Ohana Alert for the Week of Mar.13-17

Aloha e nå Ohana,

Mahalo for the kåkou effort to make Student-Led Conferences a success!  We,the students and I,  appreciate you joining us in celebrating the many successes and courageously facing the areas we are striving to improve on!  “E hana püala kåkou!” Together, WE CAN!

As mentioned at conferences, trimester #3 is the “strong swim” to the finish for 5B!  This is where we put all our ‘ike gained in the previous trimesters into “action!”  A call to take a stand as the “waves keep rolling in.”  Hoping that the info that you find on our class blog can offer support at home or please feel free to call, email, or write a note in the planner for me!   Please read this whole post of important events!

ALL US History and Hawaiian History notes (in Inquiry tablet) MUST be brought to class on a DAILY BASIS!! Students should work on researching self-selected projects daily!  A good conversation starter at home would be to ask about progress made today & goal for the next :). Appreciate our partnership!

Mon., Mar.13~Day 2:  HUAKA’I today!  Students would need to bring a lunch, drink, have swim clothes under uniforms, towel, sunscreen, light jacket & bring an extra change of clothes to return to school in proper uniform dress.  Students are so excited to try out their wa’a water purifiers w/Kumu Noe!  We will return in time for Christian Ed~ please have your work completed and brought to school! US History revisions DUE TODAY 🙂

Tues., Mar. 14~Day 3: We will be finalizing US History report & organizing notes to write rough draft for Hawaiian History in class.  Sidewalk Chalk Art Day…come in your E Ola Nø tshirt and jeans!

Wed., Mar. 15~Day 4: Students welcome Anakala Kühao Zane today to class as he shares his mana’o on our essential ? to deepen our understanding of What Is Your Kuleana? Mahalo to Reece & ohana for leading this effort!  Our CEO, Mr. Jack Wong will be visiting our campus!  Continue swimming…work on Hawaiian History project improvements! 

Thurs., Mar.16~Day 5: Hawaiian History Rough Drafts due in class today! Håweo Luncheon today!  We will also be welcoming visitors from across our kula all day long as we work on making our thinking visible and questions we ask each other in class!  Small groups of teachers and administration will be visiting every class as we all work together to stretch, improve, & thrive!

Fri., Mar.17~Day 6: Gr. 5 keiki invited to watch HS Hø’ike performance today 🙂 So blessed that we will all be able to see this wonderful event & learn about our Ali’i! Students will be given time to work on revisions.

SPRING BREAK is on Mar. 20-24 and KUHIO DAY on Mar. 27…See you all back on Tues., Mar. 28th!  Heads Up:  K-12 Math Performance task due in class on Wed., Mar. 29th!  Students, w/Ohana køkua, are asked to bring in the following information: 1) List of what (Student believes is important after research) is needed in Hurricane Preparedness Kit. 2) Prices from at least 2 stores for each item 3) Measurement of each item: length, width, & height.  Mahalo Ohana for allowing the time to collect information to help students succeed!                                                                                                                 Revisions for Hawaiian History due also.                                     Pheeewww, Ua Pau!  LOL, at least for THIS WEEK!

5B FISH! Swimming Strong TOGETHER!

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Ohana Alert: Huaka’i to Lokoi’a

Hi 5B Ohana,

Just a heads up that 5B students will be going on huaka’i to Kumuola Lokoi’a on Mon., March 13 to test out their STEAM water filtration system for wa’a that they worked on with Kumu Noe!  Students will need to come to school with swim clothes under their uniforms.  They would also need to bring a change of clothes as they will be returning to school in uniform.  ;).   A towel, sunscreen, and light jacket

Students will need to bring a home lunch, a drink, and a snack as we will NOT be returning in time for lunch!

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Calling All FISH!

Hi Ka’u I’a,

Need to have a list of students who attended Halau Kupukupu last summer.  Please come and see me tomorrow before oli if you did.  Mahalo!

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Math Marathoners for the Week!

7 skills due each month!

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Ohana Alert for Week of Mar.6-10

Here’s the week at a glance…

Mon., Mar. 6~Day 5:  Library time today, don’t forget library books to avoid fines.  Students will begin writing assignment on US History topic today…please bring notes to class!  Students will be graded on previous notes requirements today!

Tues., Mar, 7~Day 6:  Ekalesia @8am @ Lunalilo Hale.  Dress whites mandatory!  REPORT CARDS GO HOME TODAY!  Please be on the lookout for it in backpacks!  The envelope & report card analysis would need to be signed and returned to class.  Report cards are for you to keep.  

Wed., Mar. 8~Day 1:  US History writing drafts due today! 

Student Led Conferences on Thurs. & Fri., Mar. 9-10.  Conferences will be held in our classroom!

Heads up for Mon., Mar. 13~Day 2:   5B goes on huaka’i.  Lunch is needed…please pack a home lunch w/a drink.  

March Math Madness in 5B!  Reviewing by ordering #s in teams!

