Ohana Alert for the Week of Feb. 5-9

February is upon us…hereʻs a briefing of the upcoming week!

Mon., Feb. 5-Rotation 2-Day 3: All students have been memorizing their argument speeches from Thurs., Feb.1st in preparation for our annual Kula Haʻahaʻa Lamakū Speech Festival!  Students have been practicing in front of their mirrors, video themselves on ipads, and saying argument aloud!  Keep practicing!

Tues., Feb. 6-Day 4: Sub in class today…off to k-12 Campus Meeting…keep on practicing!

Wed., Feb. 7- All 5B class argument presentations begin today!  The students will be scoring their peers and the top 5 will move on to the semi-finals to represent 5B!

Thurs., Feb. 8-Day 5:  5B Presentations continue… 11:05am ʻAha ʻŌpio meeting today for officers and rep in Haʻaeamahi staff dining hall.

Fri., Feb. 9-Day 6: Last day of book presentations today!  Check back often to see who joins the Genre Gold Club for Trimester #2!  Updates are posted as students attain this reading goal! 😉

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5B Getting Richer by the Day…

Hoku is a millionaire!

Hoʻomaikaʻi to Hokulani for becoming a millionaire…one million words down and another in the future!  Congrats to Kuhaʻo too!  Kuhaʻo turned Gold today by completing 9 genres!  One week to go kaʻu Iʻa!  It can be done!  Go team Go!  Keep your eye on the target and swim strong! Read, Read, READ!

Kuhao joins the Genre Gold Club!

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What Is Our Kuleana?

*UPDATED 2/2/18 @8:20pm:  Comments have been posted, click on bar to see all the learning going deeper!  

Assignment deadline has passed…if you havenʻt posted, work is considered late.

Answer the following in complete sentences and/or paragraphs.  Complete your answers in the comment section of THIS post.

** (REMEMBER-If you do not see your manaʻo immediately appear, I am moderating it and will not post comments until I receive all student answers.  DO NOT keep sending to me…once is good! 😉

PARAGRAPH #1:    1)Why was Flipgrid created?  By Whom? 2) What is the mission of Flipgrid, how do you know this?  3) What happens at Flipgrid headquarters when someone has an issue?  4) Share an olelo noeʻau that would describe our skype w/Adam.  Explain why you chose it.

PARAGRAPH #2:  5) Describe what Ito shared about What is a leader?  6) Name a way Ito says is a way to show aloha  7)  Why does Ito tell us to find inspiration where we are..to explore other cultures & learn from it?  Explain in sentences

PARAGRAPH #3: 8) Name the olelo noeʻau that Uncle Kawika shared with us and explain why he shared it.  9)  Uncle Kawika shared his kuleana in acrostic poem form.  Of all the letters, which one is the most important to you?  Explain your answer.  10)  Uncle Kawika says that we need to teach the next generation?  Explain why.

11)  Uncle Skibbs told us, “Donʻt let anyone____ ____ ____!”

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Believe, Achieve, Succeed! More 5B FISH! Meeting Reading Goals!

Go Leigh Ann Go! Newest Millionairess!

Hoʻomaikaʻi Leigh Ann for being inducted in the Millionairesʻ Club…for reading one million words well before the end of the year!  The look of determination was obvious everytime we sat down to read. We discuss in class, when you meet one goal, then review and reset to challenge yourself even more!  Leigh Ann shares that she will reset her reading goal to two million+!

So excited to see Leigh Ann working hard at reading from a variety of genres also…along with Anna!  Both of the girls have gone Genre Gold today! Good job of pushing to read all 9 with a week to spare! 🙂  *Scholastic Book orders are out!  Check out the great selection and begin planning for Trimester #3!  Online ordering available or checks can be submitted in class-make payable to Scholastic Book Club 🙂  

Newest Genre Gold Club members 🙂

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Make Way for More Millionaires!!

WhooHoo! We just got richer! Congrats Keri and Kyler!

Here comes more MILLIONAIRES!  So Rich!  Book rich that is!  Hoʻomaikaʻi to Kerilyn and Kyler…our newest inductees to the Millionaire Club!  Both have completed the one million word end of the year goal today! We are rich in 5B…and getting richer by the day! Students continue to amaze themselves as they hit their target!  Now on to new goals!  It proves to all of us that when we keep an open mind and work hard, we can accomplish great things!  Keep on reading and swimming strong to the million word goal!  Donʻt forget, the genre goal deadline is fast approaching…Fri., Feb. 9th is the last day for presentations!  Hoʻomau kaʻu Iʻa! It can be done!  I believe…keep diving into those great books!

Updated: 1/30/18:  Stay tuned!  More Millionaires and Genre Gold Club members coming soon!  Check back to see who joins the club! 

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Our Quest to Continue the Deep Dive Into Our Kuleana

Uncle Kawika shares his kuleana w/5B FISH!

What a blessing!  The FISH!, on our quest to dive deeper into our essential question, “What is our Kuleana?ʻ invited our own Uncle Kawika Lewis into our FISH!bowl!  We know the word kuleana, we know the definition of kuleana, and now…we had the opportunity to hear how Uncle Kawika puts his kuleana into “action!”  Like we say in class, knowing is NOT enough, we must put ʻike into action.

EQ: What is Our Kuleana

Uncle Kawika began his sharing by telling us, “If you love what you do, youʻll never work a day in your life!”  He shared about his growing up days and how he treasures the ʻike he received from his kupuna.  He emphasized the importance of watching and listening to learn and how he gained so much by doing just that.  Respect, responsibility, and work ethic are the foundations of his ohana.  He reminded us that not all learning comes from one place…he said, the ʻāina is alive! The ʻaina will teach you too…if you choose to pay attention!

