12/5/13 B and A


1) Pauahi Content and Vocab Study Guide: Due Friday
2) Work on digital project. Find all pics and music at home so class time can be spent fine tuning project.

Digital Project Due Dates:
A – 12/6 (Friday)
B – 12/9 (Monday)

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11/27/13 B

1) Project Hw: (This will vary. Students should have met with their partners and discussed what needed to be done over the break. i.e. look for images to support the claim in your argument writing, metaphorical images, music.

2) Blog: Watch the link below for ideas for your project. Look specifically at image choices, music, narration, text. Is it appealing? What components stood out to you?


3)Reading Plus

4)Digital Planning Sheet due 12/5

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11/26/13 B


1) Project HW…this should have been discussed with your partner to determine what each of you will do over the long break to be able to come back on Monday ready to jump into your digital project. Look for some metaphorical images to create a strong convincing story.

2) Check out the digital projects on the link below. Look for components that are appealing and convincing to the audience…that help tell a powerful story.

Schooltube examples

3) Reading Plus

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11/25/13 B

1) Save 5 powerful images for digital project. Choose some metaphorical images.

View the example we watched in class..The Fate of Our Earth

Watch some of the others on the Schooltube link to get ideas.

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11/22/13 A

1) Reading Plus
2) look for images for digital project

Here is the url for the digital project example we watched in class. Think about using impactful metaphorical images to powerfully support your claim and tell your story!


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11/21/13 B

1) Argument Writing: Due 11/25
2) Reading Plus
3) Images for digital story…SORRY!! THIS HOMEWORK IS FOR NEXT CLASS

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11/20/13 A

1) Argument Writing: Due 11/22 (20 mins provided in class to revise and print)
2) Progress Report with parent signature
3) Reading Plus

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11/19/13 B

1) PREP Outline: Due 11/21
2) Research evidence
3) Reading Pluss
4) Progress Report signed

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11/15/13 B

1) work on PREP Argument Writing Outline: Due 11/21
2) RP – Complete all sessions for this week and any make ups by Sunday at 5:59pm
3) Can start researching for evidence for argument writing

PREP Argument Writing Outline:
Arugument Writing Outline Pauahi Project

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11/14/13 A

1) PREP Outline
~ Formulate your question for argument writing
~research the topic in question to find credible evidence to support your position/claim
~Outline due 11/20

2) Comma worksheet
3) Reading Plus

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