

1.  Finish Focus Question and any unfinished tasks on the worksheet we started in class.

2.  Chapel on Wed. Check planner for chapel dress.

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No School on Thursday due to the storm.


1.  Answer the Focus Question for the text by Pauahi. Complete any of the previous tasks on the worksheet that you did not finish in class.

Be safe!

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2nd Day of 6th Grade!! 8/5/14


1.  Finish your feet.  “I will walk in the footsteps of Jesus by/with…”

  • name
  • picture
  • label with text
  • no white

2.  Syllabus signatures

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First Day of 6th Grade!! 8/4/14


1.  Finish your feet.  “I will walk in the footsteps of Jesus by/with…”

  • name
  • picture
  • label with text
  • no white

2.  Syllabus signatures


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5/15/14 A


1) The Giver: Read pgs. 130-179.

2) Finish The Giver  packet.

3) Be ready to share your digital story project on Monday!!  We can’t wait to see them!

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5/13/14 B


1) Digital Story Due: Friday, 5/16. You will have about 40 mins in class to work on it. Be prepared!!

2) Read The Giver pgs. 97-129.

3) The Giver packet, pgs. 33-35.

4) Reading Plus. This is the last week…finish strong!!!

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5/9/13 B


1) ALL images for digital project need to be on computer.

2)  Music on computer or flashdrive

3) Digital Story due on 5/16

4) The Giver

  • read pages 49-96
  • packet pgs. 28-32

5) Reading Plus

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5/8/14 A


1) ALL images for digital project need to be on computer.

2)  Music on computer or flashdrive

3) Digital Story due on 5/15

4) The Giver

  • read pages 65-96
  • packet pgs. 30-32
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5/7/14 B


1) Digital Story:

Digitial Story Poetry Rubric-blank

  • Choose poem
  • 6 images – show me in class
  • complete at least 1 side of storyboard

2)  Read The Giver  pgs. 26-49

3) The Giver  packet pgs.24-27

Due Date Timeline:

Poetry Page – 5/7

Poem Chosen – 5/9

6 images for digital project ready to show Mrs. Shiraishi – 5/9

Storyboard – at least 1 side completed – 5/9

All images ready to show Mrs. Shiraishi – 5/13

music chosen  and ready to show Mrs. Shiraishi – 5/13

Digital project complete by end of class – 5/16

Present digital project – 5/20

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5/6/14 A


1) Digital Story:

Digitial Story Poetry Rubric-blank

  • Choose poem
  • 6 images – show me in class
  • complete at least 1 side of storyboard

2)  Read The Giver  pgs. 40-64

3) The Giver  packet pgs.24-29

Due Date Timeline:

Poetry Page – 5/8

Poem Chosen – 5/8

6 images for digital project ready to show Mrs. Shiraishi – 5/8

Storyboard – at least 1 side completed – 5/8

All images ready to show Mrs. Shiraishi – 5/12

music chosen  and ready to show Mrs. Shiraishi – 5/12

Digital project complete by end of class – 5/15

Present digital project – 5/19

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