12/14/12 B


1)  Read your book report book you checked out of the library. We’ll discuss book report options when we return from winter break.

2) RP or any unfinished work that needs to be turned in

3) Pool day tomorrow!  Come to school in regular uniform. You can wear bathing suit under your uniform.  Remember to bring underclothes to change into after the pool.

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12/13/12 A


1) Start reading book report book.

2) Reading Plus if needed.

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12/11/12 B


1)  Study for Pauahi Test on Friday

  • Study Guide
  • Vocab: know how to spell vocab words
  • study the 3 articles

2)  Pauahi Reflection Writing Due on Friday

  • use brainstorm worksheet to plan writing that answers the Essential Question
  • type or neatly write one paragraph

Middle School Social Day on Wednesday

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12/7/12 B


Pauahi Digital Story project will be due after Winter Break.

Test and Reflection Writing will be due before break.

1) Complete Pauahi Study Guide.  We will review next class so you can study for test.

2)  Work on digital project tasks that you discussed with your partner.

3)  RP sessions must be completed by Sunday night.

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12/6/12 A


1)  Pauahi Project Research

  • save on flashdrive and bring to class

2)  Pauahi Test Study Guide

  • Test on Thursday, 12/13

3) Reading Plus – ALL sessions should be completed by Sunday, 12/9

  • Totally number of completed sessions will vary depending on level.
  • Refer to your RP log to ensure all sessions are completed
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12/5/12 B


1)  Pauahi Project Research

  • save on flashdrive and bring to school

2)  Vocabulary Study Guide

3)  RP

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12/4/12 A


1)  Task worksheet: due at the end of class on Thursday.

2)Simile, Metaphor, Personification worksheet

3) Reading Plus: 4 sessions.  This is the last week of Reading Plus for this quarter!!  Let’s finish strong!

3)  Work on Pauahi project at home.  Gather info, images, create whatever you can and save it on your flash drive to bring to school.  Class time should be used to work on Photo Story 3, the digital story program.  Unless you have that program on your home computer, you will not be able to work on that part of your project at home.

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12/3/12 A


1)  Task worksheet due at the end of the period on Wednesday.

2)  Simile, Metaphor, Personification worksheet

3) Finish Article 3. Read the directions on the green paper you glued in your tablet.

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11/30/12 A


1)  Article 3 Assignment:  Highlight important information and circle and list unfamiliar words.  Check green assignment sheet for details.

2)  Punctuation worksheets: pgs. 19-22

3) Task worksheet: due 12/6

4) Reading Plus: 4 sessions

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11/29/12 B


1) Finish Article 2.  See green Assignment Sheet that was glued into your tablet.

2)  Read and do assignment for Article 3. See green Assignment Sheet that was glued into your tablet.

3)  Task worksheet:  Due 12/5

4)  Punctuation worksheets pgs. 19-22

5) Reading Plus: 4 sessions this week

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