Category Archives: Ohana Alert!

Mahalo for joining us at Makawalu and for all your continued support to help “our” keiki thrive! Here’s the week at a glance…get those calendars out! Mon., Apr. 24~Day 6:  K-12 Math performance task begins…on Hurricane Preparedness (3 days). Library … Continue reading

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Go Team Go! IXL Champs for the Week

Friendly reminder that 7 IXL skills are due each month and 9 genres for the trimester!  Students are still working on book presentations and reaching their million word end of the year target!  Great job to the many who have … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of April 10-14: Makawalu is Coming!

REMINDER:  PLEASE BRING INQUIRY TABLET TO CLASS DAILY. Students will be given daily class time to work on, build, create, & finalize all projects for Makawalu, including differentiated techie projects for K-2, 2-4, ohana.   If you’d like to bring … Continue reading

Posted in Ohana Alert!, Social Studies | 1 Comment

5B Does the Texas Two Step!

Hi Students, Thought you’d love watching this video & sharing this with your ohana!  Mahalo Aunty Kathy for capturing the memories for us! 5B & Ohana 2 Step from 5BFish on Vimeo.

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Ohana Alert for Week of April 3-7

Makawalu is coming fast and furiously!  Students should be working on creating/making artifacts for their presentations.  Students should also be working on costuming at home and have it in class on Monday, April 17th :).  PLEASE BE AWARE OF THE … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of April 3-7

“A’ohe hana nui ke alu ‘ia”… No task is too big when done together! It’s already April…We have been counting the days until Makawalu…only T-E-N school days left before the big capstone project! 🙂  Students should have discussed and solidified … Continue reading

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Visit From NY Times Best Selling Author Kwame Alexander

Aloha FISH! Friends, The 5B FISH! Were so blessed today to be able to visit w/New York Times Best-Selling Author Mr. Kwame Alexander!  The morning began by Papa ‘Eha, ‘Elima, & ‘Eono (Gr. 4,5,6) ho’okipa (officially welcomed him) to our … Continue reading

Posted in Cultural Learning, Ohana Alert!, Pilina, Reading, Uncategorized, Writing | Leave a comment

Ohana Alert for the Week of March 28-31

Hope that all of you had a wonderful Spring Break!  The upcoming week is another busy 3 days! Tues., Mar. 28~Day 1: Students get to hear author Kwame Alexander today @ Lunalilo Hale.  PLEASE BRING INQUIRY TABLETS TO CLASS!  We … Continue reading

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Attention Ohana, Køkua Needed

Upcoming Ohana Assistance: As mentioned at Student-Led Conferences…Makawalu, the Papa ‘Elima capstone project is on Thurs., April 20th!  Please save the date as you won’t want to miss it as students share their learning through their years at Kula Ha’aha’a! … Continue reading

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Ohana Alert for the Week of Mar.13-17

Aloha e nå Ohana, Mahalo for the kåkou effort to make Student-Led Conferences a success!  We,the students and I,  appreciate you joining us in celebrating the many successes and courageously facing the areas we are striving to improve on!  “E … Continue reading

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