1/17/14 B

1) Read: “Surviving an Embarrassing Situation”
2) Complete graphic organizer on the back
3) Reading Plus

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1/16/14 A

1) “Surviving an Embarrassing Situation”
~Read personal narrative
~Do graphic organizer (G.O.)

2) Reading Plus

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1/15/14 B

1) Personal Narrative worksheet:
~read Giving Life
~fill out Personal Narrative Practice Guide 1 using Giving Life
2)Reading Plus

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1/14/14 A

1) Personal Narrative worksheet:
~read Giving Life
~fill out Personal Narrative Practice Guide 1 using Giving Life
2)Reading Plus

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1/13/14 B

1) Using your Personal Narratives notes, list a full tablet page of bulleted possible ideas for personal narrative writings.
2) Reading Plus

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1/10/14 A

1) Personal Narrative: Bullet a 1 page list of personal experiences that you could possibly write a personal narrative about.
2) Reading Plus

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1/9/14 B

Welcome back Class of 2020!! Happy New Year!

1) Write 2014 Goal paragraph in your tablet. Include evidence on how you will specifically accomplish your chosen 2014 goal.

2) Reading Plus

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12/12/13 A

1) Reading Plus: Last week…finish strong!! We will start up again when we return from winter break.

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12/6/13 A

1) Study for Pauahi Test next Tuesday.
2) Reading Plus

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12/5/13 B

1) Finish Study Guide and reading and highlighting timeline article.
2) Pauahi Digital Project
A – Due 12/6
B – Due 12/9

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