8/24/12 A


1.  Freak the Mighty

  • Finish Study Guide #26-30
  • Study for test: Study Guide, Vocab words-definitions and spelling

2.  4 Reading Plus sessions completed by 8/26

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8/23/12 B


1.  Freak the Mighty:  Study

  • 20 vocabulary words – know spelling and definition
  • Study Guide

2.  Study for Memory Verse Quiz on 8/27

  • In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37
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8/22/12 A


1.  Freak the Mighty:

  • Study Guide – 1-25
  • Vocabulary Cards – word, definition, fully colored illustration

2.  Study for Memory Verse Test on Friday – Romans 8:37

3.  4 Reading Plus Sessions by 8/26

4.  Open House on Thursday from 6-8pm

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8-21-12 B


1.  Freak the Mighty:

  • Complete Study Guide
  • Study Vocab Cards: Definition and Spelling
  • Test on 8/29

2.  4 Reading Plus Sessions at 80% or better:  Due by 8/26

Class sessions leading up to the test will be spent reviewing and discussing story elements, study guide questions, and vocabulary.

Hope to meet you at Open House on Thursday!!


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8/20/12 A

Reminder:  Open House this Thursday, 6pm – 8pm

Memory Verse for last week and this week (Test on Fri (A) or Mon (B) ):

In all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  Romans 8:37



1.  Freak the Mighty: Study definition and spelling of vocabulary words.

2.  Freak the Mighty: Character worksheet.  Some the characters may not have nicknames.  Skim the text to make sure.

3.  Freak the Mighty Test on Tuesday, 8/28.

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8/20/12 B


Parent session this Saturday, 8/18. Guest speaker, Dr. Ellen Caringer will share information on the transitioning middle school student.

NWEA Language Usage test: Monday or Tuesday in English.


1.  Read Freak the Mighty chapters 20-25

2.  Finish Freak the Mighty Vocabulary cards

3.  Finish Freak the Mighty Character worksheet.

4.  Complete at least 4 Reading Plus Sessions by Sunday, 8/19.

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8/16/12 A


1.  Read Freak the Mighty chapters 20 – 25.

2.  Get an English folder if you don’t have one already.

3.  Yearbook pictures tomorrow…look cutie!!

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8/15/12 B


1.  Read Freak the Mighty chapters 15-19.

2.  English Folder: If you don’t already have a folder or file, specifically for English, please get one to help keep your things organized.

3.  NWEA Reading Test tomorrow during Period 2.

4.  Yearbook pictures on Friday.

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Freak the Mighty Response 8/15 and 8/16

Add your comment on your thoughts of Freak the Mighty.  What do you think about the book?  What parts of the book are interesting and stand out to you?  What parts can you relate to or are similar to something that may have happened in your life?


I look forward to reading your thoughts!

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8/14/12 A


Chapel tomorrow, white shirts, skirts for girls and long pants for boys.

Picture taking on Friday.  Don’t forget your forms and money if you’re purchasing pictures.  Come to school looking cutie…and handsome!!

Open House for Middle School on Thursday, 8/23.

All belt buckles must be plain without brand logos.


1.  Read Freak the Mighty chapters 15-19.

2.  Complete 1 Reading Plus session, PAVE and Guided Reading, by Sunday, 8/19.


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