Ohana Alert: Makawalu

Aloha e na haumana a me na 5B Ohana,

Just a friendly reminder that all artifacts are overdue!  Artifacts on one hånau were to be brought to class on Monday, April 6th, if non-perishable.  If perishable, students were asked to share their plan with me for approval.  Students were assigned this last week as homework (week of March 30-April 2).  Students were also asked to have a discussion with you as they  created plan of artifacts.  Students MUST bring in all non-perishable artifacts by tomorrow, April 7 for a lowered score.

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Makawalu: Papa ‘Elima’s Annual Capstone Project

The students have been working extremely hard at getting their presentations ready for our big day!  Our annual capstone project: Makawalu is happening this week.  Ohana is cordially invited to join us on Thurs., April 9th at 1:15-2:15pm to be witness to all the hard work focused on each student’s one hånau.  Students have been working for  months on collecting research on their one hånau, interviewing ohana, looking up & diving deep into  legends, creating tech projects that WOW you, poetry, feature articles, and even understanding mele, oli, and identifying wind and rain names too.  See the flyer that was sent home with keiki on Thursday…We are so excited to share with all of you!

Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 3.44.17 PM

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Ho’omaika’i to Kana’i! Our own “Lava Kid!”

Kana'i takes 1st Place!

Kana’i takes 1st Place!

Congratulations Kana’i, our very own “Lava Kid” winner!  On Sat., Mar. 28, Kana’i competed in the Lava Kid biathlon where he swam 200 meters around the Hilton lagoon then put on his running shoes and run 1/4 mile.  He competed in the 11-12 age group and took 1st place 🙂  He came in 3 overall in the 8-14 age group too!

Kana’i shared how the lava kid program promotes living a healthy lifestyle and he hopes to continue training and working out with his Uncle so he can one day compete in the Lava Man Triathlon!  Great job. Kana’i!

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What Do You Do on Your Day Off? You Slam the Tech, Of Course!

Checking in & prepping to Present

Checking in & prepping to Present

Kamehameha Schools-Hawai’i campus held our annual Tech Slam last week!  The Hawai’i Island Tech Conference 2015 was a huge success with over 400 participants from all over the state and tons of presenters from all over the United States! Great keynotes by Jim Sills and Jennie Mageira!  The 5B FISH! continued the tradition of being presenters again this year! As our Hawaiian value for trimester #2 was a’o…to teach and to learn; to lead, the FISH! not only understood the meaning, but took it up a notch by putting it into action!


All ready to go!


As all good speakers, we planned, practiced, prepped for our presentation…and wouldn’t you know, tech issues happened!  Now what?  As all good techies know…shift gears, put plan B in effect, & trouble shoot like crazy while a team member keeps the show going!  That’s exactlly what the students did!  They demonstrated the issues that could arise, but exemplified courageousness, perseverence, & most importantly-TEAMWORK!

The 5B team shared their mana’o on “Pops of Genius!”  Sharing our class journey on Genius hour.  They explained how genius hour took shape by emulating Google, where Google workers used 20% of their work time to explore/research their passions!  The FISH! do the same in class.  They also got to share their “pops” on Alcatraz, Why people smile, how to perform skateboard tricks, & much more! The day ended for the FISH! by having lunch at Keawe dining hall at the high school with all other conference people.  Mahalo to the 5B FISH! Tech Team (Dakota, Cade, Tyce, Kana’i, Karissa, & Dylan) and to ohana for bringing students to school….on their day off! What a great way to spend the day!

Miss Galang and I pose with the augmented reality pioneer gurus!

Miss Galang and I pose with the augmented reality pioneer gurus!

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Walter WOWing the World!

imageThe WOW writing saga continues…As you know, Walter chose to take Mrs. Angela Maiers’ challenge to become a WOW (Worth of the World) writer.  The class has been adding up all the possible views from our Twitter feed, all the people who could have read Walter’s great poem about Pele, the Goddess of Fire.  So far, 202,000+ possible views!  Check out the previous post to read about his journey to WOWness in his own words.

