Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning About Reading Genres with the FISH! of 5B

The class had a discussion on the reading genre Contemporary Realism (realistic fiction). They shared that the genre is defined by: being of the time, something that could actually be taking place now, believable now. A question was brought up…”What … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Uncategorized | 2 Comments


  Aloha e Parents, This is an IMPORTANT message from the Health Room! Please read!  The Health room has discovered that there was an error in the computer system for the Influenza Consent form mailout.  Our whole class did NOT … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Dive Into the FISH!bowl

Hi Students, Mrs. Nae’ole-Wong is joining in on our math post “Hapa & the 6 Pack of Coke.”  As I mentioned before, always check out the comments that others make.  We all can learn from each other.  Always remember to … Continue reading

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Voki Updated Sept. 12

Aloha Ahiahi e nā haumāna a me nā ‘ohana, My “mini me” voki is now updated, as promised.  It shares information for ‘ohana to dive into our fishbowl of learning & “catch” a glimpse from various content areas.  Have a … Continue reading

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Huaka’i Heaven!

Today, the Papa ‘Elima 5A & 5B team went on a huaka’i to Mokupāpapa!  We learned how we can be good stewards to our aina and kai.  We studied how marine debri from Humans effect the marine life as well … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 15 Comments

Reading Genres

  Here is a copy of our class genre sheet that students are allowed to select from. If students are interested in a genre that is not listed, they need to first receive approval from me. Each of the students … Continue reading

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Congrats to 2 More Math Marvels!

Lokelani and Thaze have jumped into the 100% fishbowl today!  They both also showed the ho’omau spirit as they pushed forth to learn all the multiplication facts up to 12!  They both have come close many times, just missing it … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Jesse James Got the “Draw” on Math Facts!

  Ho’omai’ka’i to Jesse James!  Jesse did it!  He is the true story of noke…to continue, to keep on, to perservere (ho’omau).  He has been working at these facts from the beginning and has on numerous occasion missed 100% by … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Math, Oh Wow! Lau Lau, Uncategorized | 11 Comments

18 Hundred & Counting…Whoop! Whoop!

Hi Team, As you are all watching our counter climb & constantly setting new goals for the “hits” we get, want to remind you all that it is QUALITY that counts & NOT QUANTITY!  (Although it is fun to watch:) … Continue reading

Posted in Go TEAM!, Uncategorized | 2 Comments


Reminder to STUDENTS, As we discussed in class, when you see PINK, that is an “action” color…you are required to do something!  It may call for you to comment on a particular blog by answering a specific question or share … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Uncategorized | 13 Comments