Itʻs October! Ohana Alert for the Week of Oct. 2-6

Aloha ʻĀina at Honoliʻi!

Fall is here! Itʻs the last week before Fall Break with so much to do :).  The trimester is quickly coming to a close…donʻt forget that 9 genres are due by Fri., Oct. 20th…READ! READ! READ!  Presentations need to be completed by last day to count!  Plan ahead and donʻt wait for the last day!  

Hereʻs the week at a glance:  A great conversation starter this week to have with keiki: What genre is your favorite? Why?  How many books have you already presented?  What part of a book did you connect with?  What made the book one that youʻd recommend or not recommend?  Who is your favorite author? What makes that author a good one to you?

Mon., Oct. 2-Day 3: Table 1 & 2 Girls to have lunch w/Dr. Werner

Tues., Oct. 3-Day 4: Morning meeting w/Mr. Kudo

Wed., Oct. 4-Table 3 & 4 Girls to have lunch w/Dr. Werner

Heads Up:  Students have been asking about requirements for Halloween costumes…Please follow school rules, but feel free to be as creative as you like!   Have fun! :).

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Kā Wai Ola! The Waters of Life- Huakaʻi to Honoliʻi

The 5B FISH! again “dive deeper!” into learning!  This time, the team took learning OUTDOOR!  Papa ‘Elima went on our first huaka’i to Honoli’i!  Uncle Skibbs and Crew were there to welcome us to our beach classroom…at least our classroom for the day! The day began by doing service learning project and helping to målama the ‘åina.  We learned that Uncle Skibbs has been planting plants that are important to our culture!  Kumu Silva, Mrs. Chang, and Mrs. Rosehill then took over to share mana’o and teach lessons from listening to your surroundings as the ‘ili ‘ili spoke to us, collecting water samples, and using our iPads to take photos with an artistic eye!

The haumåna worked hard…then got to play hard!  Do things for the OUTcome, NOT the Income! Mahalo to Uncle Skibbs and crew for sharing your aloha with us and all the people of Moku o Keawe!  Honoli’i is beautiful!

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The FISH! Continue the Swim into Inquiry-Hurricanes…

Preparing to report the news!

The learning continues…into our inquiry-Hurricanes in class.  The students are now creating video to capture their manaʻo on the learning process and share the impact that this project has made on them.  Above you see the boys setting up their newscast as they learned how to use a green screen to produce a more authentic broadcast.  Stay tuned for the 5B FISH! news anchors to report!

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5B FISH Learn How to Jazz Up Keynote!

Ever sat in a presentation or meeting where someone shared a keynote?  Did you groan, oh no…not another one?  The FISH! were so privileged today.  We got to learn from Apple Professional Learning Senior Specialist, Sherri Clemens.  Wow, APPLE in the house!  Or should we say, in the class!

Aunty Sherri shared how to jazz up how we use keynote more effectively, to use it as an effective tool  as we “dive deeper” into inquiry, and make animation that moved across the screen…she sure got the oohs and the aahs!  Not boring anymore!

Mahalo Aunty Sherri for inspiring us to “up our game” while using keynote, Pages, Numbers and sharing tips and tricks!  We look forward to you joining us again in a few months!  Every good deed, deserves another…we taught Aunty Sherri how to be a local…flash the shaka!  Much Learning, Much Smiles, and always…Much FUN! Hauʻoli lā hānau Aunty Sherri, honored to have you celebrate your special day with us!

Apple in the House!

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Mele Arrives in Texas!

Hi Students,

Thought you’d like to see this!  Your message of Aloha for the people of Texas has arrived.  KHOU News in Houston posted this on their website :). Job well done students…5th graders can make a difference in our one world!  Mahalo for sharing our culture of aloha, as it is touching many hearts!  Kahiau and Kuleana in ACTION!  Click on the link then click on the the title “Hawaiian fifth graders write song of support for Texas” to see the article. Mahalo Anake Darci for your køkua!


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Ohana Alert for the Week of Sept. 25-29

5B FISH! One team, One Dream! Changing the world, One heart at a time!