Some of the main points of learning from Uncle Kawika:

K-Kōkua-Give back; help someone; take the initiative to offer help.

U– Kupuna-Show respect for kūpuna as they have valuable manaʻo

L– Lawena-Attitude is everything!; Work hard for a good attitude; acknowledge people as you get what you give!

E- ʻIke– Knowledge-Always keep learning: It helps to make better decisions for yourself, ohana, and lāhui.

A– Aloha-Care and love are deep inside of you- it is passed down through the generations; share it! If you share it, it will return to you 10x more!  Aloha aku, Aloha mai!

N– ʻĀina- ʻĀi-Food- ʻĀina is like food…it feeds you, it nourishes your body, mind, and naʻau

A– Hanauna Hou- For the future generations; the next generation- Always teach the next generation to care for the ʻāina & it will continue forever

Uncle Kawikaʻs passion & kuleana is alive at ʻĀina University, a 335 acre parcel in the hills of Paukaʻa…where he says the curriculum is the ʻāina!  There he teaches people how to sustain themselves.  He gathers & grows food that is both edible and aesthethically pleasing and connected to our culture!

His parting words of wisdom…”Kuleana is to plant a seed in people!” Share your manaʻo to help other understand their kuleana!  He feels that he is blessed, he always counts his blessings and shares it by speaking with others!   He reminded us that haʻahaʻa and hana kupono are important…as every koho (choice) brings a hopena (consequence).  Everyone is part of the waʻa, jump in…everyone works!

Sharing the love!

Mahalo Uncle Kawika for sharing your blessings with us, we were blessed by learning from you!  The seed is planted…Kaʻu Iʻa…ʻWhat is Your Kuleana now?  Go out and share your blessings and make a difference in our world!  Imua Uncle Kawika, Imua Kaʻu Iʻa, Imua Kamehameha!

Learning=FUN! Fun w/Selfies!

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Genre Gold Club Growing!

Genre Gold Club Members Diving into a Great Book!

The FISH!mates have been swimming strong to the finish…the end of Trimester #2 that is!  The students have been reading like crazy!  They have been stretching themselves to select books from genres that are outside of their comfort zones and have been finding that they like it.  Iʻve been hearing a lot of, “I didnʻt think Iʻd like this genre, but itʻs now  one of my favorites,” “I tried something new and I like it!”  Iʻve also been hearing students share great recommendations of books with each other and witnessed great books being passed around!  Students have also been emailing me at night to give me updates on their book!  They share the exciting parts happening, they share thoughts on what they wished the author had done, they tell me about how the book connects to an ʻolelo noeʻau we discuss in class, & how the character exemplifies a certain hawaiian value!  Books take us on adventures, allows us to travel to far away places, back in time, or even fantasy lands. It allows us to make connections to other books, to ourselves, our team, and helps us to understand the perspectives of others!

E hana pūala kakōu! Smiles All Around!

Congrats to these students who have worked hard, with their eye on the goal…You made the GENRE GOLD club!  (2 weeks ahead of the due date!).   Many more are so close, keep on reading!  Wow, it sure makes my day to see students get excited about books! Continue to pick up a good book!  Dive back into our blog to see more FISH! who turn golden and join the Genre Gold Club!

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan. 26-Feb. 2

Itʻs ALOHA Friday!

The week at a glance…Students will begin practicing for our annual Kula Haʻahaʻa Lamakū speech festival.  Papa ʻElima haumāna will be sharing their expertise in an argument presentation based on extensive reseach!

Mon., Jan. 29-Rotation 1-Day 5: Security Appreciation Day!  We honor our Uncles and Aunties that work hard to keep us safe today.

Wed., Jan. 31: Birthday Celebration today to celebrate our January Babies!

Heads Up kaʻu Iʻa:  Class presentations for ALL of you begin on Wed., Feb. 7th!  Practice, practice, practice to convince us! Keep in mind that you will not only be judged by your fellow FISH!mates on your argument and supporting details, but also poise, voice, engagement of the audience, & expression!  Begin memorizing your argument!  5B will be advancing 5 FiSH!mates to the semi-finals on Mon., Feb. 12, along w/5 from 5A and judged again by a panel of Faculty and Staff members.  1 Finalist will be representing 5B on the grand stage of Lunalilo Hale on Wed., Feb. 14th!  

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Jan. 22-26


Aloha Kākou,

E kala mai for the tardiness of this post…hereʻs the week at a glance:

Mon., Jan. 22-Rotation 1-Day 1: Argument writing due in class.  Time was given in class & homework (hours) to collect fact and work on drafts.

Thurrs., Jan. 25-Day 3:  Charles Reed Bishop Convocation today @8am at Laʻamea Gym.  Dress whites mandatory.

Fri., Jan. 26-Day 4:  Aloha Wear Day 🙂

BUSTED!  Continues in 5B!  This time, Anna was BUSTED…doing great things!  Anna decided to use her techie talents to kōkua the team!  Using her garage band app on her ipad (using ipad for good) she created an opening music track for our upcoming 5B FISH! News broadcast.  Keep on Swimming strong kaʻu iʻa…never know when youʻll be BUSTED!

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Weʻre RICH! Hoʻomaikaʻi to our 1st MILLIONAIRE!

Talia is our 1st MILLIONAIRE!

Hoʻomaikaʻi Talia for being our very first 5B MILLIONAIRE this year! You go girl!  Talia has completed 28 books to meet the goal of reading one million words this school year!  In August, students were told the requirements and jaws hung open with disbelief!  Well, it is only January and we have our first millionaire!  It can be done, if you have a growth mindset and show that grit to stick with it!  Many more students are so close!  For Talia-million word goal MET!  On to two million now!  Hiki no!  Keep on reading, keep on swimming strong!

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