to go to my tutus hous for Christmas and we open are Prsens and we have breakfast.

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By Ayvah

We make cookies for Santa.So Santa can have a snack when he delivers the presents.

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By Mya

Do you know what the most exciting holiday is? Fine I will tell you: It is christmas! Everybody eats breakfast first. Then everybody goes to the livingroom to open presents. That’s what we do on Christmas Day. Thanks for listening.

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For Christmas eve we make cookie dough.Then on Christmas we baked The cookie dough. Then eat the cookies.

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By Ethan

My Christmas tradition is going to my Great Grandmas house to celebrate. Me and my cousins open our presents.

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I put up lights and Make cookies for my family do you? Then we open presents what do you do kumu?

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By Adam

In my Famliy we always go to mass on Christmas morning.We open our gifts after mass.We celabrate Jesus birthday.As we open our gifts we have hot chocolate.

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By kacie

On Christmas morning we have breakfast at my grandparents house. We pray for everyone then we open presents.

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Mahalo for the Kokua!!!!

A huge mahalo to Luz, Anela, Pua, Faith, Steve and Mellisa for the awesome work they did in putting together our Christmas door! They used the keikiʻs handprints to create reindeer and a sleigh flying over the Philippines, delivering gifts … Continue reading

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