Aloha e nā Ohana 5B,

Mahalo for your kōkua in sharing our message of ALOHA with the people of Texas, People who have been impacted with the numerous natural disasters happening around our world, or others who may need inspiration to Stay Strong! Mahalo to the ohana members who have been emailing me with the multitude of ways that you are reaching out with social media to take our message out the window of our class to our world! So appreciate the joint effort as we partner to teach our children that they CAN make a positive difference in our ONE world! ONE heart at a time!  Click on the comment tab below the post to see the beautiful comments people have shared with keiki! please post a comment too…make sure you click on the comment tab under post “Inquiry into Hurricanes…” 😉

Mon., Sept. 25-Day 5:  Food Service Appreciation Day!  We honor our Aunties and Uncles who provide us with such healthy and ono meaʻai daily!

Wed, Sept. 27: Yearbook picture retakes today! 😄

Thurs., Sept. 28-Day 1:  PTO Ohana Night

Fri., Sept. 29-Day 2:  Huakaʻi today! Please have haumana come to school in beach attire and have uniform and shoes in another bag.  please BRING a home lunch, drink, and snack!  Sunscreen, hats, & sunglasses ok too!

Have a great week!

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Inquiry into Hurricanes: 5B Send a Message of Aloha to Texas…Through Mele

Aloha e nå Ohana Kamehameha (Kamehameha Families) a me nå Ohana Honua (Our World Family),

If you are reading this…we Mahalo (thank) you in advance for your køkua (help) to share our message with the people of the great state of Texas.  Please pass our CLASS BLOG link on!

The haumåna (students) in Papa ‘Elima (Gr. 5) have been diving deep in our essential question:  What is Our Kuleana? What is Our Responsibility ~ As Kamehameha Schools-Hawai’i students, As Hawaiians, and As Global-Citizens…

Our inquiry project began as wanting to know more about Hurricanes, as we solemnly watched with heavy hearts, as parts of our nation and our world were impacted by these destructive natural disasters.  We researched to collect information, we collaborated to share new knowledge with one another…all the while our essential question resonated deep in our na’au…What is Our Kuleana?  What can we do to køkua (help)? Our class agreed that new knowledge and knowing was NOT enough, we needed to put it into action!

The 5B team quickly mobilized to make a difference.  Small teams worked on posters to inform others in our school about Hurricanes, how to prepare & be safe if a hurricane is imminent, how Hurricane Harvey has impacted our World, drew inspiration from how People were helping People and the nationwide fundraising efforts by many, and wondered how 5th graders with no paying jobs could help too!

The team decided that we could share information with our individual Ohana (families) on how to make monetary donations to help, BUT together, we could send our message to the people of Texas…through mele (song).  This is an original mele created by students in 5B after much inquiry & discussion on: What goes into a mele? How did our ancestors haku mele (composed songs) and why?, Who are the people of Texas?  What makes Texans unique?  What is the culture of Texas?…and finally, What is our collective message filled with our collaborative voices/feelings did we want to send to everyone impacted by Hurricane Harvey. We care…You Matter!

We send you, the people of Texas, our message of perseverance, hope, and ALOHA…

“E Hana Püalu Kåkou” ~Together, We Can…

Change Our World, One Heart at a Time!

A Mahalo nui to Kumu Silva (singing with class) for collaborating with us, sharing mana’o, helping with ‘olelo Hawai’i to haku mele and for fine tuning our ukulele skills every step of the way.  Mahalo to Uncle Jason for being a part of our journey of learning & for providing your super hero techie talents!  Mahalo to Mrs. Debus for sharing your ideas and offering support to stretch our thinking.  We are truly blessed with TEAMWORK at Kula Ha’aha’a!

In closing, we are kükauka’i (interdependent), we are people of ONE world, go out and make a positive difference in it!

Let MALUHIA (Peace), MANA’OLANA (Hope), and ALOHA (love) fill you!

 Imua Kamehameha! Imua All!

…Our journey continues…

Please post a comment for us and share your wahi pana (where you come from), students are using this in a lesson on how social media works.

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Hoʻomaikaʻi to the Wiwoʻole 5B FISH!

Today, haumāna at Kula Haʻahaʻa shared their passion to be servant leaders!  Our annual ʻAha ʻŌpio campaign speeches were shared with all!  Those seeking office in our student council spoke of how they envision our year to be, the exciting possibilities to build pilina as a kula, how they are willing to take on the kuleana, and to work tirelessly for others with no expectation of any return, but a fabulous school year for everyone!  Wonderful, thoughtful, articulate speeches!  So proud I am of each of our 5B wiwoʻole candidates!

