12/5/11 Monday A


1) Unit HW
~look for powerful images that can be used for your digital story to help clearly answer your groups Guiding Question.
~save on flashdrive

~any other hw assigned by your group

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12/2/11 Friday B


1) Presentation Reflection: Refer to the attached green sheet for pertinent information that needs to be included in your reflection. See below for copy of info on the green direction sheet.

Perpetuating the Legacy

Write a reflective response about Kumu Kamuela’s presentation of Bernice Pauahi Bishop’s legacy. Include:
• Who Pauahi is.
• Why Pauahi is important.
• What her vision for her people was.
• How her vision is being lived out today.
• How you, as an heir to this legacy, will live to honor and perpetuate Pauahi’s vision.

Before you start writing, quietly think about all that you know, learned, and live as a Hawaiian student of Kamehameha Schools. What responsibility comes with perpetuating this legacy? What a privilege and honor it is to be a part of Bernice Pauahi’s heart for her people.

Email or Blog me if you have any questions about reflections assignment. I know the time was rushed and I didn’t have time to explain it in detail. You may use the internet to review or validate information too.

2) Reading Plus: 4 sessions 70% or better by 12/4. After discussion with teachers, ALL levels may record scores of 70% or better.

Have a fabulous safe weekend!!! See you Monday!

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12/1/11 Thursday B


1) Write a reflection about the important points from Kumu Kamuela’s presentation. Include what lessons you learned and how you will use this new learning to live out Pauahi’s legacy.

1) Perpetuating the Legacy Vocabulary: perpetuate, vision, legacy, honor
2)Unit HW (Will be different for each student. Complete what you discussed with your team as your responsibility to complete before you returned to class next.)

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12/1/11 Thursday B

Aloha ‘ohana!!
We are starting a unit called Perpetuating the Legacy. Kumu Kamuela, the MS vice principal, came in today and will come in tomorrow, to share his mana’o about Bernice Pauahi Bishop. (Sorry Block 2…Kumu Kamuela had a mtg and couldn’t meet with your class. We are trying to find another time.) After sharing Pauahi’s history, vision, why we should honor her, and our responsibility to perpetuate her legacy, Kumu Kamuela took us to one of the highest point on the campus to continue his sharing about the names of the roads around our school, named after Pauahi’s three hanai children.

This unit will continue after the break so the students have enough time to research and create digital story to showcase their learning.

The process and learning are exciting to watch!!

As the students work in groups,

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11/30/11 Wednesday B


1) finish Quick Write

2)Perpetuating the Legacy Vocab: honor, perpetuate, vision, legacy

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11/29/11 Tuesday A


1) 4 Reading Plus Sessions completed by 12/4

2) Metaphorical Quick Write

We’re getting ready for our new unit: Perpetuating the Legacy. I’m excited to see what we discover!!

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11/28/11 Monday B


1) Reading Plus: 4 completed sessions, 70% or better, by 12/4

2) Metaphorical Image: make a list of at least 4 items under each category (1-life connections, 2-colorful adj., 3-symolizes, 4-lively verbs)

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11/23/11 A


1) 4 Reading Plus Sessions. Level E or below may log 70% or better. Level F or above may log 80% or better.


~Write your name, date, and period.

~Write 1 full, robust, image filled sentence describing a snapshot or moment in your Thanksgiving break.

I look forward to reading your sentences!!

Enjoy your family…laugh alot…encourage eachohter…love others well!!

Have a thoughtful Thanksgiving!!

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11/23/11 A


1) 1 Reading Plus Session

2) Returned graded Personal Narrative. Made any further revisions before sending to the printer.

3)Metaphorical Images: Choose an image that represents what you are thankful for. The image needs to be unlike, abstract, different than what you are thankful for. Example: White out tape represents forgiveness.

After you choose your image, you can just quick draw it in the center of a blank paper and make a list of what it symbolizes.

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11/22/11 B


1)  4 Reading Plus Sessions.  Level E or below may log 70% or better.  Level F or above may log 80% or better.


~Write your name, date, and period.

~Write 1 full, robust, image filled sentence describing a snapshot or moment in your Thanksgiving break.

I look forward to reading your sentences!!

Enjoy your family…laugh alot…encourage eachohter…love others well!!

Have a thoughtful Thanksgiving!!

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