Mahalo for joining us at Makawalu and for all your continued support to help “our” keiki thrive!
Here’s the week at a glance…get those calendars out!
Mon., Apr. 24~Day 6: K-12 Math performance task begins…on Hurricane Preparedness (3 days). Library canceled, to be rescheduled by Kumu Kanani.
Tues., Apr. 25~Day 1: K-12 Math performance task continues…
Wed., Apr. 26~Day 2: K-12 Math performance task last day :).
Thurs., Apr. 27~Day 3: Apple Instructor doing a demonstration lesson for students. Sub in class.
Fri., Apr. 28~Day 4: Aloha Wear Day and Birthday Celebration Day! Sub in class.
Here’s last week’s mathlethes!