The 5B FISH! Will be represented well on our ʻAha ʻŌpio council this year!  Hoʻomaikaʻi to Miss President-Lehani and our Vice President-Caylee!  Meet our Officers!

**UPDATED 9/21/17:  Congrats to Kūhaʻo for being voted by his classmates to be our class rep and Kerilyn for being voted as our alternate! 🙂 

Our fearless leader!

Our 2nd in Command

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The Journey Begins…What is Our Kuleana?

The 5B FISH! Begin our Journey…to dive deeper into the meaning of Kuleana!  Yes, we all can share the definition, but how do we put our kuelana into real ACTION?  To really understand the meaning?  We start our yearlong learning of our essential question:  What is Our Kuleana? We were blessed to have Uncle Skibbs come to visit and share his manaʻo with Papa ʻElima!  He shared with us his kuleana that he learned from his kupuna…Mālama the ʻāina, our natural resources, now so keiki can see it, use it, enjoy it!

He, along with other members of Basic Image & partnership with the County & a lot of caring volunteers in the community, are working to clean the parks and beaches for everyone to enjoy!  He shared what they did to beautify many beaches on Moku o Keawe.  If youʻve taken a cruise or surfed at Honoliʻi, youʻve enjoyed the fruits of their labor which began way back in 2003! Basic Imageʻs mission is to “Spread Aloha Worldwide.” Check out the website to see more of the great things they are doing.

Uncle Skibbs shared with us how it was not always easy, but kept his goal in mind. (So Growth Mindset)  His manaʻo began with keiki need to “Listen to learn! Our actions will speak loudly!”  He gained a lot by listening to his kupuna.  He also said, “when you come across a problem, which you will, donʻt let anyone steal your aloha!” Find your balance and always give from the heart! He reminded us that if you expect something in return, you never gave…So true.  He continues to share his manaʻo and ʻike with keiki in classroom and at the beaches as he leads by example as he mālama numerous beaches.  The smiles & many ohana picnics he is witness to are his reward! Mahalo Uncle Skibbs for sharing your kuleana and heart with our class & our community…to make a better world for us all!  He ended with a final kahiau thought…”Do things not for the INcome-Do things for the OUTcome!”

Mahalo for sharing the aloha with Papa ʻElima Uncle Skibbs!

Kuleana is never SELFISH…it is SELFLESS! Papa ‘Elima will be soon going on huaka’i to share in the kuleana at Honoli’i to put our new learning into ACTION on Fri., Sept. 29th!  Our deep learning continues!

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Busted… with a Growth Mindset!

BUSTED (v): Being caught in the act…of something PONO!  

Dylan taking responsibility for his learning!

Aloha Ohana,   A look into our FISH!bowl….Every morning before oli, our class is full of excitement!  Our “prequel” to our day…Students are getting ready for the day, turning in homework, singing, “talking stories” with each other, preping to take on keiki alakaʻi duties, sharing with me their stories of sporting events, reading adventures, & exciting happenings in life!  Of course, the ipads come out!

Hereʻs our backstory…In class, we often discuss the blessing of having an ipad to use in our learning…but as we know, how we use it makes the difference!  Good vs. Evil discussions happen as we discuss pono use (ethical user), protecting personal info, & being safe.

Students gather, game on!  Youʻd be happy to know…the games happen in hoot math, woodamath!  Excitment levels go up… itʻs all about MATH!  Students are encouraged to use the ipad for good, to explore to learn more, to seek out ʻike, and to be innovative!

Math challenge is on!

In another section of our FISH!bowl, a small hui is forming and I hear the most beautiful sound of a piano keyboard!  I observe this happening for a few days…growth mindset!  Sticking to a passion, practice, practice, practice, sharing it with & teaching others!  This is what an ipad can do…Dylan found this keyboard to use at home, he wanted to learn his fav song, and heʻs sticking with it on his own before school starts, & continues to practice.  See his video (with our morning excitement going full steam ahead in the background)…The best learning is not always quiet in our class!

We learn, we share!

Dylan was BUSTED, taking charge of his own learning!  Love it!  Stay turned for more posts in the future of the 5B FISH! Being “BUSTED” putting what we discuss as a team into ACTION!!!  Always Swimming strong…One team…Changing the World, with ONE Heart!


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