Happy New School Year!

Aloha mai kākou!  Welcome back to another wonderfully blessed school year.  I was out for a while enjoying my baby, but am back this year and I am excited!  I pray that God will bless, guide, cover, and protect each of us as we all grow together, work together, and grow in our pilina with one another.  I also pray we learn to better trust His guidance and have the courage to follow His lead, as our beloved Ke Ali‘i Pauahi did.

Have a blessed new school year!

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October Chapel


Last chapel was filled with God’s Spirit as He taught our keiki and kumu about “Hana Pono” or doing what is right.  Our students even presented a skit about issues they brought up in one of our God Squad meetings.  These issues covered bullying, lying, doing what’s right when no one is watching, and having the courage to do pono especially when it’s hard.  There was beautiful mele offered by students, faculty and staff, and a blessed mana‘o by Kahu Kaunaloa.  5th grader, Avani, also stepped up and led our Praise and Worship Team in the hīmeni, “I Love You Lord.”

Please click on the link to enjoy the photos and video taken by Kumu Chang!



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September Kula Ha‘aha‘a Chapel

It was a very blessed and Spirit-filled time together as we praised God and gave Him thanks for the new school year.  Mahalo to Kumu Chang for all the wonderful pics and to our Kula Ha‘aha‘a Ministry keiki who help lead and bring a spirit of worship through mele.  Mahalo to Kahu Kaunaloa and Kumu Kensy for their kāko‘o and leadership, and to Mrs. Debus for your musical kõkua!  E nā keiki, that is what teamwork, ‘ohana, and paddling in the same wa‘a is like.  We work together for something good and pono!

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Papa ‘elima recently had a lesson about prayer. E nā keiki, please watch the video link and share your mana‘o in the comments about it. Here are some questions to think about when you respond.  You don’t need to answer all of the questions, but you must respond/reflect on one of them.

Is there anything else you would add to the mana‘o shared in this video? Why or why not?
How are you feeling or what are you thinking about the information? Explain.
Is there something new that you learned or connected to? Explain.

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Keiki Kahu 2016-2017

PicCollageIt is a blessing to announce that Ka‘ōiwikapuokalani, from 5B, will be our Keiki Kahu for this school year! She has already had her first kuleana where she read the Call to Worship for our All School Convocation! She did a wonderful job! Please congratulate Ka‘ōiwi when you see her and please continue to encourage and pray for her and the kuleana she carries as this year’s Keiki Kahu at our Kula Ha‘aha‘a.

Please click here to view more photos of our opening All School Convocation held on Friday, August 12, 2016.

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A Keiki Kahu’s Words


Today, our Keiki Kahu, Jayden, shared a word with the ES ministry. He taught them the value of “applying what you know”. In other words, if you know what you are supposed to to, then do it. Jayden also shared how we have to work alongside with God to get things done. He said that we can rely on God, pray too, but there are times we will need to also make the efforts to reach a goal. He said he asked God to give him a message for days, but it wasn’t until he used his Bible app and put fort the effort into scrolling, that God revealed a message to him. Awesome message, Jayden. God bless you for your courage to speak and teach and for being open to His leading!

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Papa ‘Elima: HO’OMAU (Perseverance)


We recently discussed the value of Ho‘omau/Perseverance in class. We had the example of the honu hatching, the movie clip about the football player doing a “bear crawl” into the end zone, and Daniel getting thrown into the lion’s den. All of these examples teach us about what perseverance, not giving up, looks like in action. All year we have been learning to see things from God’s kuana‘ike by looking to the source of His Word, the Bible. We have also discussed how so many things are interdependent/kūkauka‘i with each other.

Please watch the clip below to see how someone’s kūlana was changed because he realized that our good God does not give up on us. After you watch the video, please reflect and answer these questions.

    1. What are you thinking/feeling/wondering about after watching this video?
    2. How is Ho‘omau interdependent with another value that you learned in class this year?

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Jesus is Alive!

Today we had a blessed Easter Chapel.  We praised the Lord and learned about the day He was no longer found in the tomb.  God promised that Jesus would be raised from the dead and He was!  Jesus showed His great love for us by dying on the cross for all our sins from the past, now and forever.  God showed His great power by bringing Jesus back to show the world that through Jesus, we have eternal life too!  May the real message of this Easter Season, Good Friday, or what some call, Resurrection Sunday, be deep in your heart and bring you much peace, joy, and comfort!

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Papa ‘Elima-Kūkauka‘i


In Christian Education classes this year we have learned about the Bible, Prayer, ‘Ohana, Friendship, Choosing a Pono Path, Mālama, Faith, and Courage.  We discussed how kūkauka‘i or interdependence (the depending on each other, the needed connection or pilina to each part) is in each of these lessons and that it takes seeing things from God’s kuana‘ike or perspective to maopopo how important, valuable and deep our values are.

We had examples of the water cycle, rain forrest,  how so many people worked together for one convocation, and how your own body system shows us what interdependence looks like.

In the comments below, explain how all our lessons above (Bible, Prayer, ‘Ohana, Friendship, Choosing a Pono Path, Mālama, Faith, and Courage) show or are interdependent of each other.

  • Due next week Friday, February 19
  • Write complete, well-thought out sentences in a paragraph
  • Please revise and edit before submitting
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Christmas Ministry Party


To celebrate the birth of Jesus and to have fellowship, the Ministry keiki had a Christmas pā’ina the week of Founder’s Day.  We ate pizza and cake, made Christmas cards for kupuna, and shared mana’o about what we have learned so far.  I pray blessing over all our keiki, that they continue to have a desire to serve the Lord and His people in big and small ways, just as our Ke Ali’i Pauahi did!

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