Category Archives: Reading

Why Read?

Share your reading goals after looking at this infographic.  Be specific! 

Posted in Reading, Uncategorized | 17 Comments

How Can You Lose a Whole Colony?

After completing reading the picture book ” Roanoke: The Lost Colony- An Unsolved Mystery From History”  by Jane Yolen in your teams: How do you lose a whole colony? As you learn about Roanoke Colony, you may be the … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Social Studies | 21 Comments

FISH! Food for Thought #1: How Do You Honor Your Kupuna?

http:// Here’s the Wonderopolis link to read the article too! Learn How to Honor Your Ancestors Watch the above video, click the link to read an article about “Honoring Ancestors.”  Think about how other cultures do this…Ponder the FISH! Food for … Continue reading

Posted in FISH! Food For Thought, Reading, Techie Things, Writing | 24 Comments

Another “WONDER”ful Day in Paradise

Hi Students, The excitement builds as Halloween nears….click on the link to read a “spook”tacular article.  This time, take the “Wonder Word Challenge” and match away.  When you are done, explore “Try It Out” section to learn more.  Finally, “Test … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things | 10 Comments

New Book Recommendation

Dive into a great book!  This new book just hit our classroom bookshelf.  Click on the link to see how fabulous it is!  Be the first to read it and share your excitement with your teammates!  The Fourteenth Goldfish Book … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Uncategorized | 25 Comments

Wonder of the Day Post your thoughts on new learnings in one paragraph in honor of “chicken skin!”

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Writing | 21 Comments

Trimester #1 Reading Update!

Ho’omaika’i to the following students who worked extremely hard at reaching the 9 genre reading goal for Trimester #1:  Hayden, Kacelyn, Makana, Dylan, Tyce, Shania, and Emma Rose!   Great job! Many times students tend to choose their “favorite” genre … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Reading | 1 Comment

I Wonder? How Does a Green Screen Work Hey Students, Now that you have been exploring with the Do Ink app and using the green screens to create fabulous reports, did you ever “WONDER” how it works?  Click on the link above to watch a short video … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | Tagged | 9 Comments

App-Solutely Smashing!

http:// Click the video above to check out the 5B FISH! as they learn about current events from the Hawaii Tribune Hearld.  They are also practicing their public speaking as well as working on their “techie” skills as they use … Continue reading

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Books are “Tweet!”

Hi Students, Read any great books lately?  Books that you could not put down?  Books that you kept thinking about?  Books that you couldnʻt wait to read to find out what will happen next? Did you come across a genre … Continue reading

Posted in Reading, Techie Things, Uncategorized | Tagged | 2 Comments