4/29/13 B


1)  Review Packet

2) Poetry Page: DUE on Wed. You will have about 30 mins in class to work on it.  This is JUST a revision time.  The project should come to class done.

3) Reading Plus…hang in there!!!  We are almost done!  You are all showing such great progress!!

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4-25-13 B


1) End It Right worksheet pg.4-5.

2)  Literary Terms Packet:

  • Read all terms
  • highlight words you confidently know

3)Reading Plus

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4/24/13 A


1)  Enjoy TFK!!

2) Work on Poetry Page.  Create 2 pgs. including at least 4 of your original poems. Creatively design your page. All 54 pages will be included in a Poetry Book that will be printed for each of you.  YOu may use any program you’d like.  This will not be graded, but the reward will be the opportunity to share your talent with your classmates and their ‘ohana!!

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4/23/13 B


1) Enjoy TFK

2) Work on poetry pg.

3) Reading Plus

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4/23/13 B


1) Study for Poetry Test

2)  Poem Rubric

3)  Reading Plus

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4/19/13 B


1) Study for Poetry Test

  • 1B on 4/23
  • 2B on 4/25

2)  Read and do:

  • “Ripples”
  • “There’s A Hole In My Sidewalk”

3) Poem Rubric – Due at the end of class on Tuesday 4/23

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4/18/13 A


1) Study for Poetry Test on 4/24, Wednesday. Use notes that were on board.

2) Read and Do:

  • Ripples by James W. Foley
  • There’s A Hole In My Sidewalk by Poria Nelson

3)  Reading Plus

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4/17/13 B


1) Poem worksheet

2) Revise and put poems on a word document to prepare for our class poem book and your digital project.  Rubrics and directions will be given over the next couple of classes.

3)  Reading Plus

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4/16/13 B


1)  Poem Worksheet

2)  Revise and put all poems on a word doc.  Copy to a flash drive and bring to school to work on your final digital and published project.

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4/15/13 B


1) Finish “The Brook” packet

2)  Write a poem from the perspective of an inanimate object.

  • at least 10 lines
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