Upcoming Information

Magnet Projects are all due on Wednesday, 9/19.  Any projects turned in on Thursday will only receive 1/2 credit.

All classes will have English and Science time to complete projects on Wednesday.

September 27th Team Apapane EOQ(End of the Quarter) Day
~During Block 1 and 2 
(Students will still go to lunch, I Mua, Elective and Math/PE)

  • come dressed in swimming attire (see HB for proper attire) and slippers – apply sunscreen
  • bring snack, towel, KS uniform, shoes & socks

Friday, 9/28 – Monday 10/8  Fall Break

Tuesday, 10/9  Students return to School

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9/24/12 A

Sentence Test will be given after the break.  We will review when we return.


1.  Work on Magnet Project: paragraphs, pictures, captions.

2.  Paragraph Packet.

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9/21/12 B


1. Look for pictures to go with paragraphs.  Save on flashdrive and bring to school.

2.  4 Reading Plus sessions by 9/23/12.  Students should have a total of 24 completed sessions at 80% or better.

Sentence Test will be given after the break.  We will review when we return.

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9/20/12 Back to School


1.  15 Structure Sentences in tablet.  2 of each structure must be informational facts about magnets.  Due: A – 9/21,  B – 9/24.


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9/219/12 B


1.  2 draft outlines (2 of the 5 papers with the Essential Question, Topic Sentence, bullets, details, and Conclusion)

2.  2 draft paragraphs in tablet using the 2 draft outlines.  SKIP LINES so you have room to edit and revise.

3.  4 Reading Plus by 9/23.  You should have a total of 24 sessions at 80% or better.

TEST next week on sentence types and structures.


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9/18/12 Back to School


1.  15 structure sentences in tablet:  5 simple sentences, 5 compound sentences, 5 complex sentences.  2 of the 5 sentences need to be facts about magnets.  DUE 9/19 (B) OR 9/21 (A).

2.  Take English notes to science.

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9/17/12 A


1.  2 draft outlines

2.  Using your 2 draft outlines, write 2 draft paragraphs in your tablet.  SKIP LINES SO YOU CAN REVISE AND EDIT.

3.  4 Reading Plus sessions by 9/23.

You should have a total of 24 sessions for this quarter.

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9/14/12 B

Back to School Day:  See you on Tuesday OR Thursday with your parent or adult.


1.  4 Types of Sentences Packet, pgs. 4-6

2.  Read and highlight magnet article.  We will complete Cornell Notes in class.

3.  4 Reading Plus Sessions Completed by 9/16.  You should have a total of 20 completed sessions by 9/16.

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9/13/12 A


1.  4 Types of Sentences Packet, pgs. 4-6

2.  4 Reading Plus Sessions Completed by 9/16

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9/12/12 B

Memory Verse:

I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:13

1. Shade ALL 4 sentence types in the reading passage Just Friends, using 4 different colors. All sentences on the front side of the passage should be shaded. Use notes from class.

2. 4 Reading Plus Sessions by 9/16.

3. Memory Verse Quiz on Friday, 9/14.

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