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Mathematician’s Cards…

As you were watching me share this card mission, I could practically see your brain cells firing up!  The eyes were glued to the cards in my hand, the gears turning, the smoke beginning to pour out of your ears, the head heating up as the brain cells caught fire, then poof…ABLAZE!  Your brain was trying to make meaning, problem-solving along the way to make meaning & understand more.  While working w/your table teams to solve, you were addressing the Standards for Mathematical Practice:

MP.1 Make sense of problem & ho’omau in solving it

MP.3  Construct viable arguments & critique reasoning of others

MP.6  Attend to precision:  Communicate, calculate, & discuss clearly

MP.7  Look for & Make use of Structure (patterns…finding patterns)

Ka’u I’a,   Post a comment ~1) Share the process you went through w/your FISH!mates to solve this mission then, 2)share one word that would describe your feeling and explain WHY!   Mahalo for checking our class blog daily :).  Great job of checking the blog DAILY, as this is an assignment :).

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Attention 5B FISH!

As we discussed in class, please bring in a small rectangular prism to class :).  It can be of any small size (no larger than a shoe box).  It can even be from your kitchen pantry!  This is needed in class by Tues. as we will be using it for our K-12 campus-wide math performance task.  Search your home!  Be creative!  Don’t forget IXL skills too!  7 for the month required!  DUE IN CLASS:  Wed., March 1st! 🙂 

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Kuleana Continues…With Kumu Kawika

Kumu Kawika Shares his Kuleana w/5B FISH!

Our Kuleana Inquiry Project continues….The students were so priviledged today to have a chance to talk w/Kumu Kawika, author extraordinaire, and retired KSK Olelo Hawai’i Kumu!  Keiki had a wonderful time listening to him as he shared that his kuleana is a driving force inside of him and that it is always growing and changing to meet the needs of haumåna!  He believes that kuleana is a cycle…what you give out is what comes back to you!  He shared how his 1st book was “By Wind, By Wave” and how a chapter was about the Kolea.  The chapter started when his students didn’t know much about the Kolea, it was his kuleana to teach them about it to share how it was a significant part of their past.  Did you know that the Kølea was a great food source for our ancestors? Yes! He said, “so ono!”

Kumu Kawika shared how his kuleana is transformed into words that touch others.  He believes that each of us must listen and share mo’olelo with each other as our kuleana now & in the future!  Through his kuleana, he teaches about Kamehameha Nui after much research, which included using the nüpepa of the past.   He shares Kamehameha’s traits & his mo’olelo by including Hawaiian language and rich vocabulary in his books.  Each of his books were written for a purpose w/haumåna in mind!  He was impressed w/some of the inquiry questions that students asked throughout the “talk story” time!   He ended his visit w/us by telling keiki…that OUR kuleana is to continue to do better, to change as the times change, but remember our past!  Kumu Kawika continues to embrace his kuleana by sharing his mo’olelo w/us and then off to Kula Ki’eki’e to share w/high schoolers!  Sharing his kuleana by example!  Mahalo for joining us!

Students are now taking leadership role in our inquiry project learning by making contact w/people of our låhui that they would like to talk with, ask questions, and learn from!  Go FISH! Go!  Taking their  kuleana seriously to understand a deeper meaning!

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Our IXL Mathlethes for Last Week

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IMPORTANT Ohana Alert: Week of Feb. 27-Mar.3

Wow!  March Madness is upon us!  There’s much that will be happening in the upcoming weeks for the 5B FISH! Planners, class blog post, and many conversations on kuleana at home will be important as we “Swim Strong” to the finish!  The students and I have been discussing this in class, in great lengths, for a number of weeks…organization, kuleana, and perseverance.  Just a reminder, PINK is a call to action for students and BLUE is a parent alert 🙂

Here’s a heads up to joining us in the swim!

Mon., Feb. 27~Day 6: Operations Appreciation Day- we get to share our mahalo w/our hard working Anakala and Anake who give us a beautiful environment to work & play in!  All students should have and BRING to class the beginning of Makawalu research.  One topic on US History and one topic of Hawaiian History.  Each topic should have 20 inquiry questions, wonders…questions that they have regarding topics.

**NOTE: Students should be using time to collect more questions & doing research on their self-selected inquiry DAILY.  It is necessary for students to stay on top of due dates as each part of research is dependent on the previous assignment.  Mahalo in advance for partnering to keep the 5B FISH! up to speed!

Tues., Feb. 28~Day 1: Birthday Celebration today for the Feb. babies :).   Students will be documenting more questions they have on their topic & beginning their research to become experts!

Wed., Mar.1~Day 2:  Each student will be sharing (5 mins) in class w/team:  Topics, Why the topic was selected,  interesting info they have uncovered “so far,” and more questions they have on their topic AFTER beginning research.  

Students will be proudly showcasing their learning through the years at Kula Ha’aha’a @ our Makawalu Capstone on April 19 & 20 for all our students & Kumu and campus dignitaries.  Please save April 20th in the afternoon to join us and celebrate learning with us!  More specific info of time will be forthcoming.

Report Cards for Trimester #2 going home on Tues., March 7th…dig in those bacpacks 🙂 

Student-Led Conferences on Thurs-Fri., March 9 & 10.  It will be regular days for students.  Our 5B conferences will be in our classroom.  Look forward to seeing all of you again! 

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