Everyone Counts, Everyone Matters! Teaming to Thrive!

The 5B FISH! swam straight into Lumi Kaunånå (Hawaiian for Place of Discovery) today!  The lab morphed into a real place of discovery by just adding students!  The haumåna (students) were given the mission of becoming newscasters and creating a newscast sharing their Genius Hour projects.  They first studied “real” reporters from many of our local newsrooms and beyond to identify characteristics in small group teams.  Recorded, edited, revised and helped each other to put their broadcast in the can (the old way of saying it) or should I say in the camera roll! (The new age way of saying it)

We are also studying argument writing for SBKH & CCSS so students needed to take a stance using their Genius Hour research to provide solid fact-based information in their news report.  They were challenged (if topic allowed) to share a counterpoint to dispprove too!  All of this in a minute!  Pheew!  What a task!  BUT…nothing to great, if done together!  How you ask?  Easily… because every voice counts, EVERYONE MATTERS!  See the 5B FISH! swim strong together by working in small groups to prep, plan, try out, redo, and then regroup as ONE TEAM!  “E Hana Püalu Kåkou!” Together, We Can!

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