2/3/14 B


1) Choose a personal narrative topic to take to a final product. Use the PN G.O. to plan your writing. Finish G.O. at home and bring it to class ready to start a rough draft.

2) Study for the Words on the Vine quiz. Miss/Mitt (to send) – Quiz on Wednesday.

  • know the definitions of 10 vocab words
  • know how to spell them
  • study last weeks words: foli


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1/31/14 A


1) Read the narrative book you checked out from the library for at least 60 mins this weekend.

2) Reading Plus

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1/30/14 B


1) Write 2 pgs of a personal narrative. You can continue a previous writing, start a new one, write a little about a couple of different topics….at least 2 pgs.

2)  Words on the Vine pg. 5 #1-10

3) Reading Plus

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1/29/14 A


1) Write 2 pgs of a personal narrative. You can continue a previous writing, start a new one, write a little about a couple of different topics….at least 2 pgs.

2)  Words on the Vine pg. 5 #1-10

3) Memory Verse Quiz

4) Reading Plus

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1/28/14 B


1) Words on the Vine workbook

  • Do page 4. You can double check the definitions on Dictionary.com
  • Do the assignment on the bottom of pg 4. Make sure that the sentences you create show an understanding of the vocabulary word.

2) Reading Plus

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1/27/14 A


1) Words on the Vine workbook

  • Do page 4. You can double check the definitions on Dictionary.com
  • Do the assignment on the bottom of pg 4. Make sure that the sentences you create show an understanding of the vocabulary word.

2) Reading Plus

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1/27/14 B


1) Read and complete directions on The Climb.

2)  Complete all Reading Plus sessions.

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1/23/14 A


1) Read and follow directions for The Climb.

2) Reading Plus…Finish ALL sessions

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1/22/14 B


1) Words on the Vine pg. 2 #1-10

2) Definitions for 10 foli words. Do in tablet.

3) G.O. revisions

Charles Reed Bishop Chapel this Friday

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1/21/14 A


1) Words on the Vine booklet: page 2 #1-10

2) Revise graphic organizers.

3) Reading Plus

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