11/21/11 A


1) 4 Reading Plus Sessions by 11/27…can only count and log 70% or better through level E. Level F and above must get 80% or better to count and log.

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11/18/11 B


1) Work on Personal Narrative: powerful, image filled, robust

2) Final Draft Recipe and Personal Narrative due at the end of class on Tuesday 11/22

3) SOAP: AP – if didn’t finish in class. Due Tuesday 11/22
The righteous live by faith. Romans 1:17

Have a fabulous weekend!!

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11/17/11 A


1) Work on Personal Narrative: powerful word choices, image filled, robust language.

2) Recipe and Personal Narrative Final Draft due at the end of class on Monday, 11/21….ready to go to print.

3) SOAP, “AP”….The righteous live by faith. Romans 1:17

4) Memorize He Inoa No Pauahi, first 3 verses.

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11/16/11 B


1) 4 Reading Plus by 11/20

2) Type Personal Narrative Draft on computer
~Save on flash drive or email to self so you are able to work with doc at school.

3) Memorize He Inoa No Pauahi – first 3 verses

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11/15/11 A


1) Finish Personal Narrative rough draft in Unit Book.
~Skip lines so it’s easier to edit.
~Use powerful, full, robust, descriptive sentences.

2) Chapel on Wed. – Dress Whites

3) Memorize He Inoa No Pauahi – 3 verses

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11/14 B

1. Study for Quiz on 11/16, Weds.: Grammar and Figurative Language

2. SOAP: SO…The righteous live by faith. Romans 1:17

3. Finish narrative rough draft in Unit Book. Write on every other line.

4. Memorize He Inoa No Pauahi: first 3 verses

**Any computer document work you do, make sure you save it on a flash drive or email it to yourself so you can work on it at school too.

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11/9 A

1) Planning Web in Unit Book
2) Narrative worksheet
~identify “Word Choice” criteria from Narrative Rubric
3)  4 Reading Plus Sessions completed by 11/13
4) QUIZ: Grammar and Figurative Language
~use Grammar Packet and Lesson 1, 13, 17
~use Glogster and notes to study

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11/8 (B)

1) Understanding a Narrative in Unit Book
2) Planning Web in Unit Book
3) Narrative worksheet
~identify “Word Choice” criteria from Narrative Rubric
Unit Book
4)  4 Reading Plus Sessions completed by 11/13
5)  Study for Grammar and Figurative Language Quiz on Wed.
~Use Grammar Packet and Lesson 1, 13, 17
~Review your blog and notes for figurative language

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