“I Will Follow”

Here is the song that the Praise and Worship Team will be doing for the September ‘Ekalesia or Chapel Service.  E nā haumāna, be sure to practice every day!  When we do it for Jesus, it will always be blessed!

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Do it online!

Want to share about what God has done for you?! Go to the link below and post a short note about how God has blessed you today, how has He answered a prayer, or just been there for you.   You can share something daily or weekly!  It is a place where we can share all the great things that God does for us, and it will be an awesome way to encourage others too!  It’s amazing what we will realize and see (what God is doing) when we are looking for it! Let’s see who will be the first to post! 


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Flash Back!

Check out all the cool stuff that the ES Ministry did last school year, right towards the end of the year.  We had a wonderful time opening the Ho’olaule’a with prayer and praise and worship, along with some of the members of Kahikolu Church.  Later we had our end of the year lunch where we celebrated everyone’s participation and all that God had done.  Finally, we went on an outreach visit to the Life Center of Hilo where the students shared song, scripture and prayer with the kupuna there.  A very blessed year!

Ministry sign up is coming up next week!  I look forward to all the returning members as well as all the new students who want to join!


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Happy New School Year!

It is our very first day of school and I hope that everyone had a wonderful and blessed time!  My prayer for each of us is that we learn to love God more as well as each other, that we do our best with the tasks that are before us and that we do it pono!  That we are genuine living examples of our Christian and Hawaiian values too.  Let us also trust the Lord as He leads us this year!  May God bless each of us abundantly!

Please continue to visit my blog to get updates about Christian Education classes, Ministry, and Chapel services and more.

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Meet Our Keiki Kahu


This year our keiki kahu was/is Pōmai, a 5th grader in Mrs. Ah Hee’s class.  A while back she was asked to share what it’s like to be a keiki kahu,  and here is what she said.

“To me being  keiki kahu is a great responsibility, but I know that God is always with me.  I have a feeling that God is putting me on a path and He wants me to follow Him.  I want to share God’s love with everyone in elementary too. He’s giving me an opportunity.  God’s leading me in a path he chose only for me.  I’ve come closer to God through this experience and God has been changing me so much.  I have all the pleasure of serving God/Jesus through being keiki kahu.  Being keiki kahu gives me a chance to reach out to other people in ways I wasn’t able to do before.  I am here to worship God and give Him all the glory, honor, and praise!”

That is some great mana’o, Pōmai!  We sure are going to miss you as our keiki kahu, but Middle School will be receiving a great leader for Jesus!

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Kahu and the Keiki


Kahu Wendell Davis poses for a photo with the members of the Elementary Ministry.  This or a similar photo will be featured in  an upcoming issue of the KS alumni I MUA magazine.


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Easter Convocation


Easter Convocation was held this past Monday, April 2nd.  K through 8 were present as we worshipped the Lord with gladness.  The 5th graders presented “The Queen’s Prayer”, a mele written by Queen Lili’uokalani during her imprisonment at ‘Iolani Palace.  The 5th graders had much practice with this mele during their 5th grade play last week.  The Middle School Praise and Worship Team also presented a wonderful song entitled, “Stand By Me”, and they did it acapella!  Such a blessing. 

Kahu Davis’ message caused us think of how we are campaigning for Jesus.  Students from the Elementary Deputation Team, Pōmai, Ho’onani, Kaili, Na’eole, and Maka’ala created posters of how they would share Jesus Christ with others.  Kahu Davis shared various shirts and a visor that shared God’s message. 

It is our last K-8 Easter Convocation with Kahu Wendell Davis as he is retiring this school year.  It was a blessed service.

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Resurrection Day!


Also known widely as Easter, Resurrection Day, is the celebration of Jesus Christ’s overcoming the world and rising on the third day after His death on the cross.  We might at times sort of overlook this meaningful time of year as we focus around other spring activities.  However, this event in history is what the entirety of Christianity around the world, and for the past 2,000 plus years, is based.  It is the foundation of the Christian faith.  Jesus, the One and only Son of God, died on the cross carrying the sin of every person in the world.  He made a way to come before God and communicate with Him directly. Jesus is the bridge, the way, the truth and the life.  Often people like to lay blame on certain groups for the death of Jesus.  But I like to say that what really put Jesus on the cross was LOVE. It was God’s unending love for us and the immense love of Jesus, and that in reality, it had to happen. It was the ultimate sacrifice. It fulfilled God’s promise.

As we draw closer to Good Friday and Easter Sunday, let us reflect and draw closer to the Lord.  Give thanks for all He has done, and put into action all His teachings.

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Wednesday Night Worship Services

Please join us on Wednesday evenings for our Mid-Week Worship Service. They are held in the William Charles Lunalilo Center, also called Lunalilo Hale, under the Bishop Memorial Chapel Hawai’i. Service begins at 6pm. Come and worship, fellowship, and spend time learning more about God, His heart, and His love for each of us.

Hebrews 10:25 “not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”


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Video Clips Of ‘Ekalesia

Please enjoy the clips below.  Mahalo to Mrs. Chang for her help!

Kindergarten doing a song/medley entitled “Create in Me/Children of the King”

3rd grade, under the direction of Mrs. Debus do the mele “He Pule”, written by Lili’uokalani.

The students said a prayer for the Charlie Company, a group from Hawai’i that is now stationed in Afghanistan…Mahalo for all you do and may God bless each of you!

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