Category Archives: Tutorials

How to create Menus

One of the really cool things that WordPress 3.0 includes is the ability to create custom menus. You can build your menu from any combination of Page, Category or Custom URL. This takes the organization and presentation of your content … Continue reading

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FTP Problems?

Here are the most common solutions to FTP problems you may have with the education webserver: Reboot your computer and try again. Sometime connections between your workstation and the webserver become frozen, which is fixed with a simple reboot. Toggle … Continue reading

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How to embed Voicethread videos

How to embed Voicethread (and other flash) videos: Note that this will not work for all flash video sites, it depends on how open the video site chooses to be. 1. Copy embed code … Continue reading

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How to Reduce PDF Filesize in OSX

The default “Reduce File Size” option in OSX Preview often leaves you with undesirable results, pixellated images or unreadable text. If you’ve ever wished for the ability to control the quality/filesize balance, follow the instructions below: Launch the ColorSync Utility … Continue reading

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How to embed Vimeo (and other flash) videos

How to embed Vimeo (and other flash) videos: Note that this will not work for all flash video sites, it depends on how open the video site chooses to be. 1. Copy embed code from Vimeo, … Continue reading

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How to embed a swf file

1. First upload the swf file, then send to editor, then click on the “Code tab” to get the full URL to the swf file. The full URL will start with http://… and end with .swf … Continue reading

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How to embed TeacherTube videos

Getting the correct embed  code for TeacherTube is a little tricky, and may not always work, remember, you can always simply link to their website. 1. Copy the Embeddable w/ Video Search code: 2. Paste into … Continue reading

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Writing a Post

This video shows you how to log in and write a simple post to your KS Blog.

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