1/17/12 Tuesday B

Welcome back from a 3 day weekend!! I hope you started your Pauahi Reflection…it’s due on Thursday with your Photostory project.


1) Noun ws pgs. 8 & 9

2) 4 Reading Plus Sessions, 70% or better by 1/22

3) Photostory project and Reflection due on Thursday

I am excited to see your projects!!

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1/13/12 Friday A


1)  Pauahi Project Reflection (see link below for document)

-3 clearly written paragraphs

-due Friday

2)  Reading Plus

-2 sessions of 70% or better by Sunday night.

Have a fabulous weekend!!


Perpetuating the Legacy reflection rubric

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1/12/12 Thursday B


1) “O” in SOAP for James 1:2-4
-write 1 paragraph
-topic sentence
-3 supporting details

2) Choose a verse from the bible that our class can use for future SOAP memory verses.
-Write verse in tablet.
-Follow instructions on pink/salmon colored paper.
**Write 1 well formed paragraph
**Topic Sentence
**3 supporting reasons why you chose the verse and/or it’s importance to our lives and relationship with God.
**Closing sentence that restates your topic sentence and/or briefly summarizes the main point of the paragraph.

I’m excited to read how the Holy Spirit is revealing Himself to you through the Truth of God’s word as you persevere toward righteousness and walk in the Light of life!!

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1/10/12 Tuesday B

Welcome back and Happy New Year!! I’m excited for all the adventures God has in store for us this quarter!!


1) Grammar w/s pg. 5, 59. On pg. 59, remember to use editing marks for sentence first, and the rewrite the sentence correctly.

2) Bring bible to class so you can choose a SOAP scripture for our class.

3) 2 Reading Plus sessions to be completed by 1/15

Reminder: NWEA Testing on Thurs. and Fri.

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1/9/12 Monday A

Welcome back ‘ohana!! It is exciting to start another quarter with your children. We will be finishing up our Pauahi Unit and starting another project based learning experience.


1) Grammar ws – pg. 5, 59

2) Bring bible to class on Wed.

3) 2 Reading Plus by 1/15

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12/15/11 Thursday B

What a day!! Good News Awards this morning, followed by the pool, lunch, Founder’s Day practice, and period 6.

Friday will be filled with all school Founder’s Day practice in the morning, lunch, 6th grade team building activities, and then our middle school Christmas Assembly.

Don’t forget to wash and iron your chapel clothes. Boys..make sure your hair is not touching your ears or collar, and the your side burns are not longer or below your earlobes.

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12/12/11 Monday B

Homework and Reminders:

1) SOAP: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Turn in Tuesday or Wednesday to Mrs. Shiraishi…before school, in the library, after school, recess, after lunch recess…no excuses!

2) Unit Hw:
Narration needs to be written completely so you can come back to record.
Images need to be accessible so you can upload them to your Photo Story.
Music needs to be chosen. You can copy it to a flashdrive and upload to your project.

You can email or Blog me during the break if you have questions. I won’t be checking everyday, but will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Wedenesday: Movies, home lunch, FunFactory

Thursday: Good News Awards, pool (bring swimming clothes), Founder’s Day Practice, Period 6.

Friday: Founder’s Day Practice, box lunch, Team Bldg games on the field, Christmas Assembly.

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12/10/11 Friday A

Our journey toward discovering ways we can honor and perpetuate Pauahi’s legacy in our actions continues. We were in the library the last couple of days and will end this quarter in the Keanolani Learning Center next Monday and Tuesday.

Middle School Social Day – Wednesday
Wear: Red IMUA shirt (or any solid red shirt)
regular school bottoms
Where: Movies, lunch, Fun Factory
What to bring: home lunch


1) Unit Hw (Will differ depending on what group needs to accomplish and has assigned to each member.)

2) 4 Completed Reading Plus Sessions, 70% or better.

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12/7/11 Wednesday A

Research continues…. We are in the library through next week, working on gathering more information and images to tell the story of how we can honor Pauahi’s legacy.


1) Unit Hw (will vary based on groups delegation of responsibilities)

1) Pauahi Presentation Reflection.
See instructions on green paper. Must be at least 1 page. (Front side only)

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12/6/11 Tuesday B

Students have been diligently collaborating, discussing, searching, investigating Pauahi and her legacy. Graphic organizers, vocabulary and image searches are underway to prepare for the creation of their digital story. We will be in the Keanolani Learning Center the next two class periods to learn how to use technology to accomplish this.


1) Unit HW (This will vary, depending on group distribution of responsibilities.)

2) Look for and save onto your flash drive, powerful images that will help to tell your aspect of Pauahi’s story.

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