Cool Devotions for Preteens – like “What can Fortnight teach us about God?” http://studentdevos.com/devotions/devotions/
Topics – Where is it in the Bible?
Devotionals and Quiet Times – How your personality style connects you to God.
The Beginner’s Bible for Kids with activities
Hi I was so inspired to write a big song about god.
Yeah! Share it with me. <>< Kahu Ann
I was reading my bible today, and I read this: “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and His word is not in us.” (1 John 1:8-10 page 431)
My Daily Prayer:
“May today be all that I need it to be.
May the peace of God and the freshness
of the Holy Spirit rest in my thoughts,
rule in my dreams and conquer all my fears.
May God manifest himself today in ways that
I have never experienced.
May my joys be fulfilled, my dreams
become closer and my prayers be answered.
I pray that my faith enters a new height,
that my territory is enlarged and that
I make one step closer to my destiny.
I pray for peace, health, happiness and
true and undying love for God.”
St. Theresa
Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.
Hi Kahu Ann, I was on YouTube today and I found a nice song called “I Thank God”.
Good one Kyra! <>< Kahu Ann
A good devotion to read from the devotion book is on May 29. : )
Yeah! Mahalo Amber for posting. What did God teach you through that devo? <3! Kahu Ann
hi kahu! i’m reading the devos u gave us, and they help sooooo much! like u said, it’s weird how they always seem to fit in the day we get! hmmmmm.
Hi Kahu Ann! Todays eDevo was really interesting and it really helped me to see how great God’s love is. 🙂
I CAN COME TO THE RETREAT ON SEPTEMBER 13!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay i cant wait!!
: )
Yeah! I’ll pass out the permission forms next Tuesday. <3! Kahu Ann
Hi Kahu Ann! When I was trick-or-treating on Halloween, someone was passing out little “Pray the Rosary” booklets. I have a few extras… would you like one? 🙂
Is there anywhere that I can go to find out more about Elijah the prophet and the questions you asked us? Or is it in the video… I did not watch all of it yet.
Does anyone know how jessabale died, you know the one in the Elijah video and also why The Lord told him to kill the prophets???????
Aloha e Shalei, Watch the rest of the video and read in 1 Kings and read 1 Kings 17 to 2 Kings 2. He is a fascinating character; one of my favorite prophets in the Old Testament.
Hi Kahu, I have some good ideas, but I didn’t get them from the website is that okay? It is about temptations.
Yes of course! Looking forward to seeing it. <3! Kahu Ann
Aloha Kahu Ann! I just came across this website one day and I wanted to share it 🙂
Mahalo for sharing Kyra! <3! Kahu Ann
Hi Kahu Ann,
FCA had an event called carry the cross today. We walked up a hill and everyone got a chance to carry a cross. I carried the small cross. I had a hard time imagining what Jesus had to do for us. He is just amazing!!! When we got to the top of the hill we got a pen and a paper and we prayed. We had to think of a sin we committed and we wrote it down on the paper and we each got to nail our own paper to the cross. And no one could see your paper, so it was basically just between you and God. After we nailed our paper to the cross we left, it was like just leaving our sin behind us. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! We still have to show you our 2 songs:)!!!!! HAVE A FABOULAS EASTER!!!!!!!!!!
Aloha e Selah,
You bless my heart! God has big plans for you and I am so excited about what He is doing in your heart and in your life. Have a blessed Easter and keep looking at our loving Savior! <3! Kahu Ann
Thank you Kahu Ann for teaching me Isaiah 41:10! I am having a very hard time in my life, and I got to show my mom the Isaiah 41:10 song on your blog, and that verse really touched her heart. I think God purposely put that verse in my life for this really tough time. THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!:)
Aloha e Selah,
I am praying for you right now. God’s Word is powerful and true. Trust Him and He will not only carry you through your difficult time, but He will also bless you with more of His love and joy. You are so precious to Him and to me. Keep seeking and staying close to Jesus! <3! Kahu Ann
Thank you so much for praying for me and my family! Hope you have a very relaxing summer!!!!
I have been praying every day. God is working and moving! <3! Kahu Ann
I agree, God is working and moving everywhere!
Can you please continue to pray for me and my family? This has been a very tough summer for my family. Have a superbly exciting and relaxing rest of the summer!!! Can’t wait to see you at the start of our brand new school year!
Yes, of course! Praying right now and claiming Romans 8:28, for you and your ‘ohana. Come and visit me and we can pray together. <3! Kahu Ann
What would be the best time to talk to you? I would LOVE to be able to talk to you! Do you want to get together and have lunch together or do want me to come at late bus. When you check your schedule and it happens to work out best if I talk to you afterschool, is it possible for you to tell me one day ahead of time so I can check if I am going terminal and not late bus. Thank You!!!
Dear Selah,
I would love to chat and pray with you. I am only free during your lunch on Day 2, and the next one is on Tuesday, November 18th. That’s too long a wait. Are you free after school at 2:30 this coming Monday or Wednesday? If you are free, let me know and I will put you as a priority in my plan book. Lots of love and prayers are going your way. God is with you and your ‘ohana.
<3! Kahu Ann
Hi kahu,
I’m sorry for your mom. I am keeping her in my prayers and hopefully god will put his healing hand on her. I hope she gets beder, if she is not close to god I pray that she will become closer than ever. God is with you and your mom. I know he loves you and I know he hears our prayers.
Aloha e Mehana,
I am blessed because my mom loves the Lord. We are trusting Him to either heal her or to comfort her as He prepares her to be with Him. God is daily meeting our needs and showing us His goodness and love. Jesus is my Joy! Kahu Ann
Wow all of these comments are from 2013 and 2014