2/7/13 A


1)  Comma Packet pgs. 87-90

2)  Comma Quiz, Monday, 2/11 – STUDY

  • 10 comma rules
  • examples in packet
  • know why you are using each comma in your packet
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2/6/13 B


1)  Comma Packet pgs. 87-90

  • Study the 10 Comma Rules and examples in packet for Quiz on Friday.

2)  Read library book.

3) Book Report due and Presentations on 2/20


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2/5/13 A


1)  Comma Packet pgs. 79-86

2)  Text Feature Quiz on Thurs. – Study!!

3)  Read book report book.

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2/4/13 B


1)  Comma Pkt pgs. 79-86

2)  Text Feature Quiz on Wed. – STUDY

3)  Read book report book

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2/1/13 A


1)  Comma Packet pgs. 71-78 only

2) Read library book

3)  Reading Plus

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1/30/13 A


1)  Comma Worksheet pgs. 93-94

2)  Read Library Book for 30 mins.

3)  Reading Plus

4)  Friday: Wear red t-shirts…Po`alima `Ula `ula

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1-30-13 A


1)  Comma Worksheet pgs. 93-94

2) Read library book for 30 mins.

3) Reading Plus

Friday: Wear red I Mua t-shirts for Po`alima `Ula `ula

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1/27/13 A


No homework today.  We enjoyed “The Living Waters” play at the MACC this morning.

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1/25/13 B

Monday: Excursion to the MACC.  We will be back to campus for lunch and our kickball competition!!! 



1) Read library book for 30 mins.  Bring book to class.

2)  Reading Plus

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1/24/13 A

Charles Reed Bishop Chapel tomorrow!!  White polos.


1)  Read library book for 30 mins. Bring book to class every time we meet.

2)  RP

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