4/9/14 B


1) Read the novel Out of the Dust,  pgs. 1-120.

2) Write 4 questions you have as you read.

3) This book is a narrative that shares different parts of Billie Jo’s life. Write a poem about an experience, random event, or item in your life.

4) RP

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4/8/14 A


1) Read the novel Heartbeat, pgs. 1-50.

2) Write 4 questions you have as you read.

3) This book is a narrative that shares different parts of Annie’s life. Write a poem about an experience, random event, or item in your life.

4) RP

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4/7/14 B


1) Write a poem, at least 10 lines long, using a variety of figurative language and poetry devices.

2)  Reading Plus

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4/4/14 A


1) Study poetry terms-

  • metaphor
  • simile
  • imagery
  • personification
  • alliteration
  • rhyme
  • rhythm
  • repetition
  • stanza

Be able to define words, identify them in a poem, and create them in a written poem.

2)  Finish the poem you started in class.

  • at least 10 lines
  • you can choose any style of poetry
  • be creative and thoughtful while using figurative language

3)  Reading Plus

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4/2/14 A


1) Rhyming poem with at least 10 lines. Remember to include figurative language. Write poem on the TFK worksheet.

2) Read TFK and follow the directions on the worksheet.

3) Reading Plus

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1) Finish the free verse planter poem we started in class. Include figurative language to add imagery and clarity to your writing.

2)  Poem Packet: Choose a poem and write 3 reasons why you think the poem is good. Write the 3 reasons right next to the poem.

3)  Reading Plus

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3/31/14 A


1) Finish the free verse planter poem we started in class. Include figurative language to add imagery and clarity to your writing.

2)  Poem Packet: Choose a poem and write 3 reasons why you think the poem is good. Write the 3 reasons right next to the poem.

3)  Reading Plus

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3/27 & 3/28 A/B


1)  Write 2 5W & 1H poems.

Reading Plus starts up again on Sunday 3/30!!  We love reading!!

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3/5/14 A


1)Reading Plus

2) Enjoy TFK issues

3) Study for Mal Quiz retake???

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3/4/14 A


1)  Enjoy the TFK issues.

2)  Reading Plus

3) Retake Mal Quiz??? Study if you need to.  Retake by Friday.

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