Here’s the latest…click on the link below to see Mrs. Maiers’ thoughts!  She WOW’d us by writing a blog post on her blog about Walter’s story!  With ha’aha’a, Walter is thrilled…and his fellow FISH! are so happy for him! They cheer everytime he updates the possible view count!   Congrats Walter on a job well done….to ka’u i’a…congrats on being a great supportive team!  Continue to swim strong in everything you do!

image http://bit.ly/1BNnSaD

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Angela Maiers Inspires W.O.W. Walter!

IMG_1250The 5B FISH! had the privilege to have teacher/international motivational speaker Angela Maiers join us a few weeks ago imageto share her message of  “You Matter” and “Being Worthy of the World.”  She encouraged everyone to be W.O.W. writers!  To share their passion with the world…she shared her belief and can do attitude, even calling her friend, Mr. Casas (a Principal and published author) to share his writing journey with all of us!  He shared his vulnerability and in turn, it made us wiwoʻole (courageous)! To hoʻomau…to persevere!   Ms. Maiers had so much belief in the 5B FISH! that she even even promised to put their W.O.W. writing on her blog!  That excited everyone!



Well, Walter sure took that challenge to heart with his poetry assignment.  Students researched their one hānau (their birth place, strong family connection) and were motivated to learn more about the place where their ohana (family) connects to.  Walter used his research on his hometown of Volcano,Hawaiʻi and showcased his poetic talents about Pele, The Volcano Goddess.

image image

Walter worked extremely hard to research facts & create the following poem.  He even passed on recess to revise it, to get it “just right!”  Check out his thoughts using the “WriteAbout” app on Ms. Maiersʻ visit and how it impacted & challenged him to become a lifelong W.O.W. writer!  Inspiration to last a lifetime!  Great job, Walter! And….a hui hou, Angela Maiers…until we meet again!

Walterʻs WOW Poem

Walterʻs WOW Poem


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Happy Sunday!

imageHi Everyone!

Hope spring break was filled with lots of great memories with ohana!  School starts up again tomorrow for the final push to the end of the year!  Hope all of you had time to relax, enjoy the sunny days, and maybe even read a little 🙂

Don’t forget to bring in ALL your Makawalu Hilo notes, research, worksheets, etc. as we will be preparing finals for presentations.  Have a Happy Sunday and see you all tomorrow!

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Wonder of the Day


Go to the Wonderopolis link above & post your answer to this question on the pad let below 🙂

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What a Way to Start the Day!

The students of 5B started our day by skypeing with none other than Mr. Reshan Richards, the creator of Explain Everything!  He was so wonderful to politely answer a ton of questions, hear comments of how students use the app, and even take suggestions 🙂

imageThe students were so excited when he took his laptop to the window to show them how much snow had fallen over night.  The oohs and aahs were audible…Mr. Richards said that its not that interesting to them.  We shared that the only place we have snow on our island is atop Mauna Kea…which is covered with the white stuff from all the showers last night, but that’s at the 13,000 ft. elevation.

Mr. Richards then shared some tips and tricks with the students…he shared how he could Screen Shot 2015-03-03 at 3.07.11 PMrotate the earth around a pic of the sun, rotate all kinds of other objects, & even how to bring gifs into Explain Everything.  We shared that this great app is our foundation app to app-smash!  We love it…and now we love Reshan Richards!  Mahalo for diving into our FISH!bowl today! Stay tuned, we’ll be making tutorials of our new learning after student-led conferences!  (Early next week 🙂 )  Great photos by Kaulana!  Mahalo Miss Shonnie for making contact and building pilina w/Reshan at the ipad Summit in San Diego!



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Huaka’i to Hilo Hanakahi

The students of Papa ‘Elima (Gr. 5) went on a huaka’i (field trip) this past Friday to Hilo Hanakahi.  It was our honor to have a resident expert, Kumu Lehua-Po’o Kumu of Kula Ki’eki’e (our high school) who is always so willing to share his mana’o of the area of Hilo Hanakahi which we lovingly call Keaukaha join us!  So much learning went on during our walking along the shoreline from Puhi Bay to Onekahaka.  Mahalo Kumu Lehua!  Ask you keiki all about it!  Click on the video below to see what our wonderful day looked like!

Here’s another video made into a cartoon!  Cool!  Look forward to students using this new app in class & posting to our class blog!

Hereʻs a piccollage Hayden made of our day at Hilo Hanakahi!


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